I'll take a break from my break to say "I told you so" - Information War and Fake News and Antisemitism, oh my!

in #informationwar8 years ago (edited)

Three days ago, I published this on Steemit:
Why I think the recent hate threats against Jews are coming from the Left [UPDATED: 3/1/17]

I updated that piece the day after with this piece at Ace of Spades, NYT Only Begins Reporting on Jewish Cemetery Desecrations After Trump's Election; Paper Has Long History of Ignoring Such Events, or Minimizing Them as Inconsequential, which suggested there may have not been a actual rise in these crimes, but simply that these crimes were not reported under the Obama admin.

Even Trump recognized the propaganda angle of the rise in anti-Jewish threats,
Donald Trump casually suggests rise in anti-Semitic threats could be fake 'false flag' operation

And so we come to today:
Suspect Who Phoned 8 Bomb Threats To Jewish Community Centers Arrested…And He’s A Left-Wing Fake News Reporter

So good news for the American Jewish community, and good news in The Information War!

a little gloating never hurts ;>


After growing up going to huge churches, full of right wingers, and then being educated in left wing schools, I have seen way more antisemitism among the left. They hide it better, but there is definitely more of all racism, and bigotry in general, on the left. The left are even bigoted against words.

A lot is made of the Christians blaming all Jews for the death of Jesus, but I was taught that a people could not be blamed for the actions of a few. I think that amounts to collective punishment, which is a war crime under the Geneva conventions. This puts a serious crimp in the "blame game", as played by cultural marxists. The next time someone says you are guilty of something, simply for being male, this is a war crime.

Christians are also taught not to judge, that only God can judge. I admit, most of them are not very good at following this teaching, but it is still part of Christianity.

In Numbers 14:18, it says "The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation."

I have begun to see the "sins of the father" idea show up in things like epigenetics, which I have read people say can affect descendants to even the twelfth generation, but that still doesn't make all relatives of someone, guilty for all time, for something a handful of people allegedly did two millennia ago.

All that being said, I don't count myself as a Christian anyway.

They hide it better, but there is definitely more of all racism, and bigotry in general, on the left.

When I worked at the public access TV station, I simultaneously produced a show there called Austin Minutemen; it was about the political and economic damage of illegal immigration. There was a a few far-left people working there, and one of them would repeatedly make anti-Hispanic remarks to me when we were alone. At the time, I thought he was trying to bait me to say something to be used against me at a later time...I like and have hung around far more Tejanos of middle class and working class than I have ever of upper class white liberals. My dating pool is comprised mainly of Latinas (because I like dark hair and dark eyes, but for other reasons as well). I have even liked most of the illegals I have been in acquaintance with.

Finally, I just accepted that he (the upper class white liberal) hated brown people, and it made sense to me.

A lot is made of the Christians blaming all Jews for the death of Jesus

A lot of this goes back to the early Catholic Church and it's attempt to survive in and make converts in Rome. This isn't a proven theory of course, but in Paul Johnson's A history of the Jews and in Brown et al Holy Blood and Holy Grail (when they weren't going off the rails chasing King Conman's "regal" bloodline), both make points regarding this. Blame for Jesus's death was therefore shifted away from the Romans and onto the Jews, which was passed into dogma in the Church, and still has a lingering effect, even though I agree it's not common in Christians today.

Here's what everyone misses as part of that:
It was Jesus's duty to die at the hand of man to demonstrate gd's INFINITE love and mercy for man!*

...and finally, a bit of snark from Bill Hicks

If I really thought that the Jews killed God, I'd worship the Jews

My friend David always asks, "what was Jesus dirty little secret? That he was Jewish, of course."

Hahahahaha. Take a break from my break. Yeah, I am taking a break today also. Cracked me up.

;> glad to hear it!

its easier to come back when you are gloating than it is to come back and put your back to the yoke!

Good point! Let me offer a little anecdotal evidence... I live in Arkansas, not exactly a hotbed of Semitic activity. We have a Jewish cemetery here and there's been no vandalism...NONE! One would naturally think that in a place like this (an overwhelming Trump supporting Mecca) there would be plenty of vandalism if it were coming from the "right."

what?!?!? common sense, and an expectation that patterns run true?


You mean writing for the Times is out???

maybe you should write for The Intercept... I hear they have a good personal phone-call policy LOL

Do they hire crazy old men???

just yell "power to the people" and drool a lot, you'll be an instant fit over there ;>

Well, based on how the story of the phone calls go, it does seem like something that may happen at any time and would simply not be reported. But at the same time, it always emphasizes the [point that I made here] (https://steemit.com/news/@orenshani7/the-reactive-journalist-who-did-it-201733t64031122z). I mean, he didn't actually act in the name of any ideology, but out of a freak personal vandeta.

From The Intercept

Updated: Trump Suggests Anti-Semitic Acts Might Be Faked to Make His Movement “Look Bad”

We have changed the headline of this news story to better reflect its content. Since its publication, former Intercept reporter Juan Thompson was arrested and charged with making bomb threats against Jewish Community Centers and the Anti-Defamation League.

The original headline?
Trump Can't Accept That His Allies Are Targeting Jews-- So He Blames His Opponents

he didn't actually act in the name of any ideology,

Most likely true ( I have no reason to believe he did so past a collateral effect); but I am taking two things from this:

  • the (leftist) media assumption and coverage which pushed an anti- Trump/Trump supporters slant; you will see the "Trump as anti-semite" and even coverage of antisemitic activity die down for a little while until Juan goes down the memory hole
  • he is a leftist, with the lunacy and hate that I consider to be more of a personality trait the farther to the Left one goes. (and this is also true the farther to the Right you go, but less pronounced as the Right isn't as dependent on group unity for political coherence...which also is more pronounced as you move Right)

On the funny side, from what he describes as Francesca's role in this, they were two peas in the far-Leftist pod.

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