I bring evil prophecy, not the Word of God


Before the collapses of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, prophets claiming to bring the Word of God told the Israelites that they need to shape up or that bad things were going to happen.

Jeremiah, as depicted by Michelangelo from the Sistine Chapel ceiling, from Wiki

What ended up happening?

The Israelites kept worshiping other gods and kept throwing orgies; bad things then did happen. The Assyrians came in and destroyed the Kingdom of Israel, scattering ten of the tribes like dust before the wind of history. Even with this example, the Judeans kept screwing around. So the Babylonians came in and destroyed the Kingdom of Judah and carted the Judeans into slavery.

Too bad, so sad. YHWH told you so, according to the prophets.

While you can argue about if the prophets were transmitting God's message or not, they could see that a society can not fritter it's security away on self-indulgence. They tied the security of the Israelites to obedience to God, and claimed to speak in God's name.

I tie security to matters of security and rule of law, and I do not claim that g!d stands behind my words.

The One I Lost

I have been "angry posting" for almost twenty years now. The beauty of the Internet is that you can see source documents, you can see what a "leader" said yesterday versus what he said today, and as evidence piled up, I got angrier by the year.

I started thinking about this post Saturday night, basically writing it in my mind; I was drunk, and I tend to get depressed when I do that (imagine my shocked face that a depressant has that effect!). Actually, the title had come to me when I was explaining to my friends why I didn't hang out that much. I didn't want to explain the matter past that, because everybody was having a good time (the depression part came later)

My tendency towards anger ramped up sharply since 2012, and it went beyond the increasing pile of Ministry of Truth Cliffnotes I'd been collecting.

It comes down to a woman that I lost...I chose to fight this war instead of cleaving to her. I have deleted a lot of this section; describing her, how I felt about her, how I mistreated her, how I lied to myself that I could do both my duty and to be true to her, and how I lost her. It would be dishonest to say that this was a choice that I made consciously and willingly, and not something that resulted from my indecision and hesitancy in claiming her heart for myself. This was trage-farce, not honest sacrifice. I would have had to make the same choice regardless, but I surely could have saved some pain by keeping my distance from her after I was aware of the choice. And that is all I will say about that.

I'd still be angry at the state of the world; I'd still be full of hate for these thieves and traitors...but this loss makes the anger much more intense. I blame it on them instead of myself. It's not like I need to stoke up my anger, but there is no reason not to direct my rage at people that deserve rage, ne?

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Hillary Clinton, talking about 1984, and proving the book's point instead of hers:

“Attempting to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism. This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos. This is what happens in George Orwell’s classic novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner sees five fingers as ordered. The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust toward exactly the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves.”

From Ace of Spades

And it is this control of institutions that is the problem; a street full of rioting leftists can be cleared, a terror team of Islamists can be hunted down and killed; the people organizing and financing these actions can likewise be targeted and terminated....but to have a government and media covering for their actions is to lose half the battle before it starts. To have that government indoctrinating people in Narrative instead of critical thinking skills is to lose the next 75% of the battle.

This is why Information War is so vital.

And this is all I have for people. I can't spin it into good news. I can't make people feel "special" about themselves by saying it, no one will be getting better jobs if they listen to me.

All I have is evil prophecy.

You Can Not Live in a Perpetual State of Worry and Anger

Trust me, I have tried ;>

What do you do do when everything looks bleak?

Fix bayonets and slog through the killing ground. Rub some dirt on it. Be a man. Take your punches.

You can't quit.

But neither should you dwell in bleakness...find joy where you can, and live in that joy as much as you can while you grit though the struggle.

Take pride in what you do...take breaks...live life for itself, not for only duty.

My Books


This post has received a 4.56 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @stevescoins.

Interesting set of thoughts thrown here and there . Curious to read more....

Wow. What a post! Sounds like a lot of deep thought and pain.

If you're ever in the mood for some great, self-illuminating deep thought & philosophy may I suggest the Jordan Peterson lectures? They are long but well worth the time imo.

thanks for the comment; I will check those lectures out, too

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Women and cleavers don't mix (especially when they're the one holding it). In the case of Israel, Isaiah's admonitions went unheeded and look what happened... Not that I pretend to be a Bible scholar by any stretch. I lived in a state of constant worry and inner turmoil and take the advice of an old man- It ain't worth it. Like the Serenity Prayer says, "change the things you can change and learn to accept what you can't" Good advice, we can't change shit anyway!

I'm rereading the Torah now, but I'm looking forward to Judges, and then to Prophets, and then to Proverbs...but I'm reading it in order

I always favored the "Lesser Prophets" Nahum, Habakkuk, etc. They're eally short and you can read them quick!

Women and cleavers don't mix (especially when they're the one holding it)


there's a part in my Western where the hero gets tomahawked by a woman!

Never trust women with sharp objects. I had a girlfriend once that wanted to shave me... I told her she must be fucking nuts if she thought I would let her near my throat with a razor (I wouldn't trust one with an electric!!!)

she's gotta clear a path through the bush one way or another LOL

What's this, the information war is stopping you from breeding?
We need more soldiers! Get breeding!
Nothing like children to make you even angrier at those who are willing destroy our societies. Women usually won't stab you if you do what your told😉

families are also leverage against you

Get breeding!

Very likely that part of the game being played against the West is demographics. The worst part about this are patriot/Western minded minorities that are caught in the middle.

The right woman may be out there; there is probably a whole post involved in the roadblocks I've set up to finding her, plus I'm still feeling a bit raw over this one...

The correct way to deal with from a biological point of view is to GFTOW...my own fault if I don't get out and do that

First you need to "break the seal" by sleeping with the first willing women you come across then you can find Mrs. Right.

I can play The Game when I'm of a mind to ;> I'm kind of goofy with women (w/ folks in general), but biology is biology LOL

It's the mindset, and my plans for the near future, that are the biggest roadblocks to biology ATM.

One one hand, a woman (Ms. Right or Ms. Bad LOL) would have me working from a more cheered perspective, OTOH, it's time off from my priorities.

Thinking just gets in the way of breeding.

so very true, but it also keeps you from breeding with women who are hooked up with biker gangs, or who have jealous husbands with luparas ;>

There is that,LOL

sleeping with the first willing women you come across = GFTOW

"Go Fuck Ten Other Women"

Women usually won't stab you if you do what your told😉


I missed that!

the point is to get them to do what they are told; they are happier that way, but most of them wont admit it

In my experience(18yrs married) you have to be the overall boss and leader while doing what your told. Women especially like to dominate in the home. While I'm the ultimate bad guy(when needed) with the greatest intensity my wife is the master of low intensity warfare and will stay angry until sufficiently mollified. Like everything else I have learned about people I learned from raising and breeding dogs. Female dogs guard the den and male dogs guard the territory. Most of the time when I exercise my dominance over my wife its to moderate her dominance of our children.
A very good saying I tell to my male friends who are struggling in their marriages is " You can be right or you can be married".

you have to be the overall boss and leader while doing what your told. Women especially like to dominate in the home.

Female dogs guard the den and male dogs guard the territory.

Good analogy there, and good recognition that being the overall boss doesn't mean the woman has to be ground under the heel, that she deserves respect and consideration of her lifepath

Cuz she'll stab you!

people keep sayin that women is the weaker sex, and maybe thats the truth for a lot of em. they are smaller, and got less muscle then us, but I have learnt the hard way to run scairt of the sharp side of a womans tongue, and some women carry knives sharper then their damn yaps.

from Home to Texas: Recollections of a Texas Badman - Part 9

Weaker yes, ready to cause incredible violence for very little reason, absolutely!

I notice that the more Patriarchal a society the more power women have in their private sphere.

An interesting take, but I will throw the Muslim world out there as a counter example

I had a Pakistani (canadian but born in pakistan)Muslim Women as a boss and she was also the boss of her husband. Very strong. Dare I say Ballbuster? Where my wife is from in japan(still very traditional compared to us anyways) they have a saying "Kaka Denka" which means "women rule the house". Not saying there isn't big problems in the muslim world the biggest being freedom of thought and conscience. I hate any kind of clerical fascism including the roman church( I like catholics though they have the best parties and the best food!)

ah so

Japan is a huge example of your argument; (I lived there for a year and a half); several studies indicate that many Japanese males are very much "Momma's Boys" due to the dynamic you speak of...

Nice one- thank you for sharing!

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