Formally recognize Black Lives Matter as a domestic terrorist organization

Formally recognize Black Lives Matter as a domestic terrorist organization

BLM has been consistently present at rallies and protests across the USA and even the world in which they have been attacking police and citizens. They are known to use weapons and are commonly seen in rank with ANTIFA. WE THE PEOPLE are tired of their intimidation and scare tactics and are genuinely afraid. Our first amendment rights are being squashed by groups such as this. We should not be in fear of our lives to practice free speech. And we should not be afraid to encounter them because of their racist views. And neither should our law enforcement officials. We the people petition congress to act and formally declare BLM domestic terrorists and stop their reign of terror.

We hit our 100,000 to formally petition the White House to recognize Antifa as a terrorist organization

Let's do the same for the organization behind so many assassinations of police and burned down neighborhoods


certain people...such as the Guv Of VA...Pelosi...and others come to mind..

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