DHS may start doing it's job, arresting the politicians running "sanctuary" cities - PUSH THEM TO DO IT!

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen confirmed Tuesday that her department has asked federal prosecutors to see if they can lodge criminal charges against sanctuary cities that refuse to cooperate with federal deportation efforts.
Homeland Security pursues charges against leaders of sanctuary cities

I personally have advocated for the enforcement of this law for almost two years now...
Should the "public officials" behind "sanctuary cities" be arrested for 8 USC 1324 violations? - Discussion

director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says politicians who run sanctuary cities should be charged with crimes.
(per CBS News) DHS added that politicians should be held "personally accountable" for crimes committed by people living in the US illegally. "We've got to start charging some of these politicians with crimes."

This could also set the stage for RICO prosecutuions against Democratic Party hacks at large, as harboring illegals is a RICO predicate
The RICO case against the Democratic Party

The law itself may be found here: There are NO exemptions for being a pompous do-gooder, or a democratic party hack
8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens

Report Crimes: Email or Call 1-866-DHS-2-ICE
Contact ICE HERE and let them know that you, as a citizen, expect enforcement of the laws protecting the citizens...even when the criminal is a politician!

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Tom Homan says those policies put his officers and local communities at more risk because they have to arrest illegal immigrants out in the community.

Mr. Homan told The Washington Times last July that he wanted to see local officials charged as complicit in human smuggling if they shielded illegal immigrants through sanctuary policies.


I don't know how to break this to you, but they aren't breaking any law.

It is really a case of World Wrestling Economics.
Where we have two sides, one is playing the heel, the other is playing the nice guy. When, really, they are both on the same side and they are doing things together for a future set up.

They want to destroy america.
However, there is a faction, as Catherine Austin Fitts says, wants to dump colonialism to save america.

And so, any actual move against sanctuary cities will see a horrible mess, and politicians get thrown under the bus, or we see phase 2 of why all the illegals are here.

I cited the law they are breaking. Sanctuary cities directly harbor illegals.

any actual move against sanctuary cities will see a horrible mess, and politicians get thrown under the bus, or we see phase 2 of why all the illegals are here.

agreed, but it's time to rip the scab off, one way or another.

My assumption of phase 2 is that the Left/globalists would use the illegals as shock troops/cannon fodder...is that right?

I think is war is coming regardless...the left has completely unhinged itself since 2012, and nothing other than utter submission would satisfy them.

agreed, but it's time to rip the scab off, one way or another.

THIS is the whole point.

Rather than a scab being ripped off, I see it as more akin to a festering pus filled wound, and the neat iodine has to be poured on sooner or later - if the host isn't to die from infection.

An infection that has been rampant for the last 50 years or so, and until now, has been left unchecked...

and we cant forget the deep state/gope/globalist collusion on the matter, either

it is EASY to solely blame the democong and the left, which is I did in my OP. And while I cant untangle the leftist/globalist/deep state/democong/repuke conspiracy w/o being allowed a genius tolerance for waterboarding these bastards, we know it's more than one group

this is nothing to with America per se- just the stage on which it is being played out, at the moment.
This IS bankster globalism/communism in action -and started over a hundred years ago, when marx trolled the world, and Lenin used gold from the banks to fund his operations...! (and even before that)


America is but one front in this war...but I do see it as the most important front

The most important front, by a long way - The linchpin of the worlds future -dystopia or sanity...

My utopian wish is that decentralized, capitalist, rule of law values are part of the collateral damage the rest of the world will recieve.

I dont hold out a lot of hope....but

Its not a law, its a code. Its a code violation.

Further, the people who are supposed to enforce the code, and the city mayors are both being paid to do what they are doing. They are not doing this out of charity or good will towards people.

The problem with these codes is that they have always been selectively enforced.
Which goes against our sense of justice.

The illegals are here because

  1. They need someone to work below (actual) minimum wage so that other can work at (legal) minimum wage.
  2. Demographics is a killer. Our population is shrinking. There can't be economic growth (needed for fractional reserve lending) without growing population.
  3. Destabilize the national identity of a region, so that there isn't any cohesion in the community.

The current step has been to sit on these sanctuary cities, making a lot of ruckus about it, get the people upset, and then...

I don't know. They are going to try to enforce martial law by getting some violence break outs. But nobody seems to be doing the violence, so Soros is paying for that too.

I don't know if there is a distinction between law and code, so I'll go look that up ;>

The problem with these codes is that they have always been selectively enforced.

Power means hurting your enemies and helping your friends

Demographics is a killer

We got about 35% of the population on welfare checks; (idk what % of that is disability); I see no point in bringing in unskilled labor while Americans are on welfare

Destabilize the national identity of a region, so that there isn't any cohesion in the community.

damn straight!

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Comment by @killerwhale. This is a opt-in bot.

It was only a matter of time.

it's a trial balloon at this time, IMO. we the people have to push it.

I've been yellin about this for two years, but I have never gotten

  • an answer from a politician I've asked (Governor Abbot) why this isnt being done
  • any traction on social media; no one likes or reposts these posts on facebook/twitter

If Trump was serious about draining the swamp, he's order it done...

if he doesnt think the popular will is there, he might not
and that is assuming he isnt kabuki thatre to begin with

but it comes down to a lack of will or dedication on the part of the American people to be loud in demanding this...if they wont even get this moving as a meme, it's not surprising that LE and "republican" pols won't act on the idea and put themselves at risk

What's odd about it is that nullification was part of the pre-Civil-War United States. Today's U.S. is much more centralized and FedGov is much more powerful than it was back in those days.

I don't know what's going on in the heads of the folks who are behind sanctuary cities, unless they're doing so as a kind of civil disobedience. Maybe they think they ave a chance because the elites in both the corporate sector and the university sector want amnesty: i.e., they have elites with real clout on their side.

Just imagine what would happen if there were a (very hypothetical) movement that made certain cities sanctuary cities from the IRS!

oh great, point out my double standards LOL

but wait, there are no "sanctuary" cities for liberties, other than maybe some for weed (but I'm not sure how that works out - and I do have an idea about Sessions and this unwanted drugwar escalation)

Under federalism, some powers goes to the states, and some powers go the the national gubmint.

the problem is exactly as you pointed out, more centralization of power combined with intrusion of that power into the private sphere

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