CNN's Information War to stay "relevant"

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

CNN has been taking it in the shorts with their fakenews...

Source - Zero Hedge

A Well Deserved Fall

Both Zero Hedge and Biz Pac Review have stories detailing the nosedive CNN has taken in the ratings after months of dishonesty and hypocrisy on CNN's part.

Just some of the latest scandals that CNN has been caught at:

  • Project Veritas - Van Jones "nothing burger"

  • Project Veritas - Russian Narrative is"bullshit

  • Project Veritas - Carr says voters are "stupid as shit"

  • A "Russians did it" Narrative that got three CNN execs fired (although likely to have picked up by other leftist front groups)

  • Broadcasting a a fakenews National Enquirer cover of Ted Cruz

  • The constant "technical glitch" that happens whenever someone on live air contradicted CNN's Narrative; Zero Hedge gives a partial list in this article.

  • Hypocrisy

    The brazen centerpiece of CNN's attempt to silence criticism...over a picture that mocked them, not any calls for violence or retribution against them for their lies, by the way...that simply mocked them, is CNN's enormous hypocrisy in the matter:

    CNN Wants Anonymity for Russia Story Sources but Tracks Down Private Citizen over Meme

    “CNN reporters now going after anonymity,” Ceren said in his tweet. “CNN has relied on [anonymous] sources for dozens of nonsense Trump/Russia stories, [including] retracted stories.”

    CNN's latest efforts to control information

    CNN attempts to silence it's criticism via the Information War tactics of extortion and false representation ( or straw-manning):

    The message conveyed is clear for anyone to read. If HanAssholeSolo repeats his “ugly behavior,” CNN is free to publish his identity against his wishes. And so HanAssholeSolo is being threatened by CNN into behaving a certain way or else his identity gets published and he, a private citizen who didn’t even create the meme Trump tweeted, becomes exposed to public scorn.

    For those of you that wish to Follow or support @HanAssholeSolo...

    Doubling down on stupid

    The Ministry of Truth for which CNN is the flagship must continue to double down on lies; their ONLY alternative is to admit that everything that they have been saying for the last three generations is a lie.

    It is not that they will not do is they they can not do that!

    ...and so their lies continue
    Polish Prez Debunks Fake CNN Report That His Wife Snubbed Trump’s Handshake: ‘Let’s FIGHT FAKE NEWS’

    And as the fakenews continues, the mockery of CNN goes on...

    .@TheBrandonMorse would like to make an apology that is not forced in any way.

    — TheBlaze (@theblaze) July 6, 2017

    This video is HILARIOUS!

    Is destruction of CNN's reputation enough?

    How many Americans have died as a result of Ministry of Truth lies?

    How many police officers assassinated?

    How many intelligence sources compromised?

    A destruction of their reputation is NOT enough

    Where they have broken the law, they must be jailed...
    Where they MAY have broken the law, they must be arrested and tried, and as on as many "civil rights" violations it takes to impoverish them...
    Where they go for their next employment must be boycotted and driven out of business...

    Let every man's hand be raised against them (legally, of course)

    Finally, CNN is just one component of the Ministry of Truth that has set itself against the American People

    My Books


    These guys are done soon. Trump is doing a great duty by exposing news stations like this, shaping the people for there own cause.

    If Trump has done nothing else, he has placed these traitors into a spot where their lies are obvious

    Would bet that there stock is plummeting as well!!

    I certainly hope so!

    Finaly people are opening their eyes and CNN's ratings are going down.

    you can only rub crap in someone's eyes a certain amount of time before they start blinking...and then staying away from you

    Surely the only people left swallowing that rubbish would be the normies. The more people that stay away the faster the exodus grows. I was deemed a bit of a nut job for talking against mainsteam media in the early days. But it is pretty widespread understanding that networks like that are garbage

    @stevescoins, your post is a great reminder to all of us at Steemit that we need to provide quality and reliable content. When we are more focused on pushing our own agenda and forget to make sure that we are providing great content, our audience will leave us.

    This is true for mainstream media as well.

    one of the things I stress in my writing is the need to verify, double-check, and to understand bias. Sources like CNN that claim EVERYONE ELSE but them have a bias, should be understood to be liars from the momemt they open their mouths ;>

    Great, let's see CNN ratings drop to zero! Thanks for your post @stevescoins

    Semper Fi . I think CNN is done. Maybe they will re-brand. America is a safer place without their propaganda. Good story!


    They need to rebrand as Convict News Network ;>

    I am absolutely in love with this, and glad that good ole Han has decided to reverse, we can forgive him. New Twitter account, he's been going about 16 hours now it seems, rock on.

    I guess CNN never watched Spartacus!

    I don't think the folks at CNN watch anything other than MSNBC, and THEY only watch whatever BLM/antifa youtube feeds the DNC approves for them on any given day ;>

    Couldn't happen to a bunch of nicer people :-)

    Someone from MSM recently said, that they are not there to report the news, but to shift the viewers opinions... I'm glad some people are finally noticing it

    they are propagandists...which doesn't necessarily mean lying

    but when your propaganda is to support democratic party Narrative, yes, propaganda means lying

    People would call you a tin foil hat wearer for saying that a few years ago, now the truth is widely known. I feel like it is almost common knowledge,

    CNN was associated with Hanoi Jane at one time.
    I ceased watching then...not that I ever watched it much
    I despise the format

    Even if they never sat foot in the same room or had Ted Turner linking them, they would still be brothers and sisters in treason

    Finally the people woke up for the Fake news

    Great True News :)

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