Brainstorming - organizing the Right

This won't be long, I'm going to throw out some references and some general thoughts.

No man escapes when freedom fails
The best men rot in filthy jails.
And those who cried, "Appease! Appease!"
Are hanged by those they tried to please.
— Author unknown

Organizing the Right

It doesn't take much to recognize that despite the massive repudiation of the Democrats and the left in the last election, Americans are not getting their rights restored, nor have state criminals been punished.

One of the reasons for this is that the Right has NOT organized itself to wield actual political power.

  • First, we assume that electoral power to effect changes...which is technically how it is supposed to work...actually does work. We do not
  • Not as united or as organized as the Left

We are to polite to suggest using the big stick

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards." – Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

A credible threat has to be made before risk takers (in this case, the Left/Deep State/corruptocracy/what-have-ya) respond to long as no one has been punished for corruption, subversion, and treason, then politicians and burrocrats will continue to commit those crimes.

...and on the other hand it is illegal to make credible threats, for a good reason.

What Do?

The one thing freedom lovers need is real community. Not just the community of Web yakking. Not just the community of common ideas and ideals. But a web of institutions that serve freedom's goals.
– Claire Wolfe, Would You Move to the State of the Free?

I'm just going to drop one line from the following two links from Status 451

Political movements are part of civics, too, but schoolbooks don’t talk about how they actually work. In high school civics we talk about bills, and we talk about laws, and we talk about the three branches of government, but we don’t ever talk about power. We talk about Rosa Parks, but not the Highlander Folk School; we talk about Martin Luther King, Jr., but not Ella Baker. Which means that we don’t address huge parts of how the world actually gets changed.

Remember that point I made earlier? We don't know how to apply power!

These two links from Status 451 are right on target as to how we organize to use power! I have not finished them yet, but I wanted to get them out there before I started discussing them in full.

radical book club: what Righties can do

Radical Book Club: the Decentralized Left

Image Source

What are ways we could organize?

This is brainstorming mode, thinking about coming together in different groups to accomplish different goals

  • Organizing for electoral success
  • Organizing to stay on politician's asses to get them to do the job
  • Organizing for informationwar to counter the globalist and leftist lies (and the liars telling them)...we have had some success in organizing for this need here on Steemit!
  • Organize for community resilience, like the Oath Keepers do.
  • Organize for other options

Your assigned reading ;>


I think we need to have a march for all the kids who want to grow up to live in a free country and be able to defend themselves, we should hold it on March 24th in Washington DC, we should call this march "The March For Our Lives" what do you think?

Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Organizing Political Movements
Our Purpose

Some great references and ideas here.


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