An Information War Strategy

I am having a hard time simply not copy/paste -ing this whole article; it's a damn good read. I'll give you a taste after the link, but I'd rather have you go read it yourself.

The National Nervous Breakdown, and How to Exploit it Ruthlessly

So here's the problem the left (and the NeverTrumper fringe, who are now in a strong alliance with the left) has: While for years they followed standard propaganda protocol and pretended they were almost entirely non-political, they have now decided that The Moment Is Too Vital to pretend any longer, and have decided to out themselves as ferociously, obsessively political.

His major points:

  • Half the electorate is basically crazy...publicly crazy
  • The media pretended to be mainstream while depicting conservatives as "crazy"
  • Most people do not like politics, and distrust those that are political.
  • The media used that concept in their portrayal of anyone who wasn't a leftist as rabidly political, i.e crazy and untrustworthy
  • That the media used conflicting Narratives at times didn't matter as long as opponents were Otherized
  • The Other Side are Too Political, and therefore Not Like You, while Our Side isn't really political at all, we're all just rational folks who want what's best. You know -- Just Like You.

But going back to the quote I gave, NOW the mask is off. The left (and the globalists, via Leftist influence in education and media) are pushing both political and openly crazy ideas on Americans that just wanted to be left alone.

the left is angry -- insanely so -- and needs you to know it.

And they need you to obey that craziness

Ace's supports

NYT Reporter Says She Knows People ‘Still In Therapy’ Over Clinton Election Loss

...driven mad by the election of Donald Trump and the blow to their own egos, their sense that they are the Masters of the Universe and control their fellow countrymen

infecting normal people with their toxic mental derangement.

So what's the strategy?

Sit back and let these loons destroy themselves

Destroying the media is a thing to be dearly wished for -- but watching them destroy themselves is tons better.
They're now Othering themselves, and I think that's just fine.

It is not the strategy I intend to use myself; I think the idea that these people need to be removed from politics, media, and education needs a public hearing in which THEY no take part in...or as I've said before, If you do not keep a boot on the neck of the Left, they WILL put one on your sooner rather than later.

And as I've also said before, corruption is the result of an unholy marriage of do-gooding and rent-seeking. Take the waves of do-gooders that are so blinded by their own, ahem, gooey goodness, and their pollution of media and education, out of the game, and the globalists will be left holding the bag

It won't end the problems of corruption, but it will be a major kick in the teeth to the corruptocrats.

My Books


I now understand a little bit about what people are talking about when they mention the MSM. I gave up TV years and years ago, and stopped reading newspapers about the same time. Most of the News I get is from the radio, or from taking a quick glance at google headline news. That has gotten fewer views from me lately. I got tired of going to the stories because most of them were only one paragraph long, and that paragraph was mostly meaningless. I still look every now and then, but have become mostly completely jaded about the news. Even though that was what I would call a well thought out posting by Ace of Spades, it was all pretty much old stuff to me. When you see people praising something that has gone up by double digits every year of it's existance, and then a story or 2 of an expected 44% increase, well at that point, news is meaningless. Politicians are meaningless, and talking about a done deal is meaningless. The media MSM is and has been meaningless to me for a very long time.
I enjoyed reading both long post. I may not have gotten much out of them but it was still a good read. People really are getting tired of the "Just like me" bullshit and realizing that "hey I am not like you, I am an Individual".

for me, the relevant point is that they hate me, and the fact that I will not be an obedient serf.

I consider it to be self-defense to expose them...

and I consider the MSM (Ministry of Truth, in Orwellian terms), simply to be the propaganda arm of all the interests that think that way.

I think we owe a lot to Orwell, he may have written the handbook, but he let everybody read it. The propagandist think they are the only ones who read it and are capable of independent thought.

that's an interesting perspective, and one I'll have to look into

How cognizant are the corruptocrats of the counter-Information War?

I will not lie to you, the article is a bit long, but if it is good.

Basically the media have broken their fictitious neutrality to show their true face. What they want to do is exhaust people with politics and make them believe that if Trump or anyone outside the political establishment rules, this is going to be the story of every day. While with Obama this did not happen or anything like that. They want to make them believe that if the political establishment falls, the United States will not have peace or stability again.

But if the left does not accept or let Trump govern, they will end by breaking the existing democracy, why they will make the country ungovernable.

The author is consistent on good articles...sometimes they run long LOL

He also has several good co-bloggers. I check the site, , once a day at least

The only real way of dealing with the left is letting them deal, immediately with the consequences of their actions.

But, we have had everyone, babying them, coddling them, giving them safe spaces and echo chambers.

When we had votes for raising the minimum wage, the media should have gone out to all the companies and asked, what happened.

  • most would report that they laid off a portion of their staff.
  • others would say that they have implemented hiring and raise freezes
  • and the minority will report that they radically changed their business to me more profitable so as not to lay off anyone.

But no, we never heard about any of this. In fact, we heard quite the opposite. (We changed the way we count unemployment, so unemployment numbers are down!)

I also feel that we should stop being polite. These are not good intentions, these are destructive people that want to see their utopia or the world burn.

I have to agree with everything you said, other than my own recommendation for dealing with the leading leftists.

I'll pass on putting that policy suggestion on the public record ;>

Your last comment is on the dot; there is no compromise with them that they do not consider as a stepping stone for their next subtle tyranny

ah yes...Ace of Spades.
I used to read that frequently.
Oddly enough I've not seen anything lately that doesn't fit the hypothesis of "Monkey Sphere" and "Iron Law".

Those two encompass a lot; I'd add "Baptists and Bootleggers" and "All power corrupts" right off the bat, both of which have the same basis of the "Iron Law".

I'd also add "Red Pill" sexual dynamics.

After that, not much immediately springs to mind

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A hell of a comment from the OP (#84)

Point of order, they weren't driven mad by the election. They were mad from before. They are freaking out now because we are escaping from their dungeon. They were calm psychopaths as long as we submissively sat in their dungeon, but they were always psychopaths.

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