Additional Links - Organizing the Right, Brainstorming

Quick Introduction And Lame-ass Excuse for Not Writing More

The simple fact is that the more I research aspects of organization, I am coming to a deeper realization of two things

  • The actions taken to restore Constitutional government may be far uglier than I'd like
  • Some of the basic instincts towards liberty as a goal may be wrong...this doesn't mean that the leftist/globalist/corruptocrats should not be fought, just that I might be overestimating the human desire for liberty as a generalization
    So maybe it's not just the Deep State "alliance" we need to start thinking about.
    This thought is making me sick, I think. Maybe not over-training at the gym, or allergies, or anything else I have suspected of slowing me down over the last month.

In any case, as I am putting some of these thoughts together, I thought I would share some links I have found, and that you may find useful

The Resister: The Political Warfare Journal of the Special Forces Underground, and the Militia Free Press

racism is dumb
most people are dumb
most people are racists
this is NOT limited to white people despite The Narrative
this racial tendency is one of the scarier parts of looking at liberty

I guess we can look at racism as an easier-to-see version of tribalism..race is sometimes very obvious.

Chittum's Civil War II should be read by everyone, because the basic human impulse for collective guilt (or tribal benefit) plays out in politics; one tribe will destruct a long term productive society for short term tribal benefits. Not to say this isn't a pretty common individual habit as well.

Today, I'm sharing some operational material for organizing the Right, even if some of the associated material is iffy.

There may be an underground in Special Forces dedicated to preserving the Constitution...whether or not that nightmare of the Deep State is true or not (decapitation strategy for the win, hacks), a former SF member built a Right-wing publication around the possibility. Some of the articles that were published over the life of this magazine, The Resister , are well worth the reading in terms of fighting the Deep State.

As usual, the SPLC labeled Barry (and of course, The Resister) as racist...

But Barry has turned out to be no laughing matter. Today, he is out of the Army, and he openly distributes his racist and anti-Semitic periodical

When I was searching the earlier editions of The Resister, I did not find a single item of "racist and anti-Semitic" material...

What I did find was this quote...

As a special aside for all you National Socialists, KKK and Aryan mystics-and all you other tribalist collectivist-irrationalists out there who are stupid enough to misconstrue any of the above-when we're finished with the Communists, we're coming after YOU!!
The Resister (3)41

And yet, by 1999, The Resister is filled with collective guilt articles aimed at both blacks and Jews. Not just this but ads for The Turner Diares and the like. This kind of flies in the spirit of the earlier issues. I can't deny that there are tribal politics involved on the overall level, but America's dream is the protection of the individual. It's is very disappointing to me when someone I had considered as a patriot flips the script...or perhaps reveals a previously hidden agenda.

Some readers felt the same way

You obviously have no interest in focusing on the issues that were important in earlier years in The Resister
(5) 4

However, that does not mean that this magazine is not filled with a wealth of operational knowledge

For what it's worth, the SPLC has also accused noted extremist researcher Laird Wilcox of racism for not toeing the SPLC line...

Items to look at

Underground Organization Within Insurgency -- Andrew Molnar....51

Underground Organization Within Insurgency (Part 2) -- Andrew Molnar....52

Some Aspects of Clandestine Arms Production and Smuggling--Gershon Rivlin.....27
Gun Laundering--Sean Flannery.....28
The Partisan
The Principles of Escape (Part One)--Matthew Lyon.....30


It is impossible to prosecute a deceased elder citizen for failing to tell the ATF what he did with his guns.
Gun Laundering--Sean Flannery.....28

I would suggest downloading as many of these references as you can on the chance that they may be memory holed.



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