4Chan already uncovering the Charlottesville car attack

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

Edit and reformat Number One (1705 CST)

This is strange; look at the shirt on the guy under arrest and the guy driving...different colors. or just shadowing? And where did that funky registration come from?

The driver is likely to be a leftist (car registration matched vs. Twitter feed); why would he attack leftists?

(UPDATE - The person in this picture is MOST LIKELY (90%+) NOT the driver - see below)

It is possible that he simply saw a group of white folks marching down the street and assumed they were the "Nazis"

This analysis is not confirmed yet; the car may have been stolen, there may have been a different motive, etc.

I will update this thread as I get new data

4Chan threads

Registration Thread

Can somebody explained what happened today?

(1650 CST)




Social Media

The facebook account associated with this name is being updated at the moment; likely this is not the driver (1628 CST)



it's ok to punch nazis.
he just used a car to punch them with.
I'm so shocked that the MainStream Media isn't telling us this.
er...maybe I'm shocked that they are not defending him.

they have already insinuated that it was an "alt-right" attack on "free speech",,,even though you can see these commies in helmets and carrying sticks; they'll run with deceitful wording until they know for sure how to spin it

can't believe anything you see or hear on the MSNM can you?
the MSNM should change their name. They are NOT a news media..they are a "here's what you should think about it ' media..
they admitted to being so.

LoL mass-media, = Nazi propaganda I believe :( ; Joseph Goebbels the Nazi wrote the book on brainwashing , not long before future president Eisenhower participated in having him hung after World War Two I believe :)

If your watching mainstream television in any format today you are being effectively brainwash by propaganda and marketing I believe , Elvis Presley I believe used to shoot his television repeatedly with a shot gun when he was displeased with the krap on the TV I believe . . .

I cannot believe morons still pay for cable tellie I believe, buy yourself a 200 dollar wifi air-card , but sheep are firmly in the Habit of supporting oligopolies I believe ; I am very glad for stupid sheep it allows me to make more cash money at their expense , sure beats having a j-o-b :)

Very Happy to be surrounded by dumb-FLIcks & morons ! ! !

Just Livin " the dream " :)

/ hugz ;)

Life ; beautiful one day, perfect the Next ! ! !

Thank " The Maker " 4 dumb humans & people :)

No you can't. They're all liars.

Oddly enough, I've known that since 1969...if not sooner.

Mainstream bullshit media

Hey Look @ yor Avatar Picture !

How Long is yah beard by now ???

Seriously Ole Man ; get wit the times , get sum wrap-around eye-shadez ! ! !

Hope this finds U WeLL :)

/ Hugz ;) . . .


Some additional info to add.
There seems to be some covering up going on by the US State Department in regards to Brennan Gilmore and his actions in Central Africa with the Kony 2012 campaign and its connections to Soros and Tom Perriello. He's the main media personality who provided video of the Charlottesville car attack to the mainstream media. I put together a large post with quite a bit of material explaining how Tom Perriello is one of the founders of Avaaz which is involved with Soros and regime change operations in Libya and Syria. These are some strange coincidences and definitely worth looking further into. Perriello also has links to Clinton and Podesta's Cenetr for American Progress. Its quite odd that his assistant was the one that filmed the attack. https://steemit.com/new/@clarityofsignal/charlottesville-attack-lead-media-personality-is-assistant-to-tom-perriello-founder-of-avaaz-linked-to-regime-change-in-syria

good postt my friends like ..

I think America has a lot to learn about tolerance. There is far to much of this " you must think like us " mentality and all sides are guilty of it.

I think THE LEFT has a lot to learn about tolerance

fixed it for ya ;>

the right wants to be left alone and not to be lied about; let's not succumb to the narrative that it's everybody's fault.

that is a false equivalency

this specific incident started b/c the left is trying to memory hole history

Until both sides of this conflict and let's face it there is a war now between left and right can sit down and actually talk to each other there will be no resolution.
Both sides dehumanise each other

what is it with this "both sides" nonsense?

I don't go calling leftists "racist" when they don't agree with me
I don't demand that leftists to constantly pay higher taxes to fund my Utopian social policy fantasies
I don't advocate violence against the left because they disagree with me
I don't spend all day thinking up rationales to cover up my policy failures
I don' support leftists dictators up until they start getting criticzied for their own failure, and all of a sudden say "tha's not socialism"

here's the deal for the Left

fuck off
go have you little utopias and your self-criticism meetings
leave me out of it

the left has no need to be dehumanized.
they already are.

no...all sides are not.
you are projecting.
the left is responsible.

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