Such A Mean Man! Such a Troubled Mean Angry Young Man.......

military pic not a mean guy.jpg

O yeah, this guy was a real jerk for sure. Check out the cute puppy!!!!! The expression on his face. Just a horrible dude. I feel bad for his Mom who may never understand how devious, cruel, and willing to sacrifice our bravest the Deep State is. This man was a victim of mind control. No doubt in my mind whatsoever. Dig, analyze, you will see it too.


Another Crazy, mixed up dude.

Watch out for mkultra techniques. Sad they are using us against each other. The real enemy is here at home and has been for years. Jesus comfort thy heart.

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Yes, it is very sad and downright horrible. I'm so glad you see it too. The more who do, the more we may be able to band together and stop this. They can't fool an aware public. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

I've been that guy for 16 years. That must mean I'm also a horrible person.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for resteeming! I appreciate it.

@cowboysblog , may I ask you a question? If you don't like it, don't answer. So, I've read your post. Do I understand correctly that you are not happy that the Deep State is sending troops overseas?

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I was being sarcastic and making a joke.

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To be honest I am against wars, occupations, etc. So, in a long run probably armies will reshape into something different or disappear.

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Most people do not like war. I would even say that most people in them do not want to fight. But as long as there are evil people in this world there must be equal or stronger forces to match it.

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What we have to be careful of is allowing ourselves involvement when we dont have the facts. It is like a citizen that jumps into a fight when they didnt see who the agressor was. The military industrial complex creates the boogy man in order to exist. Red Shield supports both sides.

Posted using Partiko Android

howdy again squirrelbait! again I don't see what you guys are looking at, what are we seeing here?

He has a puppy in his backpack! Media says he's a mean guy. Mean since he was a teenager. A hot head so to speak. He has been portrayed basically as a bad person. Yet, I found this picture of him in the military ( among others) that tell a different story. Look at the expression on his face while he carries a local puppy in his backpack. Not a mean/angry jerk at all.

Yeah I know, I saw the puppy but didn't understand that you were being sarcastic, sorry! lol. Who is the guy?

Ah, maybe I should have said that in parenthesis or something. I bet others didn't realize either. He's the guy who shot up the bar in Thousand Oaks, CA. David Ian Long.

oh ok! now it makes sense, sorry. Yeah for us who don't follow the news that closely some of us are clueless!

I have a tendency to forget that. LOL. As you know, my nose is way too far into it. I forget other people don't use their computer the same way I do....several things open and monitoring all at once including the USGS earthquake feed. I have been good and laying of on the weekend so my husband and I can spend time together. It gives me some down time too to just relax. Yeah, I need to be more clear in that kind of post. 🤡

howdy again squirrelbait! oh I don't know, probably most people that go to your posts are much more informed than I am so maybe you don't need to worry about it! lol. I like the fact that you have taking off on the weekends though and I bet Eagle Eyes enjoys that too!

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