Going Sideways: Sunspot Observatory - Statement Made Today That Caught My Attention - Embedded Video

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

The response on YouTube to my report was incredible with a ton of comments. This situation has everyone talking.
Here's a quick update and a conversation starter from the latest statement from the Director of the observatory.

Welcome to Going Sideways. This is a video series about current events that affect our preparedness and our freedom. News articles and current events are discussed from a Squirrel Bait point of view. Links are always provided so you may read any information presented for yourself which I encourage you to do.

Think for yourself and question everything!

Links to the articles and Observatory Facebook Page:




Intro music: Dynamic by dj answer

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I did some looking around after I saw your video, and found that a half dozen webcams were shut down at the same time. The observatory in N. Mexico overlooks White Sands Missile Range (that's why it's there, so it can overlook that base), as well as Holloman AFB (the reported site of a UFO landing and contact between ETs and AF personnel in 1964).

The timing of the evacuation of the observatory and the shut down of the cams also observing the sun is unlikely to be coincidental IMHO, and since the observatory overlooks sensitive military test sites, I suspect they are related.


This link was just given to me by someone who has a good head on his/her shoulders on my YouTube channel.....shoots my theory down if the Director is telling the truth in a different statement here.....

The YouTuber thinks this is all over satellite activity spotted.

Hi @valued-customer. I knew about the cameras last night. I also found some sun supposed feeds with outdated info. I didn't mention this because I don't want to scare people but draw their attention and have a "time to ask questions" attitude. Either something happened with the Corona hole that is known and available to look at....
(Source: Space Weather.com)
*Look at this

Or they saw something else and need to shut down all communication while they (the military physicists) watch and/or a disclosure statement and timing needs to be designed for us. YouTube is a different atmosphere than here.

Thanks for the video. I saw it this afternoon. Something is going on.....something potentially big. I'm keeping an eye out for our fearless leaders to all take off on "vacation". Otherwise, we are apparently not in danger per say or they would be heading for the bunkers.

I'm not at all concerned about them hiding some space weather. There's too many uncontrollable sources of such reports they couldn't quash. However, various cams and observatories that are in particular positions might well view vehicles or phenomena originating at the bases near Sunspot, and the location of Sunspot makes it ideal for hostile surveillance of those bases.

The descriptions of crews on antennas and towers would also lend credence to such a possiblity.

If there is some testing going on that the USG intends to keep covert, and therefore they shut down cams that might reveal it, but also were tipped off to some spy(s) or surveillance ongoing at Sunspot, that could well explain the evacuation, crews, cam shut downs, and official silence regarding why.


"Release of data in it's unaltered form" still worming in my mind per the Director. We will just have to wait for further developments again. Lot's of eyes to catch anymore statements made. Internet is awesome.

The lead article on zerohedge.com at the moment is:

"They Just Evacuated Us": Conspiracy Theories Run Wild After FBI Shuts Down Solar Observatory"

You beat them to it by two days!

Congratulations, @squirrelbait

I just want to know what's going on. Thanks. 😎

howdy there squirrelbait! so is there any sources that can actually be trusted out there? I mean you have to know who owns what news company to know! my sp is down to 35% so I'm not voting for a few hours.

No worries, I'm thrilled your doing a squirrel bait video marathon! You're right. You have to know who owns who and who pays who. Dizzying let me tell ya.

ha! oh man, I'm just glad we have people like you out there researching this stuff! I would get depressed and burnt out.

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