Going Sideways: Sunspot Observatory Opens But Explanation Smells - Steemit Embedded Video

Welcome to Going Sideways. This is a video series about current events that affect our preparedness and our freedom. News articles and current events are discussed from a Squirrel Bait point of view. Links are always provided so you may read any information presented for yourself which I encourage you to do.

Think for yourself and question everything!

Intro music: Dynamic by dj answer

Links to the articles and Video:

News Articles:



Press Release:



Catch me also on:



We will probably never know.
'A convenient location'?

Someone at some point will get a loose tongue.

Look what Fox News came out with this morning!


They couldn't tell the sheriff? Had to evacuate? Close to the public sure but evacuate? For how long?! BULL!! I say. What say you? Do you think this makes sense?

PS: " According to the FBI, the suspect has not been arrested or charged." How convenient so we can't look it up in public records.

Hi, good morning. I did see that. Thanks. She took the picture with her phone and I can't tell what's going on with it so I sat on it. It's interesting as hell but I'm not convinced it's ships. I decided to sit on it. The double eclipsing footage from the satellite I've seen could be explained as there are bodies between the satellite and the sun that belong up there so I'm sitting on that for now as well. I'm sitting on this too for now to see what else comes down the pike....


This story still doesn't explain closing for so long and the military activity.

I'm staying on this behind the scenes because I want the truth. When I have enough to give an analysis of it all I'll do an update video. It might include the sun picture if I get more info. I just can't tell what we're looking at. What do you think of her pictures?

Well we have our "official story" and my video about the explanation not making sense stands and for the same reasons as stated in it. They would not have kept the Sheriff in the dark if this was about an unhinged dude. Someone up there will leak...to big to keep to oneself. It will take time but someone will spill it.

Hey thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Something still smells here. Plus CIA uses 4chan for disinfo. Still smells smells smells. Why keep the sheriff in the dark over a lone lunatic? Blackhawk helicopter? Why is he not under arrest? All the same issues I stated previously. Story smells.

Wreaks of disinfo..

I like the chan boards though I admit I haven't checked it out in months. There are some interesting thought processes on there. Some researchers with OCD too-very handy. Not for someone easily offended that's for sure but it is a very interesting place. It's like a garage sale...sorting through the junk to find the valuable item.

i've never checked out 4 chan or reddit.. Got my hands full already..

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