Going Sideways: Chinese Slaughter Is Finally Mainstream News

It's about time the mainstream media reports on the organ harvesting of political prisoners in China. About time!!!! While they are still alive just to be extra sick! Uighurs, Falun Gong, Tibetan Buddhists and Christians....so far. Welcome to the new world order. A socialist republic run by psychopaths. And our young people want this here?!

Believe it or not, these atrocitites have been going on for two decades! It started with deathrow prisoners and expanded over time from there. Now, it's a full countrywide medical tourism operation featuring on demand organ transplantation.

Here's a bit of info from this article that really stood out to me that I did not realize before. "..the on-demand killing of prisoners of conscience is driven by the state, run on an industrial scale and carrried out by both military and civililian institutions." Did you get that? "..and civilian institutions." Think about that!!!

Meanwhile the world stays silent due to concern over their investments. Money is more important than human life. This is where we are at folks. This tells you what time it is. This is global. This corrupt immoral government attitude towards human beings is a global problem. Harvesting people by force is not as important as investments and money. Now you know for sure the priorities of your rulers, I mean, leaders. More and more human beings are becoming worthless objects of exploitation and twisted desire in service to psychopathic demonic creatures in positions of power who sold their souls to get there. We fight against principalities in high places. Just like The Bible says.

Here is my latest video where I have just a few things to say about this....

2019 Thumb Nail .jpg

( Just click the picture to watch the video)

Question: What are they doing with the rest of the body?

I highly doubt it is going to waste. Think about the practices we all know about with products imported from there. We wonder why the United States does business with them at all. Remember the Heparin contamination killing our hospital patients? Lead in children's toys? Formaldehyde in building materials? Fake rice made of plastic? Think about it.

Will there be any results now? No. Just more lip service from the world community. The world should be throwing a fit! How is this different from all those situations we were told were a reason to act. These horrible dictators killing their own people. You see? We are doing this (war) because it's the right thing to do but we don't look at that over there. Nope. We don't see that. What China is doing is absolutely horrifying. This is like a horror movie. And the whole world goes, "eh, that's they're business."

We have to embrace immigrants, right? Especially illegal ones, right? Well, where are we rescuing these people? Why don't we just say, "Hey, if you're a Uighur or a Christian. Come on over! You practice Falun Gong? Come on over!" Where are these NGOs to save these people? To smuggle them out? Right? Save their lives. No? oh! I see. Do you?




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