Going Sideways: CA Red Flag Law Expansion And Political Harassment

Our Deep State of California expanded their Red Flag Law to include co-workers, employers, and educators as eligible to file for "gun violence restraining orders". An expansion from law enforcement and family members. Just like they said they would and have tried twice to do in the past.

Like I have said before, once a law is on the books it is then easier to alter it to what was wanted all along in increments. This is a perfect example of this. Is this the final product? Not according to the governor. "We still have a long way to go". Who get's to file next? Your neighbors?

Is this to stop terrorists? Shooters? GANG violence? No. This is to harass and intimidate NWO resistors. To disarm those who stand their ground against family destroying agendas and policies. Those who resist the idea of a nanny state. Gangs will keep their guns, you'll see. Criminals will enjoy the green light to prey on the innocent.

Mark my words, co-workers and activists in the workplace will be filing for these "restraining orders" against what they view as bigoted racist sexist vaccine refusing conspiracy theorists (mentally ill by the new standards) who "pose a threat to our democracy". Plus activist judges who have no restraints in this law will gladly approve.

Educators are not interested in the kids. They are interested in THE PARENTS. How many kids own guns? Come on! They are interested in little Johnny's parents and the political views of that parent. You'll see.

Naturally, I am not happy about this. In this video I discuss my thoughts and opinions about all.......

2019 Thumb Nail .jpg
( Just click the picture to watch the video)

This law will be used for political harassment and intimidation. This is exactly what The Constitution is supposed to protect us from.


(Original article - now removed)


The expansion - AB61:

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The once sane Christian Majority has been by stealth been replaced by Fluoride drinking NPC,s of the Satanical New World Order take over of this world ! When they come for your guns , just point your at them and tell them to fck off ! Better die fighting than to squirm into their hole of Communism with a bullet to the back of the head ! Keep going @squirrelbait, we will will win this war as long as we keep saying no to their shit ! The people that refuse to wake up are in the way and will be on the wrong end of our anger you,ll see that too !

We can not vote our way out of this. Freedom is not on the ballot. Unfortunately if we win the war here at home. The NWO will just EMP us or whatever. It must be a united humanity fight. A Global resistance against a Global threat.

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