It's absolutely true we're basically 'talked into' a rat race, and I really want to stay/get out of it, but at times I feel forced back. Like now, when I know I 'have to' get back into a job instead of working on Steem...
It's absolutely true we're basically 'talked into' a rat race, and I really want to stay/get out of it, but at times I feel forced back. Like now, when I know I 'have to' get back into a job instead of working on Steem...
But still, you are the good news @soyrosa, even if you're temporarily forced back into the rat race. And Steem is good news to, even if that also suffers a temporary set-back... I'm so glad people like you and communities like here on Steemit exist. Thanks so much for this response and Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!! 😍 💥 🌟 ✨🥂