Facebook Is Spying On Me

in #informationwar6 years ago

When we download Facebook and Messenger on our phone, we are asked to allow them to use certain permissions, such as access to our microphone, access to our contact list, access to our camera.


Some people explain these permissions as necessary, and only used for benevolent purposes. Our microphone? So we can make phone calls and so our videos can be heard. Our contact list? So we can optimize our ability to stay connected. Our camera? So we can shoot video, of course.


It goes deeper than that. I have a couple of examples of how Facebook has made me feel a bit violated just because I spoke in the "privacy" of my own home.

1.) A few months ago I got into an argument with my 8 year daughter, and I mentioned to my husband that I didn't know how to handle her. Next time I was on Facebook, there was a "suggested post" on how to discipline your tween.

2.) Yesterday I was prescribed Vraylar. I spoke of it in my house within range of my phone. I don't know why this happened. I never heard of this medication or have seen it on Facebook before. Today this was a suggested post:

3.) I was notified of someone selling shoes and jeans, both of which were my size.

4.) While I was being gangstalked, I looked into buying a gun, and was invited to join The Three Percenters page.

These are only a few examples of how Facebook shows me that they hear me, see me, and track me. I am considering deleting my account, even though it keeps me connected to people I care about.

Of course considering that Mark Zuckerburg said we were "dumb fucks" for trusting him, I suppose it's not that surprising.

What do you think of this encroachment on our privacy? Does this kind of thing ever happen to you?

Love, snowpea ❤



I have deleted the Facebook App off of my phone, but not off of my computer. There is no microphone on my computer, so it can't hear me. I think only the phone App can hear you anyways.

I did the same! My mic is also unactivated in the bios of the laptop. Never want that shit again :) So @snowpea that would be my tip too. And yes I have experiences like that too.. the fb app is also spying on wallet paswords I've read before (I believe fb lite app )

That's a great idea! I could still keep in touch with my friends and not have to worry about FB hacking my microphone and manipulating me. Thanks for the idea! :)

They use your PC too ... and I not joke ... :) @canadian-coconut .

Of course Facebook is spying on you!
Its entire business model is to monetise its users' data.
They are sucking us dry just like in The Matrix.
Want to do something about it? - Join the Class Action against Facebook & Google's Crypto Ad Ban!

I knew FB operated that way, but lately they are either doing it more frequently, or it's just bothering me more. Yesterday it was kind of the last straw.

It sucks that FB is banning crypto ads, but I don't know how fighting that has anything to do with fighting surveillance.

Fighting the Ad Ban by this Class Action fights against FB surveillance and monetising users by:

  1. Removing a big impediment (the Ad Ban) to the Crypto projects that are coming up with a better way to do things;
  2. Redistributing large amounts of Facebook's wealth to the Crypto community to advance those FB alternative projects - the claim is for $300 billion which is how much Crypto markets dropped when FB announced their Ad Ban;
  3. Making FB weaker by a huge damages claim and thus more vulnerable to Crypto competitors.

Lets move beyond the "its sucks" attitude to actually fighting back.

Nice... WOW! I did not know crypto markets dropped that much because of the ad ban!! That's insane!

Yeah, they are worse than that. They gather, control, select, restrict and sell all the user data they gather and that with almost Zero consideration towards the user. It is like a dead-body trying to feed itself: is never enough.

I have posted this videos on my fb page a lil while ago, about how shitty that platform is. If you're interested, here they are :
Link 1 ; Link 2 ; Link 3 .

Yes, I'm afraid you're right... Thanks for sharing your links, I will check them out soon.

Funny. I thought so some couple of days ago too. I think something similar happened to me when I had it in mind to purchase a red tie for my sunday outfit and on logging to Facebook, I saw an ads on where to buy 'my desired color' of ties. Facebook truely is fast becoming too intrusive. I hate it sometimes.

It definitely is disconcerting. I've heard that some people actually like it - like Facebook is their friend by personalizing their experience. Very strange...

That is crazy! Isn't that some kind of invasion of privacy?

I say more than that 😠

Absolutely, it's terrible what they do!

Lately I've been hearing a lot of stories like yours from friends and family.
It's really crazy and very frustrating and it's sad since there is no privacy anywhere anymore, not even your home.

Both the FB and Messenger apps have been removed from my mobile and it's beginning to feel right. 😎

Glad you broke free, I'm doing the same. :)

My friend told me about this more than a year ago. Didn't believe his crazy tinfoilhat conspiracy.
Fast forward : Now i'm the tinfoil loon telling people that "they" are listening in on everything we say.
I'm just sorry that I didn't listen to what my friend was trying to tell me. But hey, at least "they" were listening.

Sometimes it takes time for the truth to sink in and that's okay. Have you told your friend you believe him now?

I told him. But not in front of our phones :)

I deleted the Facebook app on my phone years ago, when I learned that the app turns itself "ON" again any time it was stopped by me. For that very reason, I also refuse to have the Messenger app on my phone. I've hardly used Facebook since joining Steemit and do not miss it, either, with all the fake-news, political-crap, etc.  But, if I want to check in with someone there, I will login on my browser — NOT via their malicious apps — then log out again.

Very smart of you to take those actions to protect yourself @thekittygirl! I'm not really on Facebook too much either. The political crap is really bad lately...

That's insane. I mean a knew some of it but had no idea it was like that. Since I started on steemit I only use messenger as my family is there and uses it. But fb is not my home. Steemit is. Crazy how they act towards people and their privacy.

It's pretty scary @saffisara. Steemit is definitely my home as well. :)

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