Virginia's Second Amendment Supporters were truly Impressive today; and their excuse for a governor shows his true colors!

in #informationwar5 years ago

I am So DAMN Proud of our Patriot brothers in Virginia; they were Perfect today! In spite of the ringers (Neo Nazi look a likes) that the liberals sent to start things, they kept control of their protest. I personally suspect they quietly removed the ringers before they could fire on the military "Police" forces imported by the scum vermin governor there!

They even picked up any accidental trash before they left! Very Impressive Patriots, top notch.

Image from Article:
Virginia rally and Infowars.jpg

Article from a trusted source:

Alex Jones covers this protest, and arrived in an armored Truck!

Alex Jones Storms Virginia In Battle Tank to Support 2nd Amendment
Share this censored link and use the First Amendment to protect the Second

Infowars’ Alex Jones and crew are in Richmond, Virginia to stand up for the Second Amendment and to join fellow patriots to send a message to the state’s Democrat politicians.

I bet the governor messed his pants when this 'Toy' arrived, LOL! Which was undoubtedly Mr Jones intention, the governor being a liberal coward, hiding behind his office.

Alex Jones spoke to the crowd today:

Alex Jones breaks how Gov. Northam’s carefully manufactured crisis in Richmond, Virginity has morphed into a major victory for preserving our God-given rights in the United States.

Alex Jones and red-blooded, American patriots discuss why gathering on the Richmond Capitol grounds to celebrate the 2nd Amendment is a cherished annual event to them.

Alex Jones bullhorns while surrounded by a sea of pro-2nd Amendment patriots in Richmond, Virginia.

Alex Jones shows how the Second Amendment sanctuary counties in Virginia make up the overwhelming majority of the state, yet a small percentage of cities are trying to enforce unconstitutional laws on the rest of the populace.

Alex Jones exposes how Virginia Governor Ralph Northam has socially engineered conditions at the capital to be intentionally explosive prior to the pro-2nd Amendment demonstration.

But the Patriots, like Daniel, walked into this Lions Den; and came out intact! Now the 'governor' that tried to start Civil War today; looks like the Puppet Idiot, that he actually is! They walked into the trap without springing it, took the Moral high ground, and left.

They intended murder, and prison for these Patriots; they got Nothing!

Reporting from inside the 'kill zone' in Virginia:

They are metal detecting everyone who enters this Illegal zone made by the puppet Governor! The estimated attendance is 30,000 to 50,000 Patriots; and a few antifa fascist idiots....


I am SOOO proud of them! They were Professionals at this protest, great job Virginia Patriots....


i was pleased to see that there were no hiccups here and the fact that the cleaned up after themselves... well, that is just icing on the cake. Good work peeps!

They sure made that "governor" look like a fool and wanna be Tyrant!

The trash pick up was perfect. Every Conservative meeting I have gone to, we have left no trash either.

I am So proud of these solid people in Virginia! They need to recall this A$$hole....


Cool post sir smithlabs. I love the way this turned out.

The Patriots in Virginia were Impressive! They did everything exactly right, and made this purchased "governor" look like the A$$ he actually is!

Working on a post of the 'neo-nazi' people that were planning to assault the capitol; they were government contractors! It is usually harder to find the links to the deep state, but this was a rush job.


Which government were the contractors working for, the federal or state?

The feds, but the deep state swamp knows no state boundaries....


That's disturbing. That's as scary as seeing smithlabs coming down a dark alley.

I just added a taser, for information extraction purposes, LOL! If I put on my chamo, I will be invisible too, buhaha....


lol..that is totally terrifying!

Von Hates it when I test the Tazer, HE runs and hides, because he is from Texas I guess.


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