Two Heroes, and a defensive firearm; avert what could have benn a much greater tragedy!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Last Saturday, a racist coward tried to commit mass murder, buut was stopped by two Heroes! Every Church MUST be safe in this country! There is NO POSSIBLE EXCUSE for shooting up Any house of worship! This Evil fool decided to make a statement, by murdering people worshipping GOD, simply because he did not like them!

Image from article:
synagogue hero.jpg

The heroes that legends are made of:

He managed to Murder only one Godly MAN, before two Heroes stopped his planned rampage, and sent this coward running! One is a Veteran, who charged this coward empty handed; the other is a Border Patrol Agent, with a defnsive handgun. Combined they chased this coward from the building, and shot up his car badly enough that the Police had little trouble finding and arresting this Evil coward!

The Rabbi, who was wounded in this attack had asked the Border Patrol Agent to carry his firearm to worship. An obviously good idea, as it turns out! I carry my concealed handgun at church, by invitation, for the same reason. It is a sad state we are in, where this becomes needed! We should all pray for these good people....

These are real MEN, and Heroes in all respects! Only GOD himself knows how many Good people they saved last Saturday! This Evil Coward needs an honest trial, and a fair execution to match!


Actually it was a woman who was murdered, but your overall point is correct.

The instructions in a mass shooting event should be for every able bodied man to immediately charge and tackle the shooter.
Instructions to run away cost lives.

If even 3-4 people charge from different directions there is no way the shooter can hit all of them and it will put off the shooters aim so that the shooter will likely miss vital organs.

My bad, I misread her name. That is even worse. You are right about everyone rushing, best idea for sure.

If he gets close enough to shoot one of my church family with a long gun, I have failed badly! I have put security in place. He will need to get past myself and at least three other armed helpers first.

But, this should not be a problem, no church should ever be a target!


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