The Pentagon declares War on free Speech using DARPA, as their weapon of choice!

in #informationwar5 years ago

The pentagon has declared War on Memes, supposedly to level the playing field; but is obviously actually focussed on limiting those who don't agree. DARPA is writing software to locate those who disagree, with a goal of censoring them.

The real victim here is the First Amendment!

Here is a youtube video on this DARPA power grab:

The government (in this case DARPA) does Not have the Constitutional authority to DO this.

Article on the Pentagon's war on Free speech:

So, NOW DARPA is writing sotware to Help FB, Twitter, Google, et al; detect dissident meme publications! The ONLY use for such software is to use it to censor dissident speech....

This can NEVER be acceptable, especially when Tax money is being used to write this abomination! A US Citizen has the Constitutional RIGHT to freedom of speech! So these MEMEs that are hurting snowflake's feelings, ARE legal, protected speech; end of story! This needs to be squashed, and DARPA needs to go back to their legal job!

From the article:

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is seeking to create software with the capability to “automatically detect, attribute, and characterize falsified multi-modal media to defend against large-scale, automated disinformation attacks.”

The software will scan news stories, photos and videos to identify “polarizing viral content” and stop its spread to eliminate “malicious intent” entirely.

Titled Semantic Forensics, the program will run content through a myriad of algorithms to identify inconsistencies and identify a story or a meme as inauthentic or fake. The system will also pinpoint the origin of the meme, the intent behind it and predict the impact of its spread.

Given that the program doesn’t take into account the fact that so-called “trusted sources” in the mainstream media have been responsible for some of the biggest fake news stories in modern history, such as Trump-Russia election collusion, the software will only succeed in eliminating dissident narratives.

When the term Dissident Narratives shows up, it is like fingernails on a chalkboard! This is ILLEGAL and Unconstitutional, and needs to be stopped! The government, including DARPA; does NOT have the authority to limit free speech, including Meems!

The real reason the government is violating the First Amendment:

Pertaining to the United States presidential election, 2016; memes actually had an effect in this election, and they can NOT allow that! Even though it is Constitutionally Protected speech!!!!

From wikipedia:

Memetic warfare on the part of 4chan and The_Donald sub-reddit is widely credited with assisting Donald Trump in winning the election in an event they call 'The Great Meme War'. According to Ben Schreckinger, "a group of anonymous keyboard commandos conquered the internet for Donald Trump—and plans to deliver Europe to the far right."

This Quote reference on wiki is From:

The bottom line is they are concerned that memes without illegal constraints, may help President Trump be elected again! Since liberals are fairly simple unthinking creatures, their meme attempts are laughable with no bite; so since they can't use them, they have decided to ban them. This is especially egregious, because it uses tax dollars to limit free speech; this is WRONG on so many levels!

This program MUST stop! DARPA has no business doing this, they need to be told to close this program, TODAY!


Crazy times ahead.

Posted using Partiko Android

True, we live in interesting times! I hope most people live through it! We will loose a lot of people, I am afraid.

Loose free speech, become servants. Just trying to preserve the Right to free speech!


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I don't disagree with you at all, except to note that what are called memes today are cartoons.


I actually agree with You, THEY call them Memes; to me they will ALWAYS be cartoons, and on a good day, maybe funnies, LOL!

Thanks for visiting!


someone billionaire needs to sue them. Or are all the billionaires liberal?

Not the one in the White House, LOL! The Conservative Billionaires are working....

WE need to stomp our representatives and Make them defund this abomination!


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