The new religion of Man Made Global Warming now has a Messiah, and disciples!

in #informationwar5 years ago

We have failed our Children, by way of our Public school system. We have stopped teaching our children, and they are suffering for this lack! We have abrogated teaching science and the Scientific Method; in favor of teaching propaganda on Man Made Global Warming.

Image from article:

Greta Thunberg has been trained to believe in Man Made Global school, instead of teaching the scientific Method!

Article on Greta

A young lady from Sweden has been so brain washed she is striking from school to picket her politicians! It has moved her into the World's attention.

Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[18] Three years later she became depressed, lethargic, and stopped talking as well as eating, and eventually was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism.[18] Her Asperger diagnosis was made public nationwide in Sweden by her mother in May 2015, in order to help other families in a similar situation, as she said.[19] While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited me before", she does not view her Asperger's as an illness and has instead called it her "superpower".[20]

She then quit going to school in order to picket parliament! Her leaving these schools it likely a good thing, maybe she can learn some True things....

In late 2018, Thunberg began the school climate strikes and public speeches for which she has become an internationally recognised climate activist. Her father does not like her missing school, but said: "[We] respect that she wants to make a stand. She can either sit at home and be really unhappy, or protest, and be happy".[23] Thunberg says her teachers are divided in their views about her missing class to make her point. She says: "As people they think what I am doing is good, but as teachers they say I should stop."[23] In July 2019, Time magazine reported Thunberg was taking a "sabbatical year" from school, intending to travel in the Americas while meeting people from the climate movement.[25] [25]

Article on the "next step"; a new religion:

The worship of Greta begins.

The young Greta has been hailed as a saint and a hero by the left, although if a creepy mural of her scowling face in San Francisco is any indication, she’s more like a cult leader.

In Sweden, churches have rung bells in her honor, and last year, the Church of Sweden declared she is “Jesus’s Successor.”

If that is not bad enough, the other students are being taught to be Disciples....

Swedish schoolchildren are being taught to defend the climate alarmist arguments of Greta Thunberg in a course about “religious knowledge,” according to news outet Samhällsnytt and being reported on by Summit News.

Kids are also apparently being asked to mock her opponents.

Samhällsnytt reported that the teen climate activist is being included as part of the school curriculum and is being portrayed in a very glowing and sympathetic light.

With the teaching to mock those you disagree with, instead of using science to convince those whom you oppose; shows the total derth of instruction in Public schools!

Unless we teach our kids to Think, critically, and to challenge and prove things using science; we will be enslaved by those running these scams!

BUT, Until we allow real Scientists to peer review the pseudo science of Man made global Warming, and correct the massive problems contained therein; we will continue to brainwash our most precious resource, our children!


Those eyes though. Creepywillieheebeejeebee.

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True, the eyes of a sheeple; too damn bad!

We need to dismantle the liberal propaganda machine, called Public school.


She is being used to instill fear into society.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is ALL the liberals have to offer...sad place to be!


Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag, posts like this anyone can add the tag #informationwar so we can more easily find and upvote them! (by @aagabriel)

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Thanks for the upvote, this should concern us all.


Holy smokes! this is getting alot worse than I thought!

They KNOW that real science shows them to be fools, and making it mindless is their only option. They are trying to do the biggest theft in History, and facts can NOT be allowed to interfere with that!


Yes it's total insanity and the biggest hoax in the history of the world. But it's actually about control and money, not climate change, is that the way you see it?

That is what the science says!


oh. well I guess I should have asked a scientist instead of an Okie from Moskogee. lol.

All you need is a Freshman Eng student to point out the gross errors in the pseudo-science that Man Made Global Warming relies on.

Deliberate errors in science, for pay, makes me angry!


I just saw that she got the Time magazine's Person of the Year award. lol.

You MUST reward the useless brainwashed! Probably the best choice they have made recently, SMH!


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