The Main Stream Media attacks President Trump, again, over NOTHING...again! Surprised?

in #informationwar5 years ago

Sometimes the MSM makes me want to scream at the top of my lungs! They impose on others, with no authority or crime involved; and try to make it smell like a crime! Here is a perfect example of such an unbelievable occurrence!

Image from article:

Article on POTUS restrictions that attempt to limit his personal travel:

The MSM is in a constant attack mode on President Trump, and their bias is well known and obvious!

The mainstream media talks about President Trump as if he’s a loose cannon, running around everywhere doing exactly what he likes. How true is that, though? In fact, now that he’s in office, does Trump even have the freedom previous presidents have enjoyed? Startlingly, some people seem to think that even ordinary activities like going to a sporting event should be off-limits to our chief executive. Is this attitude putting unfair restrictions on the president?

They want to keep him locked up in the Oval office, until they can remove him personally!

One of this season’s key college football games is being played today — the University of Alabama is taking on LSU — and President Trump is planning to be there to watch. Of course, he’s not alone; the Crimson Tide’s home stadium in Tuscaloosa has a capacity of over 100,000 and it’s likely to be full today. But the other 102,820 people there won’t have their attendance called “a pretty incredible thing.”
That’s what Fox News’s football expert Terry Bradshaw said about Trump’s decision to attend the game. Bradshaw wasn’t actually complaining, of course — but what does it say when it’s incredible that the president wants to watch a football game?
Many people do complain about Trump’s attendance at sporting events. Recently he’s been to see Game 5 of the World Series and UFC 244, a mixed martial arts event — and at both events, he was booed by some of the crowd.
It’s less likely the president will face this sort of rudeness in Alabama, considering his 2016 margin of victory in the state, but with his attendance plans known in advance, there may be some kind of organized protest.

It is really no one else's business if he decides to go to a sporting event. He has the same right as any other Citizen, and can go where he damn well pleases!

Being president has always placed some restrictions on having a normal life, but in this administration, it’s reached ridiculous levels. Not only is the president at risk of assassination and other threats that come with his position; now whatever he does is being questioned — even if it’s something as simple as going to a football game.
The hostility stirred up by the Left has reached insane levels, and most of it is aimed personally at President Trump. Despite his power, the president is a US citizen like the rest of us, and he should be allowed to do ordinary things without it becoming a political football.

WHY is it that they have to try to build up everything President Trump does into a scandal? Apparently he did NOT ask them first, about attending the football game! HOW Could he do that, without checking with THEM first?

The arrogance of these scum vermin is amazing! They truly expect the POTUS has to check with them first, before he can get a hall pass to use the restroom!


MSM are an outright pain.

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Evil people for sure! They sold your souls to Satan, IMHO!


Definitely seems they have :(

Know them by their fruit....

And their fruit is rotten!


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