The liberals like a speaker who is quoting Hitler, and simply substituting Trump for Jew, in those quotes!

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

The socialists continue to find new lows, now they applaud quotes from Adolph Hitler; in their gross ignorance! Secure in their stupidity believing the totalitarian government they support; is a benevolent guardian, and not a fascist dictator!

Their Historical ignorance will cost many lives....

It is the same view shared by sheep, on their way to the slaughterhouse floor; although the Judas goat may be a better analogy....

Image from Article:
liberal socialist.jpg

Article on our Liberal Socialists mirroring the Fascists regimes in Germany in the 1930s:

The liberals are shockingly ignorant of politics, which makes them putty to manipulate, by those with no morals!

It is ironic that modern socialists cheered quotes from Hitler:

All of that being said, one notable instance where it became obvious the left has no actual understanding of politics, or fascism for that matter, was back in 2017 when a Trump supporter infiltrated a Leftist protest in Chicago. The Trump supporter was able to speak at the event and in his speech used several lines directly from Adolf Hitler.

According to an article on Fascism News, when the Trump supporter spoke at the protest “he rattled off a number of quotes — all from Nazi dictator Adolph Hitler — derived from his speeches back in the day, and from his autobiography, Mein Kampf. The only changes he made were replacing the words “Jews” and “bankers” with “Donald Trump.”

The scary part is that today's socialists are too ignorant to even understand the intrinsic danger this encompasses. They are forging their own prison bars using their own limited understanding as the raw material!

Here are the quotes directly from Hitler's mouth, with the above editing!

“We are Socialists, we are enemies of the capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, rights it’s unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.”

“The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter.” [Our founders believed private property rights were fundamental to individual liberty.]

“This Third Reich (American nation) will always retain its right to control the owners of property… A policy of laissez faire in this sphere is not only cruelty to the individual guiltless victims but also to the nation as a whole.”

Here is OUR problem today....
Modern fascists control the search engines on the internet:

They are telling us, by way of the internet; that all conservatives are Nazis; using fascists methods! They accuse US of that which they themselves are guilty; and expect blind obedience, and equally blind faith in them....

It’s almost impossible to believe in 21st century America we are experiencing censorship on such a level that we are almost on par with communist countries like China. Our “news outlets” have become leftist propaganda machines and Big Tech has taken it upon themselves to censor all conservative voices. Ironically, Google is censoring conservatives and labeling them “Nazis” despite their own, actual Nazi-like tactics.

They are trying to place this moniker on anyone THEY disagree with, as any good fascists would....
Google is the worst offender!

As Breitbart News noted, the email document comes from internal communications within Google’s “transparency-and-ethics” group and strongly suggests that any content that PragerU, Peterson, and Shapiro publish ought to be removed from the “suggestion feature.”

Google’s censorship of conservative figures has to stop or America, as we have known it since the signing of the Constitution, will be gone.

If this is NOT stopped, and returned to a free and fair internet; with free speech per the First Amendment, our Republic will die from within! Brothers will be force to kill Brothers, and this country will move into History. The naked truth is ignorant liberals will destroy that which is beyond their understanding!

Ironically, liberals will be the least functional of us, since they are so dependent on the government that must, by definition cease to function; will be the first to starve to death! Trusting too much in the government, and in so doing allowing them total power; will end civilization on this planet. Billions will die of starvation, for the greed of a few, and the ignorance of Many!

Article from Fascist news on this same debacle:

This is border line insanity on the part of the liberals; with change for the sake of change with no thought of the final destination, that change will lead us to!

They’re the ones who love big government, and have a habit of shutting down everyone they disagree with. They’re the ones who have been responsible for the most political violence over the past year. Inside their social echo chambers it’s easy for them to view themselves as heroes, but it’s obvious to everyone else that the far-left is the most tyrannical force in America today.

Lying about people you do not like or disagree with, is a method of control by propaganda. It is a fascist political method, and their go to tool is violence! They will never compromise or treat for consensus; they can only attack and kill. This is why they are loosing political power, people are tired of their "No Future" outlook, and their ignorance of the real World!

Here is the beginnings of civil war, unchecked violence from the fascist left, just like the Brown Shirts in 1930s Germany:

NEWS FLASH: Violence is an end in itself, and NOT a political tool! Nothing good can come from it's use, and only the worst kind of leader will be willing to use it.

The new Nazi Brown Shirts are actually today’s Black Shirts, but the tactics are the same now as they were in the 1930s: Attack your political opposition and beat them into silence.

Welcome to the new revolution, ladies and gentlemen, where the enemy of freedom and liberty is the Democratic Party.

People are leaving the DNC in droves, because their current policies are anathema to the good people who remained in their ranks! They must leave, or agree with the demons in charge of their party these days....

They have not been mainstream in their views for decades, and as they slide more and more malignant; the decent people that were supporting them are following their conscience, and leaving the DNC!


This kinda supports what you've been saying. you might actually be right about something.

I would rather be wrong, but History repeats itself on these Ignorant Socalists....


Ignorant or evil? Don't worry, you're still probably wrong like normal.

Ignorant sheeple, Evil leaders; so Both, SMH!


They believe that the ends justifies the means. Subjectivity does this to the soul. Wow. Hitler Trump.

Only sheeple believe feces like that. They can justify anything when there is no moral absolute!

They have tried for years to attach Hitler and President Trump; while worshipping Hitler themselves, SMH!

But the Devil owns their souls, and directs their tasks....


Yes, I wish it was not so; but the truth is the truth!


I think that defining the term the "swamp" is the first step...

the swamp : the apolitical association of the american childrapist using bribes and corruption to control the american gov.

the deepstate : the part of the us gov controlled by the swamp.

do you agree? would you maybe propose your own?

Just add minions of Satan, and you got it made!


that's the point, satan doesn't have minions ! at least no humans :)... they are too weak, too useless... and sin way too much :D.

please try your own :)

the swamp is :

The Devil has Demons, and THEY are a real problem. But those he has purchased, are cannon fodder, and he has Zero regard for their long term survival, so can be weak and useless and still be useful to him. He needs hands here to function on Earth, and only protects the top level like pelosi, soros, and the clintons. As far as sin, they are expected to sin. The worse the better!

It is simple, the swamp is death to the Republic, and all the thinking people.

Just like "Atlas Shrugged"....


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