The liberal house is trying to impeach President Trump for doing his Constitutional Job, and because they hate him!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Thursday we will be subject to a kangaroo court of World class proportions, run by the deep state swamp! They will be attacking President Trump, and every voter that elected him; for doing his Job!

It will be interesting to watch them try to lie their way into the Presidency; since they have nothing except their own blind hate to use as the Non Crime, Crime!

Image from article:
rand paul fist.jpg

Article on POTUS's ability to direct foreign policy:

The Constitution defines the job of the Potus on foreign policy as The source of US Policy. He can decide to disburse, or withhold funding, at will. The decision is his. This means that he was doing his job, even if he decided to do so.

Even though there was no quid pro quo, if he had decided to do that; it would have been 100% legal for him to do so!

Senator Rand Paul explains this process:

As Paul rightly explained, the president has every right to withhold funds to any country in which he believes corruption has taken place, and that the accusations of a quid pro quo are misplaced.

So they are trying to impeach him for doing his Job! The real problem we have is the swamp that believes They direct ALL US Foreign policy, when in fact, they can NOT legally direct any US foreign policy! Foreign Policy is President Trump's job, not theirs!

“If you’re not allowed to give aid to people who are corrupt, there’s always contingencies on aid,” he continued.

“Even President Obama withheld aid, you know, he was supposed to give lethal aid. Congress said, ‘Give them $300 billion in lethal aid,’ and he sent them blankets.” Paul said.

“Presidents since the beginning of time have resisted Congress and there’s been this sort of back and forth jockeying over what is sent. But also, presidents have withheld aid before for corruption. I think it’s a mistake to say, ‘Oh, he withheld aid until he got what he wanted,’” he continued.

“If it’s corruption and he believes there to be corruption, he has every right to withhold aid,” Paul declared.

It amazes me that the video I posted with Biden actually demanding a Quid Pro Quo is apparently just fine, and Warren is threatening to do the same to Israel, if she is elected!
The liberal house is trying to impeach President Trump for doing his Constitutional Job, and because they hate him!
Article on Warren quid prop quo threat:

The Washington Examiner reported she warned Israel, America's closest ally in the Middle East, that she wants its construction of settlements in the West Bank to stop.

The Examiner said Warren was asked after a town hall in Iowa whether she was open to making U.S. aid conditional on an agreement with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to halt the construction.

The West Bank is home to about 3 million Palestinians and some 400,000 Jews.

Warren responded: "Right now, Netanyahu says that he is going to take Israel in a direction of increasing settlements. That does not move us toward a two-state solution. It is the official policy of the United States of America to support a two-state solution. And if Israel is moving in the opposite direction, everything's on the table."

SO, apparently, any liberal can do anything they please, but a Conservative is not allowed to even do his job without an all out attack! This is a blatant attempt to reverse the 2016 election, by the deep state!


I think it's pretty interesting that Warren is leading in some poles and some think she could be the nominee, it's comical.

She is only leading in the polls in the liberal echo chambers....

Everyone else thinks she is crazy!


Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll be the nominee. What do you think about Bloomberg and that Massachusetts ex governor getting in? Good or bad?

They all seem to be fighting for the botton of the barrel position, one big giveaway. Bloomberg doesn't have the core for criticism, too thin skinned.

Killary is still trying to get the nod, so she can 'beat him again'; so it could be worse ROFLOL!

Whomever wins will claw back to center, and will be painted as a moderate to conservative dummycrap!

We live in interestinv times....


I agree. That would be great if Hillary got in. The other's I've heard that are thinking about it is Tom Hanks and Oprah. They really want Michell 0 but she swears she doesn't want it.

They are desperate to find anyone who could have a chance to beat President Trump.

They can't go where they Must go, and tell the truth about their goals! They are so far left, that no one sane, want what they are selling anymore....


Well I don't know about "no one."..look at Bernie packing out the crowds 25 thousand where ever he goes. That's alarming.

Beware of stupid people in large groups! It is a concern that so many people are so uneducated as to believe his claptrap!

They are so ignorant about History, they can even understand the Disaster that he would be!


Thank you for writing this article!

These people as always are out of line and out of control.

They will do Anything to get their way including the more lying, cheating, stealing and treason.

It's what they base their entire lives on!

Glad you liked it!

They are out of control, and they are destroying their possible election chances! Couldn't happen to a more crooked group of scum vermin! Sadly, it is all they have to offer....


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