Still serious questions surface on the Birth Certificate for Barack Hussien Obama. and the lap dog media not only will not investigate, they attack anyone who does!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

I did not believe that BHO was foreign born to begin with, I thought it was ridiculous to begin with. But when they began blocking requests in court, I had to treat the question seriously. THEN I saw the presented Birth Certificate; and knew they were lying! I could have done a better job foraging a fake!

I wonder what will happen now? Apparently, more information has surfaced pertaining to a real birth certificate for Barack Hussien Obama from the country of Kenya.

From the article, is a picture of a Man the MSM destroyed with lies:
judge roy moore.jpg

Interesting that it is not photo shopped like the one he presented to all of us.

When this is verified, as it seems it will be, what does that say for our future? How will BHO be dealt with; assuming this is true? What path is moral and correct? How do we deal with this level of treason? Do we vacate 8 years of foreign born abuse, by canceling everything he signed? Would it be correct to jail him, and the people that helped him perpetrate this fraud?

If this is proven true, it is the greatest political crime in History! There should be severe punishment to match the crime; again, if this is proven true!

Should get exciting; would you like to know the real truth? I would!

Here is the lock step derision of anyone who questions BHO; from a bought and paid for Main Stream Media! (I apologizes for posting this feces, it is for contrast only, not to believe!)



Sir smithlabs...I've heard people say that it doesn't matter where he was born because if one of his parents was a U. S. citizen then he is legally a citizen do it doesn't matter.

That is not the Law; just another excuse to ignore the Rule of Law.

I have a friend at church who had two US Citizens that were missionaries to Mexico. He is still considered a citizen...of Mexico!

But he is just a normal person, and not one of our 'Ruling Class'; that GOD himself has to consult first, before he makes a decision (so they think) SMH!


lol. yeah that is awful funny...God having to consult them to make a decision. Their arrogance is without limits.

Yes, they think they are Einstein, when they are really Forest Gump!

A group of arrogant Idiots, that believe they are omnipotent and only think of perfect policies!

Sadly, they are ignorant, and their policies are influenced by the Devil himself!


Dang sir smithlabs, you're gonna hurt their feelings if you keep talking like that. Why are you building AR's? to see if you can?

You are right, I should Not be so caring, and careful, with them....

Same reason you should build AR-15's; to piss off the liberals! They aren't good for much, calibre is too light for real use! But like I say, they are good for pissing off liberals, so everyone should have a dozen or so....


yeah lets just build a few of them everyone! how are we supposed to know how to do that sir smithlabs? not everyone has a shop or equipment. Can't we just hire you?

Can be done with hand tools. internet videos on how too are what I use the first time. Not that hard, you're a Texan; you are born knowing this....


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With Fox going malignant, @infornmationwar is our only source of real news now! Thanks for holding the line, and fighting the good fight!

Thanks for the curation!


Yes sir! We can only do what we do with community support :)

Well you have My support! I will keep looking for good things to post and comment about!

Maybe we can cause the Lapdog Media some embarrassment!

But I do appreciate all the work you do to expose their hypocrisy! In the long run, I believe this will make a difference. They do too, or they would not keep complaining about alternate Media sources!


Should get exciting; would you like to know the real truth? I would!

no, not really. I mean - what would that Truth change, if at all? :)
things will still remain pretty much the same. as saying goes:
SNAFU or SUSFU, perhaps even already FUBAR :D

there used to be a very good stand-up comedian who was actually talking much more sense than perhaps whole Main Stream Media (aka "Presstitutes") combined (what to speak of gov officials and others from establishment). his name was George Carlin. so, as I recall, he said once, quite rightly so:

"Forget the politicians. The politicians are put there to give you the idea you have freedom of choice. You don't ..."

so, in this regard - it doesn't really matter which talking head was placed in charge, for how long, what did it say ... and even less so - what is the origin of that talking head. because as Carlin also said that time:

"They don’t give a fuck about you . . . they don’t give a fuck about you. They don’t care about you at all . . . at all . . . at all, and nobody seems to notice. Nobody seems to care. That’s what the owners count on... "

unless perhaps it's merely just for some fun and entertainment ... yeah, sure! why not.
people do love a good laugh - even if they laugh practically at themselves :D

the show must go on ...

I have always enjoyed George! He always wrapped his comedy in truth, which is hard to do and takes a good mind to pull it off!

The only difference is what little protection we get from the Rule of Law. That and a POTUS that does not spend 8 years actively hating us and wanting us dead and bankrupt.

Besides, I would like to see him admit the great lie. Just once to to hear the truth from him would be a novelty.

Presstitutes is Perfect; I love that! Fox has caught the liberal flu, and so now there is not even a poor new outlet left! That will put more load onto @informationwar . We all will need to up our game to balance where we can!


yes, George was a rare talent, in fact a genius.

as for information ... I'm afraid that the "war" is already lost..
what's left is just a more like guerrilla activities of spread out groups...
which are becoming increasingly hard due to the "content indifference" of vast masses of affected population. they do not care so much about the "quality of content" - just only "consume" whatever they are fed by corporate MSM...

People were mad enough to upset their apple cart two years ago. They claimed they would gain over 50 seats in the house, and control the senate by several votes.

In truth, they lost 4 senate seats, and only gained 24 house seats, less than half of their estimate.

THEN they went to work, and stuffed every ballot box they had control over. The stole a Senate seal (tried to steal two) and stole about a dozen more house seats. Still not as much as they wanted but a lot more than they won!

WE NEED TO SEIZE THESE BALLOTS! Run full forensics, and find out who forged them. Convict them, and Hang them for treason! This is a minimum response!

Guerrilla war is better by media, hopefully it will not need to move to actual guerrilla warfare.


well, what can I say? perhaps again quote Carlin :

"the table is tilted, folks, the game is rigged ...."

the whole voting mechanism and electronic system - is corrupted. it has been not a secret since Bush Jr. "victory" (with help of his brother's manipulations or something?)

perhaps only if and when the whole voting system is totally changed and made on Blockchain - as I've recently watched apparently Ron Paul is now proposing... (here is related article; similar last year)

I do not think that it would even come to that "actual guerrilla warfare", because most of people prefer to remain in their "comfort zone" bubble, stay asleep - again, as Carlin said in the end of that Episode (usually searchable by name "American Dream")

"one has to be asleep to believe it ..."

so, the Era of Advanced Consumerism (no capitalism or anything else exists anymore) has made people into Consumers: apolitical, amoral, inert, indifferent... just perfectly satisfied with their own situation and overall state of affairs ... again, as Carlin said (sorry, I like to quote him :D): "Public sucks - FUCK Hope!" also as I recall it was Aaron Russo, another outspoken critique, who has made a diagnosis: that actually there is no any "democracy" - it is a Corporatocracy! or something like that ...


just after I've written and posted this - saw another related post made few days ago: "Who Really Won The 2018 Midterm Elections"

The real winner was: Nobody.

50.8% of eligible voters– 119,666,500 people– didn't vote...

So don't let anyone tell you that Democrats or Republicans won any election ever again. Remember that the real winner of the 2018 U.S. midterm elections, if we count all the eligible voters, including the ones that didn't even think it was worth it to vote– is "No Confidence" in the United States government.

Sadly, most of the voters that do NOT vote seems to be Conservatives. The Liberals have always managed to get their people out to vote. We need to get MAD, and we could take this Republic back, and throw out all the professional politicians.

This anger is building, and has been putting non politicians into office all over the country! The new Governor here in Oklahoma has never held office before. Lots of business owners are moving into politics.

IF WE flush enough professional political prostitutes, we can force change. BUT to do so, we have to get MAD! Real mad, and take that anger to the voting boot in large quantities! Other than that we are done.


It is still more reasonable, IMHO, that he is the lovechild of the "missing" Michael Rockefeller and an Indonesian politician's wife. Have you seen that presentation?

I haven't seen that but all I would like is believable proof of his birth, to verify who he actually is!

I had heard the that particular Rockefellar got himself eaten by going where he was not supposed to go. Money did not help, in the soup pot, apparently....


No. Michael Rockefeller was NOT eaten by

The Rockefellers have always wanted to be "KING" but could not run for POTUS openly, as their reputation has always been shady and their closet heap full of bones. SO, they put their love children (Bill Clinton, and Barry Soetoro) into office without the public even knowing they're Rockefellers.

It is sad that after a certain point, money controls you, instead of the other way around. Strange to think, but at that level, it becomes a curse.

Total focus on money displaces life.


I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you. Red Right Media is repeating a minor story from 2017. Why? You'd have to ask them that.

In 2017, Obama's brother tweeted an image of this supposed Kenyan birth certificate, but it turned out to have been taken from eBay, where a hoaxer had tried to sell it for $1m.

Malik Obama is, shall we say, a flamboyant character who is not shy of publicity, as you can judge from his Twitter timeline.

All in all, this is a very unlikely tale indeed.

I support a Christian School in Kenya. The Man that runs the school is a Man I respect and trust. He told me a decade ago that Kenya claimed BHO as a native son.

They have never had anything to gain from this claim, nor has My Friend. BHOs brother does not carry much weight with me, but My Friend does!

In the 2016 election, his Church had a 24 hour prayer vigil to support President Trump; because they considered Hillary to be the Spirit of Anti-Christ.

That was exactly what the Amish in Pa said....


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