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RE: We have come to a decision point in our History, do we protect our most innocent lives, or allow their continued Murder?
Sadly the Mothers were brainwashed, and are victims too. There is a special corner of Hell for those that Murder babies in the womb!
We must first change the Law, so it becomes a crime, before we can do Anything against these evil people. Right now they are untouchable, I am ashamed to say!
I know they will answer for these crimes, but I want them to answer here and now! This holocaust of the innocents, MUST stop!
Victims end up going to court as well. So, many are victims. That's true. I would want to go through the legal process, still. Maybe offer pardons on your first abortion. Maybe try to require women who have abortions not community service but some required educational training on what they did. Give them a pass the first time. Maybe fine them some money.
But whatever the penalties might be for a woman for the first abortion, it should be much higher on doctors who are the actual murderers. Technically, the potential mothers are assisting in the murder, legally or should be legally. The women are complicit in the murder. Like aiding and embedding almost. But they're not pulling the trigger. Therefore, it is less of a crime in theory.
Double Homicide
A baby is a person. Legally speaking, when you kill a pregnant woman, you are charged with double-homicide. Because, two people. Not one person. Very simple, legally. Therefore, it would be madness if other laws were to contradict with that for example. So, it would seem that some of the laws are good. But if other laws conflict with the constitution or with other laws, then that would a problem. If judges and courts are ruling unconstitutionally, then that is a problem as well.
Go after their money. Try to stop the doctors and others from making so much money from performing abortions. That would help to some extent.
I agree, I am incensed that they are forcing me to pay to murder babies, through tax dollars! I am being forced, under threat of violence, to help with murder. This is the liberal way, and all are forced to comply, while ignoring their own core beliefs.
But first, we need to make this illegal. THEN we can begin to take legal action, to punish these murders!
This is the single greatest fear the liberal have; that the damaged Rule of Law, will reassert itself!
If all else fails, why not try every tax payer with the murders of babies as a last resort to get people angry in order to get a lot of people to talk about it at a new level, that is in the court of law?
ANYTHING That saves innocent lives! I think we have to win this in Battle in the hearts first before we can win in courts.
Disgustingly, right now the murders that they are doing are legal, immoral though they are! Christian beliefs are ignored, and liberal decisions are enforced at gunpoint!
So what happens when a mother is poor and the baby would live a life of suffering and despair and die at a young age? Should we give people checks when they give birth so they can provide for this child?
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You just described MY Wife, the very air I breathe; who has MS, and I wait on her hand and foot! She is adopted, and I thank GOD I have her every day!
When we found out My Son was coming, they recommended that we abort him, because we were "in school", and "poor"!
When my daughter was coming they recommended we abort her, because My wife had uterine suspension problems. They wanted to abort, and repair so we could have more children.
If we had followed YOUR recommendations, Everything important in my entire life would have been conveniently medically murdered by someone who could not make it as a doctor.
I was so damn poor, I went without shoes in the summer, so I would have been killed also! Where does your thirst for Murder end? What gives YOU the right to play GOD? I learned how to locate editable plants when I was a kid, to supplement the family food supply. BUT I have made a good life, and contributed much to society, and I still DO. I am called from all over the country, to help with problems no one else can solve. They call me because I can solve them. I got a "please come to Colorado, we are in trouble" call tonight. You would have killed me, so I would not grow up poor!
Your arrogance and perceived right to pass judgement on innocent blood is stunning! MY GOD, you must be omnipotent, does HE have to call you for orders?
But you would have killed me, because I started poor. I was one of six children, and five of those have college degrees. The only thing in life that is NOT repairable, is murder in the womb.
NO ONE has the right to murder innocent blood! We currently pay for EVERY child that is born, you only murder these innocent children to save money, and sound concerned!
Your argument is crap,
and I am proud of the family I have, that you would have murdered. ALL of my family (poor though we were) are college graduates! My daughter is a PHD, and My son is a degreed police officer, and my wife was an RN, and I am a degreed inventor of national standing in my field. Do You ever wonder how many Einsteins or Salks you have helped murder, in your blind arrogance?YOU would have murdered them ALL with your `life of suffering Bull Shit; News Flash, Life IS suffering, but freedom allows you to fight that problem!
My god dude the essays of garbage just dont end lmfao.
Im recommending we help poor people so that abortions dont need to happen. The primary REASON for abortions is poverty. Cure that and people dont need to "murder" "babies".
You should agree, right? Dont you love helping homeless people? Why defend big corporations and oil stocks so much?
Posted using Partiko Android
You STILL have no idea who I am!
If you looked at my page, you would see that I feed to homeless weekly, and set up to feed a hot meal once a month on a parking lot. WE feed about 600 people a month, and have for over six years. We also are finding those who want work, work.
The abject poverty is aggravated by welfare policies. We have helped Mothers who wanted to transition to work, but the second they try, they are cut off from government support. IF there was a bridge to employment, where better money is, a lot of talented Ladies would be able to leave the welfare roles. We have carried several women during that transition period.
BUT once on welfare, the policies require that you STAY on welfare. Welfare is just enough to carry people, and makes no effort to help them help themselves. It IS financial quicksand!
Please quote where I have
Since this has NOTHING to do with murdering innocents anyway. The only time I combined the two, was when I was ordered to design tools for a D&C Tray. I told them to go to hell, they threatened to fire me; I quit, and went elsewhere. You know when you are GOOD at what you do, you can do that. I had a job, closer to home, the next day..
The REAL problem, is that infanticide is BIG business; for one of those truly Evil Corporations...Planned Parenthood! They are too big a contributor to the DNC to be at risk, sorry no oil stocks there, LOL!