
sir smithlabs! well I have a hard time understanding their strategy sometimes but Trump has given them enough ammunition for a lifetime just by the way he says things, his past, and the questionable characters he has had around him.

People have no clue about all the good things that are being accomplished because all he does is tick people off.

Their strategy is chaos for the sake of chaos. Everyone has run into people they should not associate with, sometimes they do not even know....

I know a Texan, so that should prove my point, ROFLOL!

As far a President Trump saying things that tick people off, it is about time someone did! Speak the truth, without apology, and let the snowflakes run for cover. It might help a few of them grow up, SMH!


sir smithlabs! I guess I get the strategy of chaos, especially when they aren't in power.
As far as Trump I'm not talking about the truthful things I'm talking about being an idiot. Calling people names like a 3rd grader, trying to be a bully, not to other bullies but to unrelated people. The blowhard arrogance is suffacating and the
constant lying turns everyone off and makes it so easy for the opposition when it's so unneccessary.

He makes the dems look like grownups who are mature and caring adults wanting to help people while he is out there destroying the image of the Republican party. Because the regular low information voter doesn't know all the good stuff that he's doing, they just see someone who they think is insane.

And that's not to mention the horrendous damage he's done to the image of the Church. The way he conducts himself just confirms to non believers that Christians are nasty and hateful and mean because that's the way he comes across to them and that's the way they see Believers and the republican party. It's such a shame because the Church blew it in 2016 big time. We had lots of genuine Godly men and Woman to chose from and we chose the only one who wasn't.

A lot of this is due to the Main stream Media, and their focus on anything they can, no matter how small the infraction. They ALWAYS make the Republican President out to be a fool, a bully, a racist, and a buffoon. No one, under this microscope, can come off looking good. They have used this for decades. Ford tripped once, and became a clumsy clown, Bush mis-spoke once, and became a stutterer. Trump reacts to their attacks, and becomes a bully.

They are working active propaganda to protect the liberals backsides, while they seize power.

The liberals (with 100% favorable press) will always look good, unless you look up what they actually say and more importantly what they DO. But one very important thing: Never take what the Main stream media says as true! They have been out of the truth business for half a century!

One of the reasons I post a lot for @informationwar, is to try to counter some iof this propaganda, that is presented as news.

So do NOT help spread their feces. They are Evil people, working for Evil people; and they intend to kill us all.

As far as Godly Men, there are very few in DC! If Christ almighty took this job, they would attack him also, and then call him a Racist that works for Satan!


sir smithlabs! no I'm not talking about the mainstream media at all. you're preachin to the choir.
I'm not talking about the media, I'm talking about the church failing to vote Biblically.

Yes, they should vote as GOD wills! People have been hammered that there must be a separation between church and state. The concept was from a letter, not the foounding documents. It was an explanation that the Founding Fathers intended for there to be a separation; that was to protect the Church from the State. The State was always intended to be exposed to the Church! The Church is supposed to be the conscience of the Republic! You are right, they MUST vote using the Bible as their guide!

That said, part of the sources for this derision over Christian values is the Main Stream Media. They have had their hand in a lot of moral damage in this country.


smithlabs haha don't waste your time preachin to the choir, I've been listening to Rush for 30 years or however long he's been on the radio. lol.
We do know exactly what God wills as far as elected leaders as it is clearly spelled out and yet instead the church wanted a Saul.
I'm not saying we're doomed because of it because God can work through anyone of course IF they are open to Him but I see zero evidence of that and everywhere I look I see the Church defending the indefensible and falling into the trap that the dems use to portray all Christians as mean, nasty, hateful, evil, intolerant, and of course racist. And that image that they brand the entire Church with has been given to them on a silver platter.

Have you heard a single major Church leader condemn Trump's behavior but praise the good that he has guided while in office? I sure haven't. But we need to stand up and stand for righteousness and condemn horrible behavior no matter whos it is but the Church has suddenly turned a blind eye to it.

Any Christian you talk to when they hear how lousy a representative of the republicans Trump is, and that also means the Church at least in the non-Believer's eyes, they say "yeah but the Clintons or Hillary or Obama!"

They always side step the issue and refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. The Church ditched their values and elected a Saul instead of voting Biblically, that's all I'm saying. And we need another 4 years after 2020 in order to catch up with serious security threats from China but Trump has made himself so hated and so impossible to like by the dems that he might lose in 2020.

Reagan pulled it off by being kind, gentle, but smart and tough so we know it can be done in the face of tremendous odds.And Trump does have good political instincts in many areas, I just don't know if his style is a winning formula.

But hey, maybe the dems will have so many people running and the party will be so split up that they won't be able to mount the numbers to take it all, but I predict record turnouts for them. Oh and I'm sure you saw that your hero Beto is running.
At this point I think it could be him or Harris with the nomination.

The church have several failures to their credit. They have allowed themselves to be marginallized by liberals telling them that church has nothing to do with politics! They also abdicated their place to take care of the indigent.

So the government has been amoral for half a century, and the indigent were taken up by the government with all the evils that entails.

Trump is doing a lot better than any POTUS since Reagan. Sadly he works within the DC filth, and is limited by minions of Satan; and that is a problem for sure! We are in the end times, and all of this will be fixed by the second coming of Christ!

I am certain that if Christ himself was in the office of POTUS, they would be tryinmg to impeach him too. The would find some Bimbos to lie about him too! these are liars of the worst kind, and I would NOT believe them if they told me that the shy is blue!

GOD is in control, and will use all things to his glory! I also know that it has to get really bad, before we see the sky split to the East!

So stay Safe, and if the liberals get into the POTUS next time, it is within GOD's plan!


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