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RE: Human rights violations, including murder; in South Africa draws no press coverage...WHY NOT?

in #informationwar6 years ago

ALL Governments deny involvement in persecution, so that does NOT surprise me. In WWII, the Nazis denied there were death camps too. Here our government denied knowledge of the shooters in Las Vegas, but the government knew what kind of gun the shooter used...without even looking at the weapon.

So I must ignore their denial, as the expected result.

Murder can not be justified, period. The sad fact that some murdered happen to be wrapped in dark skin is as big a crime as killing those in lighter skin! One does make the other acceptable.

Blocking a group of white people from fleeing, resulting in their murder IS racially motivated extermination, by definition. I wish this was not happening, and I wish the black Citizens there were safe too! They are probably being killed base on tribal affiliations, or motivated by simple robbery! ANY reason justifying murder is unacceptable!


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