
this is how you fight terrorists without guns :D
no bloodshed

Can't open it? Looks interesting though.


huh why cant open? its a youtube link.. start at 2:45... they fought a knife wielding terrorist with a chair, a fire extinguisher and a tusk of a narwhal... non of them had access to guns

youtube says:

Video unavailable
The uploader has not made this video available in your country.

I am glad they stopped him!

I carry a 9mm, 100% of the time. This would have ended quickly...a knife is not much threat in a gun fight.


XDDD why would it not be available in US i dont get it... if no one has access to guns, there are no gun fights, and primitive options only have limited lethality...

The internet is becoming almost unusable due to censoring.

As far as the firearm issue, any competent home builder can make a firearm. A machinist can make one you can't tell from the Factory made. This is what you can never remove firearms by law, any more than you can remove drugs by law.

I have never seen a gun fight, and have only had a gun trained on me once, by a sheriff, by mistake. Even though I have carried a firearm for decades, I have never had to pull it. Came close with a large knife, and once with a sword. Talked them both down, and they never knew I had a pistol....

Firearms are not the problem, this is a heart issue!

Since our Second Amendment is there to protect us from our own government (see Democide); and every time more firearms are placed in public hands, violence decreases.


i hope a person skilled enough to make a gun can make a good decision on how to use it, though that was not the case in the halle failed shooting where a guy 3D printed a gun, that was too low quality to shoot open the door of a synagogue... also sometimes delaying the process of getting a gun can prevent shootings, as they are often based on impulsive behaviour caused by current emotional state. so having a gun check that takes 3 weeks, which is the case for 1 state in USA, can prevent shooting, while not restricting access to guns...

I can make a shotgun using a pair of black pipes, in less than an hour. Only need to drill one hole. Just not that hard, but outlaw them and people that would never consider making a firearm will set up production lines.

I have a nice 3-D printer, and only a fool would use it to print a gun. A simple block and a hand held drill motor will make a reasonable accurate hand held pistol. 3-D printed guns are just intended to piss off liberals, and could only be possibly viable; if the printed part was used to cast a metal part.

All you get by delaying a person with Murder in his heart is a murder with a bat or a knife. The heart is the real problem here, and a madman will not wait. BUT if the Victim is carrying a defensive firearm, the bat or knife will NOT be very effective!

The government does NOT have the Constitutional Authority to restrict Firearm ownership by Citizens.

You want to know the risk our Founding Fathers worried about? Look up Democide, THAT is what they worried about when they wrote the Second Amendment. They wanted us to be armed Equally with any standing Army the Government has, to avoid Democide problems.

Stay safe!


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