
Either that or they just give up on you because they think you are a hopeless cause and a waste of your time..except demon girl keeps coming back to insult you. lol.

I pity her, that is the entire blockchain for her! She learns Nothing, and makes Zero friends; that is a sad way to go through life....


Well if her username is any indication.. she doesn't care or enjoys making others angry.

Sad angry woman, No one likes her. He own fault, but liberals can't seem to talk to anyone, they have to fight with everyone.


Hey that's the main complaint about Trump, that he has to fight with everyone!

The simple difference between defense and attack. HE Defends, and I say he has every right to; but she attacks, for no reason, in ignorance (AKA classic liberal).

I personally think it is time, and past time; for a POTUS to push back on these scumvermin!


Yeah it always drove me crazy the W. never defended himself while being attacked constantly!

Recently, GOP Politicians are not allowed to defend themselves for any reason. If they did, the MSM flocked to the attack; screaming racist taunts.

President Trump just ignored them, and defended himself against them anyway! That makes them look foolish, and the MSM doesn't like to look foolish! He has consistently made a monkey out of them....


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