Proof that they have located Noah's Ark on Mount Arrarat, and it is more technically advanced that we were told!

in #informationwar5 years ago

They found Noah's Ark, and here is the science proving that! Imagine, that they built a wooden ship almost the size of a WWII aircraft Carrier; using technology we are just now beginning to understand!

Image from article:
noahs ark.jpg

Here is what the labels mean:

The shape looked like hull of a ship. One end was pointed as you would expect from bow [below: D] and the opposite end was blunt like a stern. The distance from bow to stern was 515 feet, or exactly 300 Egyptian cubits. The average width was 50 cubits. These were the exact measurements mentioned in the Bible.

On the starboard side (right) near the stern there were four vertical bulges protruding from the mud [B], at regular intervals, that were determined to be the “ribs” of the hull [see below]. Opposite to these, on the port side, a single rib [A] protrudes from the mud. You can see its curved shape very clearly. Surrounding it are more ribs, still largely buried in the mud, but visible upon close examination.

Article on the find of Noah's Ark:

This is the main write up on this story, showing that the build was laminated wood riveted with modern alloy rivets; all petrified by time and exposure!

A core drill done in 1977 found artifacts that scream Noah's Ark!

Artifacts Retrieved From The Ark

Using the GPR, Ron Wyatt discovered an open cavity on the starboard side. He used an improvised drill to make core sample inside this cavity and retrieved several very interesting objects. Below you can see the artifacts which were sent for laboratory analysis. On the left is the bore hole [see below], followed by what turned out to be petrified animal dung, then a petrified antler and lastly a piece of cat hair.

The lamination technology is similar to modern plywood, with wood directed at different angles to increase strength. The USS Constitution uses similar layering on her hull that is 2 foot thick, leading the English gunners to begin calling her "Old Ironsides"; because the cannonballs would not penetrate her hull! The USS Constitution is 204 feet long, less than half of the length of Noah's Ark, so it was quite a ship!

The Ark used organic glue to hold the wood together that worked so well that it is still there! WE Can NOT do that today, WE don't have the organic glue that will survive 60 centuries....

NOT BAD For some sheep herders 6000 years ago!

There are rivets that were recovered from the Ark, are made from alloys that we have just discovered recently! The contain Titanium and aluminum with the steel, that strengthens it, and makes it very corrosion resistant!

Here is a report on this alloy confirming the corrosion resistance from a Russian Lab source:

The Russian Lab found the following about this alloy using a S.E.M. (Scanning Electron Microscope):

1. Oxidation of the surface of iron-aluminum alloy at an oxygen pressure (PO2) < 10-7 torr leads to formation of a thin aluminum oxide film with high protective properties.
2. Oxidation of the alloy surface at (PO2) < 10-7 torr leads to formation of a ferric oxide film, underlain by a layer of aluminum oxide.

A lab in the USA confirmed that the alloy from 60 centuries ago, was in fact a modern alloy, here is their analysis::

This proves that they used Titanium, Aluminum, and Iron; 4000 years before they were supposed to have been able to even do this! WE did not have this technology on the USS Constitution, we couldn't make these rivets then, this alloy is that recent....

More on the Ark find:

The size matches the size given to us, in the Bible:

The first part of the survey was to examine the object and take its measurements. The shape looked like hull of a ship. One end was pointed as you would expect from bow [below: D] and the opposite end was blunt like a stern. The distance from bow to stern was 515 feet, or exactly 300 Egyptian cubits. The average width was 50 cubits. These were the exact measurements mentioned in the Bible.

This is an amazing construction job today, but only GOD Himself could have directed this work 60 centuries ago!

The Ground Penetrating Radar proved that the object underground was man made:

Ground Penetrating Radar

The human eye needs to see reflected light to recognize an object. To visualize what remains below the earth, scientists use microwaves which can penetrate the ground and bounce back when they hit something solid. This technique is commonly used to locate oil and other minerals. Called Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), the apparatus us made from an antenna that transmits, then listens to receive the “echo” and prints the result on a piece of paper. The delay and strength of this echo tell the geologists how solid and at what depth the objects are under the earth.

GPR Photo from this article:

The team of geologists didn’t scan the entire object. Instead, they marked out lines that crossed the object with yellow tape. Then they dragged the antenna (about the size of a lawnmower) over the lines and watched the output on the paper recorder. When they got a strong “hit” — meaning there was something solid underneath — they would record the position on the tape [above]. Later, when they made a map of the object, the tape and the location of the “hits” they realized that there was indeed a structure underneath the mud.

Very good evidence that this is a Man made structure, properly collected, using scientific means!

There is a local town that is the Town of Noah in local legend. Clsoe to this town we find anchor stones from the ark.

The surrounding area has more surprises

Several miles from the location of the Ark, huge stones were discovered, some standing upright while others lying on the ground. These stones, weighing many tons, have holes carved in them. Scientists have determined that they were anchors and the holes would have been their attachment to a ship with hemp rope.

Often these stones will have crosses carved in them, from centuries ago when pilgrims made the journey to visit the Ark. Yes, the Ark was well known in the Middle Ages and even before. And its location was recorded in many historical documents.

This was a common stabilization method with large top heavy ships; they tied these stones to the keel at the stern. So these stone should be right where they are! Their weight lowered the center of gravity, and the drag from them kept the bow into the waves.


Fascinating it's been a long time since I have heard anything on this find.

Posted using Partiko Android

Me too, I like archeology, but the science I monitor is where I found this.

It is a "twofer"; archeology And science, LOL!

Those were some pretty smart craftsmen. This is 3 feet longer than the USS Guadalcanal (CVE60) and a third wider beam. If you consider there was no space lost for engineering spaces or fuel tanks; there was more than twice the inside space on this Ark, than in that aircraft carrier!

She was a Real Monster to build in wood!


I was born in 1985. So, in the 1990's in Oregon, we had this 1980's VHS tape of a guy who was in like Noah's Ark. Now, that was probably not the real ark. However, this probably is. So, are they going to dig this thing out of the ground? I have heard that the local government were not letting people into the area at all for many years. What country is this?

Turkey, but this place is dangerous, lots of armed groups in that region.

Looks like they did find it, but I understand that they will NOT be digging any time soon, because of the local danger.

That tape is one of the guys listed in this article, he was the one that did the GSR scan. THAT was This Ark....


So, didn't Turkey government forbid people from being in that area? Did that change recently?

They allowed scientific work, under military guard. Really bad area filled with dangerous people.

It is apparently still a big problem today!


I was assuming the government didn't want people to find the ark at all.

No there are tribes in that area who will shoot first, and ask later. It is a real security issue . Turkey is muslim, but they follow Moses and Noah, so that part is parallel in islam.

But they actually had to set up a security perimeter with soldiers, to be safe for the scientists.


They could build a wall around the ark. How do they follow Moses and Noah? Are you talking about the Ten Commandments, other laws, or what?

They parallel the Jews up to Abraham; then it was a family squabble after that....

They even use the Torah.

I wish, but a wall won't stop Mortars. They need to all sit down at the table, and talk peace!


Very interesting sir smithlabs. I've been reading about this find for years and the artifacts of a ship are sure convincing. Is the location on the mountains of Ararat?

That is what I understand! The science and artefacts are compelling, for certain.


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