Mueller may have done himself legal harm, by using what appears to be illegal methods; to force perjury!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #informationwar6 years ago

I have often recommended that Private Citizens can reign in the swamp in DC, by legal action. There is no protection from slander and abuse of power if the Legal System. The only defense is the gospel truth. If you slander a person, and what you said is NOT true, you are responsible for the liable you have done.

Mueller apparently forgot that HE Personally can be sued for Malfeasance. This could hurt him, personally, as well as professionally. He has attempted to force a private citizen to perjure himself to avoid prosecution for an untrue charge! The fact, IF it is proven, is enough to challenge his law license. If Proven, he can be disbarred for this!

Image from article:

So, as this travels through the courts, Mueller may be disbarred. That will cramp things a might!

The swamp can protect it's minions only so far, and then they must stand up and answer for themselves!



dream on. ain't nothing happening to this guy sir smithlabs, where you get such an idea?

Simple slander lawsuit. The only defence is if the slander is the truth, THEN it is not slander. The added treat here is he has proof that Mueller was trying to force him to perjure himself, this is called blackmail, which is a felony. So he has become sloppy, and allowed evidence enough for a lawsuit to be filed.

Civil and Criminal charges, on a lawyer, because he is not smart enough to cover his own ass; bodes poorly for the retention of his law license!

They will abandon him if he looses this. They must, because he will be contaminated, by the truth. The Truth is fatal to a liberal, 100% of the time.


are they going to sue him?

They have already filed the lawsuit. It will get interesting!

If they win, he should loose his law license! That will put a hitch in his get along for sure! If it is proven extreme enough, he could go to jail, blackmail is a Felony....

Wouldn't that be fun? Maybe they can Me Too those he has been after on this if it gets to this point. :) He does deserve jail, being a good liberal!


ha! dream on. who is suing him?

Mueller claims that Corsi lied during his testimony about efforts to try to find out about WikiLeaks plans.

Corsi denies this allegation but is being forced to either admit he lied, or face a harsh sentence.

That’s why Corsi is filing a criminal complaint against Mueller.

He is asking $350,000,000.00 In actual and punitive damages, He may get it....

haha! 350 mill?! this is going nowhere. this is a non story.

He is asking for $100,000,000.00 in actual damages. Usually that amount is collected. This is coming in from multiple sources, and it could disbar him.

THAT is what I would insist on, for him to avoid jail time for blackmail. There was enough evidence, that the case was not dismissed.

It is FILED, and there is a court date, so he will have to respond to it. A threat to file, is way different than a filed case.

We filed a suit on an opposing company, and THEN notified them they were being sued.


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