Hillary defies the Rule of Law, and turns over a professionally cleaned server to the FBI; proving that she destroyed evidence!

in #informationwar5 years ago

Emails from Hillary's server is back in the news! Crimes are now defined, and 38 people were tied to specific email related crimes.

I find myself hoping that one of the 38, is named Clinton; she was, after all, ultimately responsible for this entire fiasco! Without her non secured server, there would have been 600 less crimes. They put a Navy Man in prison for a simple photographic mistake for over a decade; so by this metric, Hillary deserves 6000 + years in Prison!

Image from article

Article on email criminal acts:
I have no idea what took so long, but the State Department found 600 criminal acts committed on the Email they analyzed, with 38 individuals specifically tied to specific email crimes!

Now that the State Department has completed an email deep dive, a whole bunch of people could be in big trouble. Like, 38 people.

Will Hillary be one of those people? There’s probably a good chance she won’t be. A very good chance. As usual, Hillary is likely to skate off into the sunset where she’ll be free to continue blasting America.

She has possibly murdered enough witnesses to walk, but I find myself hoping that the Rule of Law finally gets her! It will be interesting to see if we have rulers, or public servants.

We find that so far, some people have been above the Law. This can NOT continue if our Republic is to endure! Every must be equal under the Law, or we are servants to those who rule....

Hillary is still unable to admit she lost in 2016.

The department determined that those 38 people were “culpable” in 91 cases of sending classified information in messages that ended up in Clinton’s personal email. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified in the report that was sent to Congress this week.

Clinton continues to come out in a full on assault on President Trump, this time going so far as to call him an “illegitimate president,” and then noting that this is something he’s “very insecure” about.

It seems Hillary is completely and totally incapable at this point, three years later, to move on from her massive loss, which really seems to have been a fatal blow to her ego, which is something she doesn’t want to live with.

Article on Hillary surrendering a professionally cleaned server and some "acceptable" emails on three thumb drives:

There are additional crimes here, that should be actively pursued:

After years of holding herself above the law, telling lie after lie, and months of flat-out obstruction, HIllary Clinton has finally produced to the FBI her server and three thumb drives. Apparently, the server has been professionally wiped clean of any useable information, and the thumb drives contain only what she selectively culled. Myriad criminal offenses apply to this conduct.

There are also crimes committed by the swamp, to cover for Hillary's crimes that must be aggressively investigated!

Equal to Ms. Clinton’s outrageous misconduct is that of the entire federal law enforcement community. It has long chosen to be deliberately blind to these flagrant infractions of laws designed to protect national security—laws for which other people, even reporters, have endured atrocious investigations, prosecutions, and some served years in prison for comparatively minor infractions.

There is a lot of swamp to drain, and a lot of crimes to pay for; and even more people who believe themselves to be above the Law!

We need to legally teach them to again respect the Law! The best first step would be to prosecute these 38, and everyone in the swamp that has helped them!


None of your liberal friends responded to this? I'm glad they are finally digging out some truth about this.

She needs to be in prison (on death row to be specific), but one step at a time....


We all need to dream....


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