False flag attacks are not even hidden under a good story any more!

in #informationwar6 years ago

The ATF didn't investigate the "Shooter's" weapon in Las Vegas; before the bump stock ban was advanced. WHY is this? They would have needed to inspect it with care, to make any statements about the firearm; UNLESS they already knew exactly what it was already....

HOW could the ATF already know everything about his firearm, Unless they were complicit in it's planned use? Could they be the source of the additional points of fire that are being ignored? How are we supposed to buy the published line with so many outright lies used to cover the base story? Does anyone believe that this was not a false flag attack? Does anyone believe that this was a single shooter?

How stupid do they think we are? They are not even trying to make these attacks believable any more! They are going for quantity, not quality, and their voracity suffers. They are ridiculous to the extreme, and should be called on this, and prosecuted for the lives they took, to try to force gun bans on use all



I knew that was a majorly flubbed false flag when Dianne Feinstein came out suddenly saying that no gun control law would have stopped the shooter. Obviously that is to take the spotlight off the case, could you ever imagine them letting a genuine crisis go to waste like that?

The bump stock bans are so fucking stupid, I got a letter saying that if I owned one then I am a felon, are there people who are actually too stupid or inept to achieve bump fire without a special device?

It is all in how you hold your...Um...tongue; ROFLOL! They are such transparent Fools! I keep hoping this is all just a bad dream!


and why don't we have national reciprocity and the SHUSH act yet?

Because the liberals oppose anything positive on any gun legislation! They dream of us dead, and all guns (except theirs) crushed and melted down!

I have a silencer on my pellet rifle, but no where else. Too expensive!


then they figure there won't be any more "gun violence"!

But it isn't gun violence when THEY do it! It is crowd control; the servants have to learn their place in their new world order, SMH!


That about covers it, and they are beginning to like the smell!


Agree. There is no one who challenges them anymore, it's is all consumed withing the FAST moving world of media - Move on to the next 'crisis' and forget the previous one.
People need to question more and hold people to account.

There needs to be legal action on false Flag attacks! This is government sanctioned Murder of US Citizens!


Absolutely! And there are numerous examples too.

Sadly too many obvious examples, this is not a rare event!


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Sounds interesting, I will look into it, thanks!


Your Welcome to use the tag for your posts and we will manually curate when appropriate👍

Thanks, I will begin there, the discord will not run on my Linex, but I will figure it out! I like your group, and enjoy your postings!


sir smithlabs... I think they think we're pretty stupid but how do you make the people in charge change? We would need the major news outlets to tel the truth. But good luck with that!

Investigate, arrest, convict, imprison! Start locking these fools up, and replacing them! All it takes is one honest Sheriff, and he could bust this wide open!


sir smithlabs! one honest sheriff and he could bust it at what level?? the federal level?

Yes, the Sheriff in Las Vegas could break it wide open, if he were honest. At all levels!

The feds were harassing a dairy about selling raw milk. They complained to their local Sheriff, and he intercepted them. He ordered them out of his county, they threatened to bring in more men, He told them he told them he would deputize the entire county, and jail every one they brought!

They left, and did NOT come back!


hahaha! wow that's a great story sir smithlabs! amazing. but few would have done that, they'd buckle.

I think our new Sheriff would have the backbone to send them packing too! He is a very Conservative, fair Man!


sir smithlabs..so you know the new sheriff? what happened to the old one?

We fired him for doing such a bad job! He left without pension, but avoided jail. Some of his deputies did not....

The new Sheriff is of Spanish decent, and is VERY Conservative. I do not know him myself, but he won by a landslide! He really cleaned house, and got everyone's training current! He has earned everyone's trust, and will be Sheriff for a long time!


They have become totally smug and complacent. When they got away with Ruby Ridge, Waco and Oklahoma City, and 911, they knew that they could probably get away with anything...which Sandy Hoax, Boston "bombing" and Parkland obviously proved...as of course, did the bogus story about the Las Vegas massacre.

These need to be INVESTIGATED, and those Actually responsible, prosecuted, and if convicted, they should be Hung for the treason this so obviously constitutes!


Indeed. Well said, my friend!

They have ONE JOB to provide for the common defense; ONE JOB! They are not doing that job any more, and need to be fired, and replaced! ANY government that even plans a false flag attack, needs to be jailed; and if they carry it out they need to hang!


Yep, and we know they staged stuff as far back as the U.S.S. Maine in Havana harbor. Then...Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, April Glaspie..."Yellow cake." They've been doing it for over 120 years!

All the more reason that they should be jailed, or hung! They have forgotten WHO they work For; and we need to remind them!


Right on. We could have trials first maybe, but...


Congrats on the BIG 50, btw, Toby!

Be more effective if we skip that, but I suppose we could have a court convene while we tie the noose, ROFLOL! It is more than they gave their victims....

Oh to be 50 again!


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