Yemen and a crisis of conscience!

25 million people are estimated to be starving there!
The USA military are the driving force behind the Saudi onslaught of innocent men, women and even children in Yemen, aided by the UK, the USA fuels the Saudi jets used to bomb people, the UK and USA both sold them the bombs, and the aeroplanes.
One good thing that may yet come out of the tragic situation is Saudi Arabia becoming destitute and broke, they spend 5 billion $ a month on this war they can not win, it will never be won, just like Vietnam in the 60's it is futile to say the least!.
Normally I would drop links here to MSM presstitute articles, today I am not, as I want anyone interested enough to make a change, search for said information instead. We are in the 21st century, and still dropping bombs for profit on people, do you not see a problem here?
How did that saying go?
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Martin Niemöller (1892–1984) Source

Everyone has a say in this atrocity!
Any elected member of any government has a duty to respond to any complaint or question from every citizen, I am not going to prove that, you have to show willing, you have to decide for yourself if 25 million people starving to death is okay, what if it is your country next? what if nobody speaks up for you when it is?
It matters not to me if someone is of any religion, race or creed, as we are all "people" and trying to live, breath, eat and reproduce. Bombs and war for fiat money is insane, not speaking out is more so, yes we are comfortable for now, though like I said before, what happens when that changes, when we become the targets, & the people being bombed!
I have a million words to add to this, though feel choked and for now saying nothing, we need our own army, one driven in the name of peace, though then I get called a hippie, when all I want is no more violence or bombs, so I am off for now!

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Most peaple do not relize that any of us could be next in this very sad bombings for fiat.
The Ukraine is 70 kilometers from me, and they are still getting shelled everyday from both sides, it is not news worthy though, the same as Yemen so nobody knows.
People in several european countries need to re-evaluate the "Immigration Crisis". have they not become targets already? Will the next weapon be planes and bombs? To replace the fist and knives, after all guns are not allowed in most european civilized societies, and standing up for ones rights is only allowed if you are not a member of said society.
I would like to reply as follows.
Bombing people gives the result of refugees wanting free stuff somewhere else, not bombing people back to the stone-age may just be the key.
One day the people may learn and try to take control back, they need to be able to see what the consequences of their governments actions are. Right now it seems as if they, (the people), can not understand number 1. nor the see the consequences of their government actions.