
No government can be allowed to define itself and in fact all that do are not a Republic Thus I agree with the tone of your post. There are counter valuing considerations however. The following statement is very wrong.

"This is supposed to be a democracy "for all" we live in, not for the few."

We are living in a democracy, but we are supposed to be a Republic. In a democracy they can vote on making murder legal with man's law. In a Republic no one can vote to make murder legal Per God's Law. In a democracy they have to commit fraud and lie to the people so as not to be hung. In a republic fraud and lying is it's own conviction and is what the bible is referring to when it says. "God hates a liar". Everything in a democracy is a fraud, nothing can be a fraud in a Republic.

Thus it is because we live in a democracy that we are having problems. Mans law changes more frequently than the wind. God's law is unchanging. It is because we live in a democracy that we don't recognize it as a democracy. The definitions of terms have been swapped. The only thing that a democracy and a republic has is the use of voting to determine the will of the people. That is it however. Even the way in which voting is used by 2/3 rds is different from the 51 percent keeping the 49 percent hostage. The 2/3 rds makes sure that it is a real majority.

Then of course to make legislation law one needs a ratification. No ratification makes it policy and procedure. That step right there is a necessary step for the population to experience it's influence on the law of the land as a Republic. If this step is not happening your not in a Republic, but most likely some state of socialism. The more the population of a society knows about the system and its functions are, the more a Republic they will live in is natural law.

Superb answer, you put a lot into that, nice 1.

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