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RE: First they Came After Alex Jones…

in #informationwar6 years ago

I was born in the Empire, my language is taught, I do not learn other languages. In English, 986,000 words. In Russian language 200 million words. The difference is more than 200 times. Sometimes the same word means 2-3 or even 4-5 meanings. There is also a double negation, which means agreement. Or double agreement, which means denial.
There are male and female words. Words that can be used by men or women. In the case of the use of other sex indecent. This is without regard to slang and professional slang.
The point is in the history of the Empire. We have a lot of nations, nationalities and small tribes. The Russians did not engage in genocide, but lived alongside respecting and borrowing, learning. Not to mention religions.
In my country there are several types of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, konfuntsianstvo, paganism of several religions.
For example, I served in the army with me and we are now friends with a Muslim and a pagan shaman. I myself am a Christian by religion. My friend from school is an atheist. Another friend from childhood Confucian. Because we have a lot of interesting things in the kitchen. A lot of mixed cultures, borrowed. Because there are various words that have absorbed the language, but of foreign origin.
For example the word Kremlin of Turkic origin. Turks are one of the nations with a very ancient culture.
Not to mention that the first Jewish state, the Khazar Kaganate, was in our land. True, they behaved badly. State destroyed Prince Svyatoslav. Only he destroyed the state, not the people, we have a lot of Jews. Much more than in the state of Israel.
Take for example the language of the Etruscans. For scholars of the West, “Etruscan cannot be read” if you know the Russian language, the inscriptions are read without any problems. Although we have such a joke "British scientists" in the Russian part of the Internet. This word formation means uneducated cattle unfoundedly receiving a high salary. Unfounded because they say either obvious things or outright nonsense.
Perhaps you somehow hurt my words. Not this goal. Just trying to clarify our essence and culture. If my words offend you somehow I feel very unpleasant. I just want you to know the truth, not the propaganda of your media.
We need to create a chat conversation.


I’m not offended, because I know the culture I grew up in is bad by design. But, I try to be very careful not to judge anyone else’s culture I have not experienced first hand. Even if I know the language, I know very little compared to someone from that country or culture.

& you are right it’s important to have conversations & learn to understand the differences & how to communicate between cultures.

My moms parents were Russian Jews, & I am good friends & grew up with people from many different backgrounds. The best thing about the US is there are many different cultures raising families amongst each other & the children almost always bridge the race gaps

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