VOP Update & Where Have All The Children Gone: Another Trip Down The Rabbit Hole

in #informationwar6 years ago

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I watched the following update with Lewis Arthur of the VOP and learned he's still in jail and the powers that be are fighting tooth and nail to keep him there. What this tells me is that he's right over the target. However, it's very disappointing, not to mention disconcerting, that the paytriots in the "truth movement" all seem to have turned their backs on him... they seem more concerned with keeping their YouTube channels up and the Patreon cash flows going. Craig Sawyer, I can understand- he lives in Tucson and has likely been compromised by the local leos... after all, you don't bite the hand that feeds you and you'll never make it to Hollywood exposing the pedophilia pipeline.

I don't care what anybody says- this guy is legit. If you judge people by their past, I strongly urge you to stop following me because I was far worse than Lewis, I just never got caught! What VOP has uncovered is one of the biggest human trafficking pipelines in the country and if other groups decide to get involved the whole house of cards collapses... they must be discouraged at all costs, that's why Lewis is in jail and the media barrage against him and VOP has intensified. The people at the top are getting worried. That brings us to the next issue... the sheer numbers.

I recommend watching this before reading on as it will provide some perspective...

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children tells us that around 800,000 children go missing in the US every year, most never heard from again. Where are they all going? Also these figures only include the US and don't factor in the children smuggled in from Latin America, Haiti and other places. Some are forced into sexual slavery, but many more, I fear, are "harvested." I became suspicious when the allegations of child trafficking after the Haiti earthquake first arose... many of these children weren't what I'd call viable candidates for sex trafficking. However, you don't have to particularly attractive to have your blood drained and organs harvested. So, once again, why the sheer numbers?

As the video implies a human body only secretes 10cc of adrenochrome. If you factor in the increase in elites, especially in Hollywood and the music industry, the demand for adrenochrome has likely skyrocketed and like the old saying goes: if you create a demand for something, someone will inevitably step up and provide the supply. Another factor is the rising popularity of Satanism, which seems to have gone mainstream. Then there is the demand for blood as an anti-aging "tonic." 

I doubt that those who can afford to buy youthful blood to fight off the ravages of age have any qualms about where it comes from or how it is obtained... as long as there's a steady supply, they're satisfied. The society we live in has become more and more self-absorbed... especially since the 1960's. As this has occurred an inverse relationship- especially among elites- in morality has shown a steep decline. We live in an "anything goes" culture, particularly among elites, and as the number of elites soars, so too does the demand for exotic drugs such as adrenochrome and blood as a tonic for youth. I can think of no other reason for the sharp increase of missing children- nor any other explanation for why they don't show up again later, except in tiny numbers.

After the children are used in SRA, tortured and raped, they are "harvested" for their blood and organs. This is why there is so much pushback against groups like the VOP and people like Lewis who want to stop it... elites run the media outlets that are critical of what VOP is doing. The mayor of Tucson is a Rothschild... that tells me that Tucson is a key location for traffickers- a hub if you will. What I don't understand is why the so-called "truthers" have turned their backs. Too busy fighting each other for crumbs on Patreon I guess.


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"It was sometime after midnight in a ratty hotel room and my memory of the conversation is haze, due to massive ingestion of booze, fatback, and forty cc's of adrenochrome" - Hunter S. Thompson

I wonder if gooble had anything in mind when they named their evil browser (along with 666)

It wouldn't surprise me at all... It's all funded and managed out of DARPA!

howdy today sir..thanks for this research, what are the charges against Lewis Arthur? this whole mess is an abomination. what is adrenochrome?
I've never heard of that.

I think it's trespassing. Adrenochrome is a drug made out of blood adrenaline... it gives people a high from what I understand.

They made a Hollywood movie- glamorizing it.

I ran across this when I was researching... If it has Tom Sizemore (who I heard is into adrenochrome in real life) it must be true!

He dated the Former Hollywood Madame, Heidi Fleiss. She aged real well, a natural beauty. Here she is with something strange in her glass. It was speculated it could be a pineal gland.....



A pineal gland or ginseng root- who knows what that is.

He was in Laugh Killer Laugh with William Forsythe in 2015... you want to see a sick fuck!!!!

I have not seen the movie. I have watched several clips of it that are on youtube. The trailer & several other short clips of various scenes from the movie posted on youtube. It's about a group of people from CALIFORNIA that go around THRILL KILLING people & drinking the ADRENACHROME from their victims & getting HIGH off that ADRENACHROME.

I personally do not like to watch these types of movies. The last sicko movie I saw was Rob Zombie (that is his name) and his movie The Devil's Rejects. (There was a scene in it where a woman laid on a road like she was injured. When someone got out of their car to help, her backwoods freak show brother came out of the brush with a gun & either hijacked their car- or KILLED them & then hijacked the car. It was a hell-of-a-scene. Cause I immediately issued ORDERS of CAUTION to all my female relatives - of this possibility- I f they ever came across an injured person on the road.)

And I thought I aged bad... I've seen a better face on a bottle of iodine!

So the elites are pumping up with young fresh blood while the rest of us are being poisoned. There is something wrong with this picture. Thanks @richq11

You know what George Carlin said: It's a big f**king club and you ain't in it! (and getting bigger every day!)

This video is an incredible find!!!!! Wow, has it all in there for people to easily understand exactly what is going on and has been for a very very long time. Selling adrenacrome now eh? Big money.....demand....need product.

Stopping all this is a huge challenge as those we need to help us and/or prosecute are either involved or handled/paid. From the local Police Departments up the the highest levels of government especially the agencies. The involvement is huge from the kidnappers on up. Snuff films are big money too and I think the snuff film is a two for one money maker. Film the terror and death and then harvest the goods for sale. We are a herd (as the CDC calls us) and they harvest us as desired. Plain and simple.

This is why the site in Tuscan was bulldozed rather than used as a trap to catch some of the traffickers to find out who they are selling to.

Fantastic Post!

That's right... I was amazed how quick they bulldozed that site- not even a cursory investigation. I knew the fix was in when I saw Craig Sawyer turn and all the "truthers" like Lift the Veil and The SGT Report followed suit... controlled opposition!

I think that most of what's out there is controlled opposition. What is not is either small, seduced, paid, or destroyed.

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