Toxic Hypocrisy: UNESCO Involves Itself In Sex-Ed

in #informationwar7 years ago


The word toxic is thrown around these days to describe any particular issue unpopular with liberals. We have toxic masculinity to describe men who act like men... You get the idea. The word toxic in reality bespeaks something akin to poison and the hypocrisy of the UN, the parent organization of UNESCO (United Nations Educational Cultural Science Organization) most certainly fits the bill when it involves itself in the education of children when it comes to sex. UNESCO has released its Comprehensive Sexual Education Standards this year to be foisted upon children beginning at 5 years of age. Drawing heavily on Planned Parenthood (mentioned 20 times in the document) it supports promiscuity, homosexuality, abortion and other anti-family items. Basically it's an all out assault on traditional morality and parental rights. It's the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child on steroids.

It pushes fornication for children and labels traditional values as "old fashioned and wrong." It seems on the surface as nothing more than a blatant invitation for pedophiles. This is typical of liberal "values." In fact Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, one of the more liberal justices has long been an advocate of repealing child sex laws wanting the age of consent lowered to 12, citing that pedophilia is actually good for children.

If the UNESCO guidelines are adopted they already have at least one justice to uphold them.

In the same banal language as the UN Convention... The new proclamation supports: "The standards brazenly encourage fornication (sexual relations outside of marriage) among children, too, painting traditional morality as old-fashioned and wrong. By age nine, the standards say children should “demonstrate respect for diverse practices related to sexuality.”

… The children are also taught to question and even reject their parents’ values and beliefs on sex and marriage, with children told that they should “acknowledge” that their values may be “different” from their parents or guardians.

According to Family Watch International- a profamily watchdog organization- President Sharon Slater: "We have repeatedly warned governments, parents and other stakeholders that comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is a radical, graphic, sexual-rights, pleasure-based approach to sex education that promotes promiscuity, abortion, and diverse sexual practices and identities to young children,” Slater said. “With this new UNESCO technical guidance publication, we now have additional, conclusive evidence to prove it.

“This is an all-out frontal assault on the health and innocence of the world’s children from some of the most powerful and well-funded institutions that set the health standards for women and children across the world,”

The hypocrisy comes in the long standing policy of the UN (and UNESCO) that promotes population control, mostly in Africa and underdeveloped nations, as well as in minority communities in the developed world... It seems a case of blatant racism to promote promiscuity and population control in the same breath- particularly in light of their promotion of the Clinton and Gates Foundations pushing bogus vaccines throughout Africa and India, as well as making forced contraception and abortions a condition for their financial aid.

This shows that the UN is more concerned in pushing the liberal anti-family agenda than in performing the task for which it was originally intended... The UN and all of its satellite agencies are still the most corrupt, hypocritical organization on Earth. This is just one more step in their ongoing attempt to destroy nuclear families.

GIF by @papa-pepper



Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
Relevance: Keep Government/Private Corpotations Out Of Our Kid's Pants!!!
Our Purpose

This is obviously an attack on the family AND an attack on God. America chose to forsake God many decades ago and this is what we get. We need a revival in America that is grass roots in nature. We need to turn away from sin and God will heal our land when we do so. Thanks @richq11 PS I listened to the video. She is EVIL

Typical, posing as the saviours of world heritage, the protectors of our children, this satanic cabal will not stop - they didn't stop at murdering 17 children in Florida to finally create a student movement to disarm America. They are using children, abusing children, killing children. The millions of murders committed per year by Planned Parenthood and their sponsors are beyond imagination.

As adults, do what you want, but don't push your sickness on the honorable and mentally sane. Ginsberg and the rest have to answer to their creator, I don't envy them, but I shall do everything in my power to bring these devils to their knees.

They must be genuinely nuts!!! In order to avoid answering to God for their crimes- they just deny His existence... like that's gonna work! I've been checking out a guy named Joachim Hagopian. He's a grad of West Point and former Army intel who wrote a book exposing the whole Pedo-satanic cabal. I think I'm going to try to get a copy. There's a website that has it for free.

Hello @richq11

Many thanks for rising in support of cultural values against this somewhat satanic organization called UNESCO visavis UN.

It pushes fornication for children and labels traditional values as "old fashioned and wrong." It seems on the surface as nothing more than a blatant invitation for pedophiles. This is typical of liberal "values." In fact Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, one of the more liberal justices has long been an advocate of repealing child sex laws wanting the age of consent lowered to 12, citing that pedophilia is actually good for children.

Really pathetic what this world is turning into and I wonder what life would be like in the next 100 years, with the way our self acclaimed leaders are going about liberal concept.

Thanks for your decision to stand against these atrocities.

@eurogee of @euronation community & The Host, Show Us Your Witnesses Weekly Contest

The organizations we look up to in encouraging sanity now drift towards the opposite direction, channel their energy in vain things that will serve as a reproach to the coming generation, one thing is sure,they will certainly feed on their own flesh...God help us..Amen

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