The Wonderful World Of Cannibalism

in #informationwar7 years ago

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Not these guys...

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These guys...

This is something I would never in a million years thought I'd be writing about- much less participating in... And more than likely, you are too! I remember being shocked when I read about The Cannibal Club, a restaurant in Culver City, California attended by Hollywood luminaries and other elites such as Chelsea Clinton. I'm sure that Katy Perry and Meryl Streep will be disappointed to learn that they will soon be closing their doors. The "parent" shop, The Cannibal Beer and Butcher in NYC will still be open (7 days a week- according to their advertisement)...
But if Katy, Chelsea, Meryl, don;'t feel up to traveling, relief may be as close as a can of Pepsi, or their favorite fast food or energy drink. That's right, according to a video by the SGT Report (that I watched while researching 5G networks for another post) I learned of a company called Senomyx, a high tech biochemical R&D company that makes "flavor enhancers" out of aborted fetal tissue... HEK's (Human Embryonic Kidney) cells.

Apparently, the cells themselves don't actually have any flavors themselves, but work on the taste receptors in the human brain. According to the Senomyx website... ""Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor. To enable faster discovery of new flavors, we integrated our assays into a robot-controlled automated system that uses plates containing an array of individual fluid wells, each of which can screen a different sample from our libraries of approximately 800,000 artificial and natural candidate ingredients isolated from plants and other sources.

Our high-throughput discovery and development process allows us to conduct millions of analyses of new potential flavor ingredients annually. This efficiency is impossible to achieve using conventional flavor discovery methods. As a result, we have identified hundreds of unique potential new flavor ingredients that could not be discovered using taste tests alone." "Unique potential flavor ingredients..." I shudder to think where they come from- perhaps corpses of the elderly. These compounds are not only used in foods, they're in cosmetics as well. I used to run the killing room at a chicken plant years ago and was aware that chicken feathers, beaks and blood are used in the manufacture of cosmetics (chicken blood is the base for Charlie perfume).

Because they're used in a small quantity (which REALLY makes me feel better) it isn't necessary for them to go through the normal FDA testing process, nor is it required for the companies using them to report them on the labels. When the news was first made public, Campbell Soups immediately severed all ties to Senomyx, buy Pepsico didn't. A pro-life group filed suit to have the ingredient removed, but the FTC under Obama ruled in 2012 that it was "part of normal business practice."

To me this is particularly troubling. Planned Parenthood gets millions of taxpayer dollars and than "parts out" the aborted babies...
The parts are then sold for more money some of which winds up in our food. If you think that you're somehow exempt from ingesting them, here's a partial list of some of the foods and beverages...

A list of products containing HEK cells.

All soft drinks and Pepsi
All drinks Sierra Mist
All drinks Mountain Dew
All the en Beer Mug Root Beer (Pepsi)
Drinks No Fear
Drinks Ocean Spray
Seattle’s Best Coffee
All drinks Tazo
All brands of “Energy Drink”
Aquafina Water
Aquafina Water saborizas
Lipton tea and other beverages
Party Miranda

All products of Nestle

Including coffee creamers, instant soups Maggi bouillon cubes, ketchup, sauces, instant noodles soup.

Kraft – Cadbury Adams LLC Products:


Black Jack
Freshen Up Gum
Sour Cherry Gum
Sour Apple Gum

Cadbury Adams LLC Candies

Sour Cherry Blasters
Fruit Mania
Bassett’s Liquorice
Maynards Wine Gum
Swedish Fish
Swedish Berries
Juicy Squirts
Original Gummies
Fuzzy Peach
Sour Chillers
Sour Patch Kids
Mini Fruit Gums

Other Cadbury Adams LLC

Neocutis Products

This company produces anti-wrinkle creams containing cells of aborted babies of 14 weeks gestation. Here is a list of creams, although a boycott is recommended for all products Neocutis.

Journee Bio-Gel Prevedem

Bio-Serum Lumiere

Bio Restorative Skin Cream

Vaccines having HEK cells and their manufacturers:

MMR II (Merck)

ProQuad (MMR + varicella – Merck)

Varivax (Varicella – Merck)

Pentacel (DTaP Polio + Hib + – Sanofi Pasteur)

Vaqta (Hepatitis-A – Merck)

Havrix (Hepatitis-A – Glaxo SmithKline)

Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo – Glaxo)

Zostavax (Shingles – Merck)

Imovax (Rabia – Sanofi Pasteur)

Other drugs:

Pulmozyme (cystic fibrosis – Genetech)

Enbrel (rheumatoid arthritis – Amgen)


Yup, they're in vaccines and medicines also... which should come as no surprise given what we already know about the SV-40 monkey virus in Polio vaccines since the 1950's. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I have a serious problem with eating other people, born or otherwise. Maybe I shouldn't be so sensitive and reach out and embrace the brave new world... But on the other hand- I don't think so.

Im posting two lists of the foods and medicines, only to make a point. That this information (that I really don't want to believe) has been verified. To make sure I checked Snopes who said it's false- so it must be true. Moreover, if it wasn't why would Campbells sever ties and Pepsi get sued and the FTC step in?




Curated for #informationwar (by @stevescoins)
Relevance: Do you know what you are eating?
Our Purpose

If you put this in context with high level pedophilia and all this symbols out there, on cannot help but wonder, if there is not really a satanic agenda behind this shit...They also normalize cannibalism in the media. Coincidence?

Well, there was an insider who said, no matter how bad you think the corruption/evil is, it is far worse.

Sounds about right. The more I learned, the worse it got. Better stop learning. Don't even want to know anymore, it is getting too nasty. I have enough of this crap.

Oh my. This is awful.

But I have to admit I laughed at "Snopes said it was false, so it must be true." Haha my kind of logic!

I did a little research on Snopes- George Soros is a primary source of funding. The guy that runs it with his wife hired his dominatrix- "Olga the Destroyer" or something like that- as his main "fact checker." So there you have it!

yes, your are lacy

Sometimes I wonder if it’s these types of things that the knowledge in Daniel 12:4 is referring to?

I think evil is increasing at the speed of light. Modernism seems to have added a multiplier effect. I've been reading about transhumanism... where the genome of different species along with nanotechnology are introduced to the human race in an effort to "beat death" and achieve immortality. I believe that to be the mark of the beast where if you refuse the mark you can't buy or sell- or in scientific terms you'll fall out of the evolutionary loop. Revelations speaks about in the end times in 9:6 "Men will seek death and death will flee from them"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the cells used as receptors to find new tastes?

So not added to the food...... but as a testing mechanism.
(Not that, that is less bad.)

I read that out of this sentence

Using isolated human taste receptors, we created proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems that provide a biochemical or electronic readout when a flavor ingredient interacts with the receptor.

English is not my native language ...and I will read this post tomorrow again when I'm more awake ;)

I think you're right. I looked this up a while ago and then just looked it up again and it does not appear they are in the food. I'm open to someone showing me otherwise, but all the evidence I looked at just now makes me believe it's not in the food/drinks.

I'll still have to check for myself later on. Have to do some work now.

Thank you very much for your help. :)

They add the cells to the food because they act on the receptors in your (if you eat it) brain.

I really miss the good old days when you could look to the great cannibalism stories of the Donner party or the soccer team who’s plane crash in the Andes mountains. LOL My wife and I are trying to raise our kids on as little big corporation products as possible. Great post Sean at SGT report does a great job!👍🏼🍺🥓

You mean rather than in your own cupboard???

I feel we should get all the women to boycott abortions.

This could never happen without the aid of women aborting about 1/4 of the babies.

And the FDA... all of the artificial flavors are so concentrated that basically its one drop per food item. McDs buys BBQ flavor by the 55 gallon drum and then spread it out over a million burgers. So, all those flavors that get you addicted. They are all too small for the FDA to care about.

The more you know, the more you know these giant corporations are evil.

Like how we find out years after we get use to ingesting the crap. Nice now Government and news media will keep stuff hidden from us that they decide is for our own good..

Small quantity or large quantity it does not matter. This is insane. They start you on the small quantity as an introductory acceptance into your world. I know many of these names and yes I listen to SGT Report. This is so wrong. Thanks @richq11

I know Brother... Small quantity doesn't make me feel any better!

This is serious! At first I thought I'm exempted, but after seeing those lists - I'm in trouble.
I've always wanted to stay away from junk foods.
@richq11, thanks for carrying out this research and for sharing your findings on Steemit.
What do you think is the way out of this INDIRECT WAY OF PRACTICING CANNIBALISM?

Me too... My coffee creamer! The way out... I wish I knew, other than doing more research and finding more of the foods. But then all those medicines and vaccines...

Exactly, those medicines and vaccines.
One can easily stay away from junks, but from medicines, it's difficult.
I agree with you there. More research is the only way out.

Especially vaccines... they keep pumping babies full of DNA from other babies. This can't be good!

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