The Uranium One Coverup Begins

in #informationwar7 years ago (edited)

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Special Prosecutor Robert "Duck & Dodge" Mueller is playing political sleight of hand with the Uranium One investigation. So far, the only culprit is Paul Manafort a minor player in the Trump administration whose ties are not to Russia, but Ukraine. Manafort is accused of money laundering on behalf of a group that is pro-Ukrainian and in opposition to Russia, not pro-Russia, not that that makes a difference to the geniuses in the mainstream media who will go to any lengths to uphold the Trump/Russia narrative.

While probing these "ties to Russia" Mueller has found a mouse- Manafort, while ignoring the elephant in the room... not one mention of Clinton, Uranium One, the Obama administration. It's axiomatic that the best way to avoid finding evidence is to keep looking in the wrong place- that way you can maintain the illusion of diligence while protecting the guilty. The closest they've come to finding anyone remotely connected to the U-1 scandal is Tony Podesta whose Podesta Group was involved in lobbying for Ukraine (and also brokered the U-1 deal). Tony Podesta has stepped down "to avoid any appearance of improprieties," according to the left-wing rag, Politico. The reason he gives himself is because the firm is losing money. Apparently several large clients have withdrawn their accounts from the K St. lobbying firm.

This however hasn't stopped Podesta from threatening Fox News' Tucker Carlson with a lawsuit if he doesn't "back off" the story (see links). Podesta back-peddled saying that there was no threat, that his attorneys had only suggested the possibility of a suit (sounds like a threat to me). However this turns out, the smart money says that none of the individuals actually involved in the Uranium One scandal will ever even see an indictment- particularly if Mueller is kept on the case.


Curated for #informationwar
Relevance: Deep State coverup; media bias

The tag #informationwar, and posts that would be classified under that tag include methods of Information War, Propaganda, and Disinformation. The discussion would include governmental doctrine, historical application, Information War on the spectrum of warfare modes, recognition of fakenews, public OSINT, the concept of a Deep State and reaction to it, and critical thinking in analyzing these concepts.

how many of the public know the difference between the Ukraine and Russia?
OR...know that the two are oppossed in many things?
like...they had a war?

More than in the MSM I hope!

Beep! Beep! This humvee will be patrolling by and assisting new veterans, retirees, and military members here on steemit. @shadow3scalpel will help by upvoting posts from a list of members maintained by @chairborne and responding to any questions replied to this comment.

The swamp is still swampy! Maybe the drain-plug needs to be enlarged. Then again, many of these folks in the swamp are afraid to point a finger, mostly because they could have 4 more fingers pointing back at them. Where there is smoke there is fire, and there is a lot of smoke in D.C.

I think we need to scrap DC and start over someplace with more integrity like Las Vegas!


Tomorrow Crowdsource is supposed to be looking for the particle accelerators that supposedly power This shit is crazy!

Exactly! Except I have faith that shit is coming down the pike that we don't know about yet. Looks to me like it's not just half the American citizenry who makes up the counter-coup movement. We've got half the military intellegence/CIA/FBI etc staffers on our side. Between us both I think we'll see huge progress.

I hope you're right... You should check this out however...

Yeah it's deep for sure. I can't imagine with how many people know now how something can't be done. We'll all revolt if not.

The culprits have the mainstream media behind them. I'm not sure if it's true or not but I hear Tony Podesta was arrested saturday... His brother and Hillary are supposed to turn themselves in today.

No... It turned out to be a fake news report!

I'm beginning to think I'll stay where I am for the winter, then head to Moscow for Spring and Summer, drink a lot of Vodka, and watch this all unfold... from the Russian perspective! Should be fun!

It should be interesting. A couple of guys from Rosatom got popped a while back and plead out. There's one witness that can break the whole thing wide open but the Justice Dept has a gag order (illegal) on him. Jeff Sessions can lift it, but I figure he's in it up to his eyeballs!

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