The Sun Never Sets... Part II- The Rule of Moloch, God of Money

in #informationwar6 years ago

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In my post about the preservation of the British Empire, now known as the New World Order- same beast, different moniker- I approached it from a socio-political perspective. Now I want to approach it from a different angle-economic/religious. I know this sounds odd, but if you look at it from the "the love of money is the root of all evil" perspective, maybe not so much. After all worship requires love and bank are merely the temples at which the elites worship. As I said in the first post, WWI was really designed to cement the Anglo-American relationship... another relationship was cemented at the same time, outlined in the Balfour Declaration- it was the relationship between England and Israel. Although Israel didn't exist for another 30 years officially- it was an area critical to the Rothschilds who for all practical purposes "bought" it from the British Empire. Jerusalem, the home of the Third Temple, is critical to understanding the worship of Moloch.

As is often the case I stumbled across a very interesting character, a researcher and author named Richard Duane Willing. Willing, a scholar, has an unorthodox interpretation of the Bible- that it doesn't speak of one God, but two distinct deities. Although he's not a Christian himself, Willings views the Bible not only as a valid religious text, but a reference as well. In reading through he encountered a dichotomy in how God is described which led him to his conclusion... there is the God of salvation, a loving God who wants the best for mankind and Moloch, the god of money- a deity lacking any empathy, fueled only by sacrifice. It is this second god that world leaders worship and in turn has become the god of the British Empire and the banking elites. The Third Temple will not be a tribute to the Jewish Messiah, but to the Zionist god Moloch- the god of Capitalism (not to be confused with a free market economy). America, because of its economic and military strength, plays a pivotal role in what we can safely call the Moloch agenda...

Willing has written two books, The American Caliphate of BIZWOG (British-Israel World Occupation Government) and Money: The 12th and Final Religion. 

 The Moloch is the God of money. The book MONEY: The 12th and FINAL RELIGION tells about this God that can neither pardon nor forgive. Israel was not intended either as a people or a place name.The Cosmic contract to prosper in harmony with nature during human progress has been set aside to favor the usury of God Moloch, and the Temple of Central banking known as the Federal Reserve System.The religion of God Moloch dominates all other religions as it is the only universal religion recognized by all and known as MONEY. A preview of the book is in the videos. 

This is Part 1 of a series of videos explaining Mr. Willings account of the building of Solomon's Temple (the first) and the relationship to Moloch... there are several more for anyone interested...

This is Part 2 which offers an alternative to the debt based usury system. It's important as it shows the profound difference between the free market system and Capitalism- the worship of Moloch.

It's easy to look back through the history of the past century or so, when the central banking system out of London became dominant throughout the Western world. London is almost undisputedly the center of global finance. Wall St., the Federal Reserve and Switzerland (BIS, IMF, World Bank, etc.) are merely branches... everything is controlled by the Rothschild banking cartel out of London. Most know the history, during the Napoleonic War the Rothschilds learned of Nelson's victory and dumped British bonds and later bought them for pennies on the pound- giving the Rothschild bank control of the British economy for all practical purposes. They entered into a relationship with the British Crown that continues until this day.

When we look at American politics, who has the most power? We'd all like to believe it's the people, but we all know that leaders are selected by the financial elites on Wall St. and the Fed- branches of the Rothschild diaspora. The powerful Council on Foreign Relations, is merely the American arm of the Royal Institute for Foreign Affairs (Tavistock Inst./Chatham House). In the 2016 election, Hillary represented the CFR and Wall St. and is good friends with the Rothschilds. The "Russian Dossier" was a creation of British Secret Service (MI-5 & MI-6) and was meant to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.

The current axis of global power is Britain at the apex with America and Israel subservient. The United Nations is a diversion- it creates the illusion of a global democracy... they have no more autonomy than the British government. The Crown and their Rothschild banking allies are still pulling the strings through their round table system of organizations. Like the old saying goes: "The Sun never sets on the British Empire" and it hasn't for the last 300 years, if not more.


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"The United Nations is a diversion..." Interesting. "BIZWOG (British-Israel World Occupation Government)" Interesting. hmm...................

There's a slew of videos on his site or there's a long one done by The Leak Project that goes into detail. Rex from the Leak Project kind of annoys me- he cuts in a lot and changes the focus.

How does a deity thats worshipped during second temple times become associated with fiat? Was a means of child sacrifice when food was scarce.

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