The Hypocrisy of Alex Jones: In Videos

in #informationwar6 years ago

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Twenty or so years ago, Alex Jones was one of the pioneers of the truth movement. He was courageous as well as non-partisan and he ferreted out corruption no matter what the political inclinations of the perpetrators... but that Alex Jones is long gone- replaced with an unbalanced, narcissistic loud mouth whose hubris often prevents his guests from making a point. That's why I stopped watching him some time ago... after all who really wants to listen to someone rave about how wonderful they are. The last video I watched of him began with Alex spending about 5-10 minutes talking about how brilliant he was as a child followed by an interview in which the guest barely got any airtime. Every time he attempted to make a point Alex cut him off to interject his own opinion. But that isn't really the point I want to make.

These first two videos are a part of an interview with Sen. Nancy Schaefer about the abuses in the corrupt CPS/Family Court System from 2009 in which Alex goes to great lengths to criticize the lack of due process, the lack of overall justice, the unconstitutional "Kafkaesque" nature of the court proceedings calling it an extension of the Eugenics Courts of the past talking about kickbacks, bounties on children, judges being "the real evil." He then goes on to talk about personally seeing first hand the children being wrenched from their mothers. In the beginning of the second video he talks about going to family courts himself and witnessing the corruption.

The reason I chose these videos is because it is this very court (Family Court in Austin TX) the one he so vehemently condemned, that he used to "wrench the children from their mother." In this case his ex-wife Kelly. Although limited by injunctions as to what she could disclose, Kelly Jones said that he claimed under oath that any footage from InfoWars should be inadmissible because he is just an actor doing a job and is therefore irrelevant. She also said that the Alex Jones of today is a vastly different person than the Alex of old, who was completely unbiased and non-partisan. She claimed that over the years he has become paranoid and narcissistic. Ironically, at around the 22.30 mark she sounds almost like Alex in the Schaefer interviews disclosing the corruption in the family court system, only this time he's using it against her with almost non-stop litigation...

I can't say that I care much for this David Parkman character, he seems to have an agenda of his own- attempting to elicit certain responses... But how do you reconcile Alex's behavior from someone who claims to be all about the truth?

I don't know anything about the specifics of the divorce- there are always two sides to the story and they're generally diametrically opposed. What troubles me is how could a man who so soundly condemns the family court system- not only in general, but the very jurisdiction in which he's in- and then use it against someone he once loved? Personally, I judge people by how they treat those around them. When my own wife decided to get a divorce, I never said anything negative about her out of deference to my children. If Alex is so dedicated to the truth why would he use his power to have the court impose injunctions against what Kelly can say about him? Moreover, why would someone so concerned about truth and honesty make his employees sign non-disclosure agreements enjoining from saying anything bad about him... unless he's paranoid and there's plenty of bad things to say.

The truth movement owes a lot to Alex Jones... the Alex Jones of yesteryear who exposed the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderbergs, etc. He is responsible for red pilling many people and for that he deserves credit. Lamentably, this is not the Alex of today... the raving lunatic who seems to have replaced passion with mental illness. The first five minutes of this video is all that's necessary- it shows him at his worst. The rest I didn't watch because it was all derision. I don't believe that Alex is evil, he may be but I think that it's a combination- some people can't handle power. Success seems to have gone to his head. Power and narcissism are a lethal combination... It's really a shame- I miss Alex.





I cut my teeth on AJ. Now that I know better I search out alternate alternatives for my info! Thx, re-steemed for those who don't know better......yet! ;)

Thank you. I remember when he started out and was pleased that a kindred spirit was working so hard to spread the truth... Now if he said the Sun came up, I'd check to make sure!

Lol I feel ya!

Never trusted him, not since Bill Cooper called Alex a fraud in 2001, I trusted mr Cooper, I would never trust Alex with even my ice cream cone.

I own this guys book. I read it last year. I was SHOCKED to find it on the shelf at Barnes & Noble. They aren't trying to hide this shit anymore. They are just waiting for SHTF. When we all wake up to this shit and start shooting. I know I sure as Hell am ready to start lynching some of these sicko satanist pedophiles, eugenicists, and banksters, myself. Hell, I live in Arkansas! I'll bring back Judge Parker!!! So vote for the TRUTH Party LOL.

This is why I want to protest the 4th of July. To bring awareness to these facts. But everyone I talk to thinks I'm nuts and on a suicide mission if I try to.

Take no notice of them my friend, and you stick to your guns and telling the truth, we shall not be silenced no more.

Thanks deliberator! It is just so hard. SMH I'm more pist off at society then I am pist off at these sickos running the system.

Bill Cooper was a good man- honest and he suffered the fate of most honest men!

A bullet in the back courtesy of the state? Not a nice way to go, though gone, but in no way forgotten, have a superb week.

Can someone forget "the most dangerous radio host in america" according to bill clinton?

Hour of the times mp3s <- priceless

It seems a lot of people did forget, or were just to young to know.

It seems a lot of
People did forget, or were
Just to young to know.

                 - deliberator

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Or maybe a scarf and a doorknob???

I've never once watched this asshole. I have never believed a shred of infowars. I openly mock him and paul j watson.

I grew up listening to Willam "Bill" Cooper. Whom was mudered by sheriff for exposing 9/11.

Dont trust this guy....hqdefault.jpg

20 years ago he was ok... Bill Cooper was a great man, we need more like him. Alex has become a mental case, either from the drugs or maybe his supplements!

I grew up listening to Willam "Bill" Cooper.

@ihashblox Then you know William Cooper did a quite and vast research, and also the research from members of the CAJI and other patriots, books, etc before he did many of this Hour of the times beautiful broadcasts

His most notorious quote is:

"Listen to everyone, read everything, believe nothing unless
you can prove it in your own research." William Cooper

Please abide by that quote, i think it is important to do your own research , we can all be manipulated, so it is important to do your own research, share knowledge, etc otherwise we are just sheeple


pd: i just saw this comment after replying to a comment in this same post when you put me a manipulated video to make me think Bill Hicks is alex jones

If you liked William Cooper, ALWAYS, ALWAYS do your own research, he give his life, you better appreciate it


I stopped watching him when I noticed the same hypnotic circular rhythmic background visuals the MSM uses. Why would a truther use the same mind control techniques as the enemy? He also targets emotional responses from the viewer, not thought. This is a big clue as well. Sad. So very very sad. I suspect he is not just self corrupted but CIA purchased as well. Why else would he use known propaganda techniques? I agree he started off as one of us.......but now he's gone.

I particularly find the way he treated his wife despicable... I deliberately stayed away from trashing my wife when she left to avoid hurting my children. His behavior shows selfish, narcissistic qualities.


This is going to take some time to view all the videos you posted. I will have to watch them all then comment on it later.

I don't always agree with Alex Jones and I normally don't like watching his videos because he is too emotional.

On the side note:

I don't mind emotion and passion... He rants like an irrational crackhead. My bone of contention is that he's dishonest, not emotional. Take your time, be thorough- I'd prefer that to skimming- you'll see what I mean.

AJ was pretty good early on. I think the fame got to his head, started getting some money, big sponsors, etc. Give a man an ounce of power and influence, see what he does with it - shows what is really inside of a person. @ironshield

I think there's more to it... he seems deranged.

Remember Arron and Melissa Dykes (Truthstream Media) were threatened when they left infowars several years ago. They left because they knew Alex had become a Neo Con.

They were in one of the videos... Alex seems to threaten everybody that leaves.

Which video? I love Arron and Melissa. I remember when all that shit went down too. It was 2009, or 2010 when I stopped listening to Alex. I knew then that he was nuts. When Arron and Melissa left it was big. He should of been exposed then. And I commend them for trying.

The one from Know More News.

The funniest 3 minutes of Alex Jones that I have ever heard!!! MK ULTRA?

I listened to Alex Jones from 2012 - 2016. I do not listen anymore. I am afraid he has sold out. I sense it was more about the entertainment factor rather than the truth. He has done good. He helped to get Hillary unelected. But though he woke me and others up, he is not a good vessel to promote the truth. one must be wise to filter the entertainment from the truth. Thanks @richq11.

Thank you my friend... I just can't stand the raving rants, it isn't entertaining, it's a manifestation of mental illness!

I still listen to Alex, but I can easily filter out the annoying stuff and generally view certain claims that he makes with a skeptical eye, as they say trust but verify. He's still got allot of value to add to the movement, but hey if he's not your cup of tea there are many others out there on the same, or a similar mission who will call things as they see it.

I'm pretty disgusted with the entire movement. Alex struck it rich and everybody else is trying to emulate him. There are still a few out there, the Corbett Report for one.

I don't mind the fact that he's wealthy at all. Man, he works hard, I can't even imagine talking as much as he talks. He's very expressive and can basically just empty the contents of his brain out in every radio show he does. I don't think I could do that for one day let alone 20-25 odd years. I like Corbett, Alan Watt, Mike Rivero, and David Knight too, as well as others that I can't think of atm. They've all got their flaws though, just like anyone does.

I don't care if he's wealthy... the problem is that he's dishonest and probably mentally ill. He shows signs of prolonged drug use

NDAs arent' necessarily a sign of dishonesty. There are many reasons to require NDAs from prospective employees. One of the major ones being to protect his intellectual property and to discourage corporate espionage.

Yet, it could also discourage people from slandering you. If someone tells a plausible lie about him and they had signed an NDA he could sue them for slander. If for whatever reason he failed to win the slander lawsuit, he could then turn around and sue them for violating the NDA.

As far as mental illness whose not nowadays.. I mean really? You go into a shrink and they'll give you a label no matter who you are. Can he be a bit of an egomaniac, I think he can but that's part of the appeal. People eat that up, who knows why psychologically speaking.

As far as drug use goes who hasn't, surely the 'Acid King' wouldn't condemn a man for prolonged drug use, for if he did would that not make him the bad guy for enabling people to travel down that path in the first place?

"You can't judge people by their past... I used to be a car thief; I was a junkie; I sold meth; I was a hopeless drunk... Now I fight for the truth" – richq11

We're all just a bunch of imperfect men and women doing the best we can, trying to walk down a narrow path to better days. Hopefully, those days will come, but if someone went back in time and kill Jones' great grandfather. I assure you, we'd all be fucked.

You didn't watch any of the videos did you?

I did, some more than others.

this is quite disturbing @richq11..and depressing because we need a powerful, fearless voice for the truth movement. Is there anyone out there who can take his place?

I don't really think so... the truth movement has become so cynical that it's cannibalizing itself.

I nominate @richq11!

Haha... I appreciate the confidence, but I'm not near smart enough!

well sir I don't know about that but it seems like all politicians are lawyers.

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