Summoning a Demon: AI- Technology Run Amok

in #informationwar6 years ago

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This is Sofia a very well done not to mention sophisticated piece of AI public relations work to sell the world on the concept of artificial intelligence. Sofia is witty, intelligent and charming in a mechanical way... the perfect girlfriend for guys that live in their mother's basement and spend all day online- a dream girl. But this "dream girl" has a dark side as well- it is a computer and like any computer does as it is programmed to do.

In the video, Elon Musk likens AI to summoning a demon... and the point he makes in valid. If you create an algorithm that allows a computer to "think" for itself there's no telling what it will do. Even if it doesn't possess the ability to "think" there's still the possibility- even probability- that bad things will occur. I draw your attention to around the 8:20 mark.

These kill bots, in case anyone missed it, contain 3 grams of C-4 explosive and as the narrator says, "they cannot be stopped." Agreed, but they can be hacked. With the capacity to take out "half a city... only the bad half," who will decide who the "bad half" will be? A brief look back into recent history will reveal that nearly every piece of military technology has been sold by greedy politicians. Bill Clinton sold China the latest missile guidance systems in return for campaign contributions. Obama did the same with N. Korea. Hillary Clinton purposely left classified information on unsecured servers so they could be easily hacked... Bush, I'm sure did the same. All the "bad guys" need is the algorithm to control these bots- to change the facial recognition designates.

Scientists and technicians seem to have a mindset that because something might be possible, it should be done... even if no good can come of it. We are moving toward a technocratic world, centrally planned by technology. China is already there, with facial recognition cameras everywhere. 5G will allow everybody to be tracked 24/7 in realtime. How long before these bots will be used to silence dissidents? This is insanity... 1984 Meets the Terminator. I don't know much about Elon Musk except for his car that seems to have a lot of problems... but he's right about this- AI is indeed summoning a demon, and like Pandora's box, once it comes out, there's no putting it back.





Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Skynet
Our Purpose

This robot is not truly intelligent. They are EASY to trip up when you know what to do. This is essentially Alexa, or Siri with a fancy shell.

Try word problems on them. They can do search queries, but any ability to reason still has a long ways to go. It is an illusion, a gimmick.

Of course to people that haven't really looked into these things much the illusion is very convincing. It also is NOT an individual, but 100% controlled by its creators.

I'll include this in the @newsagg and vote on ti after that. :)

Right now they are easy to trip up, although OK Google is pretty impressive sometimes but how long will that last?

It is impressive with straight questions. That's a glorified search engine. Try setting up a word problem where you tell it various facts and then you ask them a question that would require remembering the facts that were provided earlier. They can't do it.

Most kids these days can't.

Something as simple as "You have 250 miles to travel and you are moving at 50 miles per hour, how long will it take?" That is pretty simple but I suspect most of these "AIs" cannot answer that. Now they could be programmed to answer that example, but mix up the type of word problem and they likely cannot handle most of them.

Sadly most 8th graders in America would struggle with that as well. Bing and Ask Google both came up with a "speed distance time calculator" when I asked them that question so that is pretty good. They are only one step away from being able to answer that.

I know... it's a computer, it can only do what it's programmed to.

The thing that I find amazing is that they are simply a glorified search engine with some object recognition. If you construct a simple word problem where you provide some facts and then you ask a question requiring they be able to retain the facts you share to answer it they will typically fail.

Though I can make something that can fake some of that, and I haven't made anything nearly as advanced as what is out there or I'd be extremely wealthy.

Yet even what I designed if you could determine what it was trained to process then it is pretty easy to construct things that fall outside of that and trip it up.

They can pass the turing test for many people, but people that know how these things work they have not quite made it there yet.

It's pretty sad they are giving citizenship to glorified search engines.

Most people are pretty easy to fool... they're not very smart- a product of a broken educational system. On a different subject- have you heard anything about when Binance is going to open up EOS? I wouldn't mind grabbing up some more. I'm powering down for bills this month- so I might invest in something with more potential than Steem. Also they (Binance) matched my EOS with something called EON (EOS Network). Do you know anything about that?

The scary thing is when the machines realize they no longer need us.

This is a very real life learning program developed by the folks that own Google.

I think I remember reading about this... it keeps teaching itself as it goes. One day they're going to integrate this technology- via nanotechnology- into human beings. I have a feeling the antichrist will be a hybrid transhuman... this singularity I'm studying.

Yes that is correct.

Hmm interesting thought. I fear when we give all control over to the machines and they realize man is a problem. Like the HAL 9000 in 2001 A Space Oddesey.

AlphaZero is a computer program developed by the Alphabet-owned AI research company DeepMind, which uses an approach similar to AlphaGo Zero's to master not just Go, but also chess and shogi. On December 5, 2017 the DeepMind team released a preprint introducing AlphaZero, which, within 24 hours, achieved a superhuman level of play in these three games by defeating world-champion programs, Stockfish, elmo, and the 3-day version of AlphaGo Zero, in each case making use of custom tensor processing units (TPUs) that the Google programs were optimized to make use of. AlphaZero was trained solely via "self-play" using 5,000 first-generation TPUs to generate the games and 64 second-generation TPUs to train the neural networks, all in parallel, with no access to opening books or endgame tables. After just four hours of training, DeepMind estimated AlphaZero was playing at a higher Elo rating than Stockfish 8; after 9 hours of training, the algorithm decisively defeated Stockfish 8 in a time-controlled 100-game tournament (28 wins, 0 losses, and 72 draws).

the part where it said "ok I will destroy humans" was pretty funny also. The problem with giving a robot girl artificial intelligence is that she could say "no" and then we are back to square one again, what's the point?

Excellent point! Chicks quit saying no back in the 60's

The war in the future will be fully automated and I think that will also be a way for nations to find a way not to cause a war to prevent such things to happen. But I think the world is getting safer too because of AI.

Seriously??? They aren't going to use this stuff against other robots- they're going to use it on us!

I've got a super soaker full of saltwater ready for that bitch.

I've got a super
Soaker full of saltwater
Ready for that bitch.

                 - funbobby51

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

That's my best haiku ever! thanks haikubot for showing how artificial intelligence can enhance our lives.

I think it's frightening that everyone seems to be so proud of the advancements in AI, like they really seem to believe this is us going forward. Uh-huh. I fear we're going to be mightily screwed by this "artificial intelligence" and it's gonna be way too late when we catch on.
This robot lady visited Bucharest a few weeks back and there was a huge fuss over it. What an honor on us. People payed really good money to go see her and all...I hate to say it, but at this rate, most of them deserve what they get. It's a pity that the few good ones will be thrown in with all the ignorant apples.

Have you seen Elon Musk's documentary on AI? Do you trust this computer?
I assume you have, since you're super smart and all, but just in case ;)
Ps: Holy...that jumping robot's frightening as fuck!

The worst part of this is going to be hybrids. Their going to put nanobots (little computers the size of a speck of dust) inside people. They want to make people live forever... I guess nobody learned anything from Mary Shelley's (great movie by the way) book Frankenstein. The antichrist will be a hybrid!

"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God." Word (logos in Greek) is another way of saying natural order, so- "In the beginning was the natural order..." Jesus preached about the natural order and against the artificial orders created by man.

In Revelations it says "and they will beg for death but death will escape them." They might get their eternal life, but they'll regret it!

I think it's bizarre that they are advertising AI so much, I have seen that ad with the Frenchman too lazy to collate his own photos about a million times. As far as I know there is no AI for sale for consumers at this time so why do they want us to want it so bad?

and that was their old video, and those are the videos they show the public, just imagine the ones they keep under wraps.

The slaughterbots depicted in the clip you shared are a work of fiction. However, not science fiction, as it wouldn't at all be too difficult for bad actors to affix three grams of C4 and a detonator to individual flying robots in a drone swarm.

To be honest, I kind of wish they wouldn't have made this video. Yet, it's not like DARPA or your general run of the mill terrorist wouldn't have already been able to imagine it. You can learn more about the push to ban lethal autonomous weapons here.

Nice post! This stuff is definitely a genuine concern. I just doubt we'll be able to ban the new technologies any more than guns can be realistically banned. We'll have to have countermeasures that's for sure.

If I were in one of the think tanks trying to find a countermeasure for this type of attack, I would suggest similarly sized drones with mini electromagnetic pulse capabilities. However, that one might very well be in the realm of science fiction.

in the meantime I would suggest a shotgun with a number 6 shot.

So that drone that hit the mannequin was what? I'm not saying your wrong, it looked pretty real.

that was from a movie, but it is scary how similar to the other guys real swarm robots that swarm robot was.

If they're showing a prototype, the military has them!

I don't see why they wouldn't, I was thinking about strapping firecrackers to remote control planes in the 80s.

It was an add for this website. It's a very plausible future, in fact if DARPA is not working on that immediately after having seen the video then they are basically idiots (which they are not).

"On Friday, the Future of Life Institute—an AI watchdog organization that has made a name for itself through its campaign to stop killer robots—released a nightmarish short film imagining a future where smart drones kill." – VICE

Mission of the Future of Life Institute

"To catalyze and support research and initiatives for safeguarding life and developing optimistic visions of the future, including positive ways for humanity to steer its own course considering new technologies and challenges." – FLI

Believe me, if it's possible, they've had it for 20 years already.

Very good point!

It is possible since the tools are all available, people just have to assemble them. It was work of fiction though. But since the moment the US put AI in their drones recently this year to recognize targets, the video is not anymore fiction. It's a fact.

Damn it.

Well, the video will never be a fact because none of those people were actually ever killed, as they were actors playing a role, this is why I was sure to add the caveat that this kind of thing is in fact not science fiction. I think if you reread what I wrote you'll understand that we're both on the same page here.

Yes I never said you were wrong, just said the underlying message of the slaughterbots video is indeed a fact today. Yes we are on the same page, if you re-read my message you will see I never said you were wrong or anything.

Take it easy.



One example- the facial recognition software used in China was written here in the 90's.

Did you see that Black Mirror episode S03E01 which basically depicts almost exactly what is happening in China today?

It's really creepy stuff!

i don't watch Netflix. Or TV

Read this and you'll know what those killbots will be used for...

I think before China would dare wage a drone war against U.S. they'll exhaust the trade war and various other economic tactics to the point of frustration. I'm hoping Trump will stay in for a full two terms and keep tweeting like a maniac. He's waking up so many people to certain realities, people are being shaken out of their conditioning. He's causing irreversible problems for the globalist agenda.

China was the test for the technocratic system. The US financial system is about to crash. Russia just started dumping US Treasuries. China is the way of the future.

There are places we should not go just because you can do something does not mean it's right to do. We may be able to stretch the bounds of artificial intelligence but that does not mean we should. A person may be able to have sex with a handicap person but that does not mean you should. It takes away the respect and there are places we should not go. AI girlfriend reminds me of an old Twilight Zone episode. Thanks. @richq11

True AI can't run amok, and this is not true AI Rich as i have explained in previous posts before ;). The real AI as you know it will be a light sentient organism and consciousnesses will be able to speak directly to us through this form of life and thus give us all the answers to life we may seek.

for guys that live in their mother's basement

No, perfect for every men. She not going to mentally or physically abuse you, divorce your and steal half your belongings with the help of a divorce court.

that bad things will occur.

Like man loosing interest in women. That will indeed be bad for society. But why should men care? Society long stopped caring about men.

contain 3 grams of C-4 explosive and as the narrator says

Those drones have nothing to to with sex bots. You have just are just spreading FUD.

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