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RE: How to be an InformationWar Activist - Part Six: The Personal Price (Updated)

in #informationwar7 years ago

I'm a huge advocate of Occam's Razor so I try to keep everything in as simple a perspective as possible. First, you're probably not going to change anything anyway- so don't let it bother you when it doesn't happen.

Second- if your motivation for doing it is self-promotion... you're in the wrong business (unless you're a media whore like Alex Jones). As I've said many times, doing the right thing is its own reward. Be satisfied with having done the right thing.

The wisest man I ever met said two things to me that will never leave the forefront of my thought... 1)There's a God- You ain't Him. 2)A spiritual man is a practical man.

Change what you can change. Don't worry about the rest too much, because there's nothing you can do about it anyway... it will only drive you crazy!


doing the right thing is its own reward. Be satisfied with having done the right thing.

this may be the best advice to stay grounded I have seen; I'm going to update the post with this.

I had thought about including the Serenity Prayer in the post, I may next time I update this...or I could go with this one

There's a God- You ain't Him.

Thanks, Rich

Reinhold Niebuhr who wrote the Serenity Prayer is a hero of Hillary Clinton... that pretty much destroys any credibility as far as I'm concerned. I'd go with Occam's Razor (or The KISS principle)

the only thing I think about about Hillary is:
she will never be President ;>

wait, that's not right...I also think
why isn't this bitch in jail yet. Let's get it done, Trump

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