
As long as she leaves, I will be happy.

It is ironic that if the liberals had Not opposed Kavenaugh so unfairly, they would have retained four more Senate seats, and they could have blocked this replacement.

Now they do Not have the control of the Senate they would need to do this blocking delay move. So they used up what power they had in futile resistance; saving nothing for the future.

Not very smart!


They're going to try to use the house to block legislation

Absolutely! I hope it works as well as the Kavanaugh witch hunt did for them. People are becoming tired of the obvious obstructions from the liberals.

Something else they are not used to, will be Trump calling them out on what they do, Directly.! He will also veto economy killing legislation; and he will call it that specifically.

I think he knows that he can remove enough of them for malfeasance that he can affect the majority in the house. He just needs to assign enough special prosecutors, and they can work in parallel!


I have a feeling that the election fraud is going to tie things up for a while now!

Yes, and unless there are serious consequences when malfeasance is proven; it will only get worse!

Since it IS High treason; those convicted should be hung!


There's never any accountability... the only ones punished are the whistleblowers!!!

We fix this or die. They have No soul, they sold theirs!

If we allow this we are to blame too. We must demand a FUNCTIONAL Judge on the Bench, not one who can not even stay awake long enough to do her job!


She's gone so Trump will get to pick another conservative judge.

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