
ron paul ran as an idependent in the 80s and 2008 and 2012 after trying to run as republican exempt in the 80s he ran for straight libertarian

I like Ron Paul- he's fundamentally an honest guy. I like Ralph Nader. I was on a panel with him at an academic conference and we had lunch afterward. I disagree with almost everything he says, but I respect him.

Not honest enough, with the people. And Nader was also bankrolled and advised by Rockefellers: Gary Allen's The Rockefeller File
Ralph Nader, the man who once told an audience that what we need is "somekind of communism" is also bankrolled by the Rockefeller network in his attempt to destroy the free enterprise system. Among the groups financing the Caped Crusader are the ubiquitous Ford Foundation and the Field Foundation, both CFR interlocked. Nader is not really fighting the Establishment. He works for it. According to a Business Week article reprinted in the Congressional Record of March 10, 1971, John D. Rockefeller IV is even an advisor to Nader.

John Andersen was also a member of the CFR and Trilateral Commission (Establishment/elites/Rockefeller).
The Council on Foreign Relations And the Trilateral Commission
The two organizations that run the United States
by Melvin Sickler
1980 James Carter = CFR, founding Trilateral; Reagan = United World Federalists; G.H.W. Bush = CFR, Trilateral, CIA; Anderson = CFR, Trilateral.
Anderson wasn't so independent, after all. A CFR, Trilateral telling the truth is almost historical.

The Insiders, by John F. McManus
In New Hampshire, for instance, where the first presidential primary is held every fourth
February, most of the candidates for the Republican nomination were happily responding to
voters that they were "not now and never have been" members of Davld Rockefeller's
Trilateral Commission or his Council on Foreign Relations. But Republican candidates
George Bush and John Anderson could not join in such a response because each had
connections to both of these elitist organizations.

If you come across somebody who's perfect let me know.

We're talking about a conspiracy - to enslave and conquer the world. It's not a If you come across somebody who's perfect let me know kind of a situation. Sounds like a cop out. How is humanity going to get out of this mess with that attitude, and when people deny facts.

Larry McDonald...100% conservative, constitutional rating while in The Congress; Barry Goldwater, John Rarick, John G. Schmitz...were on to the Conspiracy and possibly true opposition.
During his tenure in office, Congressman McDonald always scored a solid 100 percent in “The Conservative Index,” then published in The Review Of The News (the predecessor to The New American). McDonald also scored a 100 percent rating from both Americans for Conservative Action and the National Conservative Political Action Committee’s (NCPAC) “Conservative Index.”

I'm sure you;ll fix everything when you become president

OK. I present facts you respond with childish sarcasm and passive aggression.

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