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RE: Normalizing Pedophilia- The Next Step In Destroying America

in #informationwar6 years ago (edited)

It was probable NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Assn.) It's for real and they have no intention of letting up. Normalizing homosexuality was only the beginning... they want pedophilia, bestiality, I think 12 perversions in all... all in one fell swoop!


Started in the Weimar Republic around 1920 Prussia and Germany. And so, almost a century later we return back to the same predicament.

How much more can the common man accept in the name of diversity before completely rejecting it? Not much more I think.

I was thinking about that when writing it... Germany under Weimar was a cesspool of openly perverse nightclubs catering to about any kind of deviant behavior you can think of!

The word diversity itself is based on division and nobody I'm aware of has figured out a way to unite people through division!

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