Pedophilia Overview: The Dreams Return

in #informationwar6 years ago

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I had originally intended to write about pedophilia in churches, but last night I had a dream- the kind of dream I haven't had since childhood. Most people that follow me know about my past, particularly about the abuse of my childhood, one of the reasons I try not to sleep. Most of the dreams I have are about Vietnam, something that weighs heavily upon my soul, but last night I had a dream of childhood- a nightmare so profound that my hands are shaking while writing about it. This dream went far past anything I suffered into the realm of evil almost supernatural, a dream of torture and ritual abuse. I awoke at 1:00 AM feeling like I was in a swimming pool I had sweated so much. I don't know what set it off, all I can say is that it was terrifying... so I'll use this as a lead in to my post on religious-based sexual abuse.

In an article for Health Impact News, John P. Thomas makes several excellent observations, first:

There is No Child Love in Pedophilia

Acts of child molestation are commonly called pedophilia. Pedophilia is defined as “child love.” Clearly this term is a misnomer – there is nothing loving about raping children, feeding children into the sex trade, torturing children and using mind control techniques to turn them into slaves, or tying them to altars where they are gang raped prior to being mutilated and killed as an offering to Satan.

Thomas goes on to redefine pedophiles as Pedovores and/or Paedo-predators because they prey upon the element of society least able to defend itself- children. 

 Pedovores use children as consumable products. They freely use them for their sexual gratification, for their financial gain, and for Satanic rituals.

This article is the next installment in the series about child molestation and the predators who destroy the lives of children. The first two articles focused on the scandals rocking the Catholic Church.

What our research has uncovered is that the issue of predators destroying the lives of children are much more widespread than we ever imagined. 

What tomorrow's post will uncover is that although the sexual predations within the Catholic Church are the most advertised, this goes far beyond into almost every sect of Christianity. Thomas writes that there are four different types of pedophilic crimes that are commmitted on children. " These crimes can be roughly organized into four categories, though there is most certainly overlap between the crimes: (1) child molestation, (2) child pornography and prostitution, (3) child sacrifice, and (4) trauma-based mind control slavery." He goes on to describe all four...


1. Child Molestation

These children are fondled, exposed to various forms of sexual activity, and anally, orally or vaginally raped.

These children usually reside in local communities with their parents or caregivers and are victimized by pedovores who also live in the same communities. They are usually released by pedovores after molestation. Sometimes children are killed, but not usually.The full extent of damage caused by molestation is often not immediately seen.

Molestation is like a slow acting poison – it permeates every aspect of a child’s life for many years to come.

As these children mature their lives will be marked by dysfunctional relationships, depressions, low self-esteem, distorted views of sex, mistrust of adults, and immune system suppression which eventually unfolds in long-term chronic illness. 


2. Child Pornography and Prostitution 

Children are kidnapped and trafficked into the international sex trade. They can be raped by the hour and may only live a few years before the physical and emotional damage is so severe that their captors simply kill them, because they are no longer useful or profitable. [1]

They are used to make child pornography films and possibly child “snuff films.” Snuff films show actual film footage of people being raped, tortured, and killed to stimulate the sexual pleasure of those who purchase the videos on the dark web.

You won’t find links to real snuff films in an internet search since they are recordings of criminal activities. For this reason, there is considerable propaganda that suggests that snuff films just don’t exist. [7]

Evidence, however, is strong that recordings of children being tortured, raped, and killed are being made for high price purchasers who can pay several thousand dollars per video 


3. Child Torture and Sacrifice

Other children are kidnapped and channeled into dark occult activities where they are destroyed and consumed in Satanic rituals. Their lives are taken on altars dedicated to Satan, Lucifer, Moloch, and other “gods” of darkness.

 The sacrificial ritual usually begins with gang raping of the child. Children are further tortured by cutting, stabbing, and other types of mutilation designed to cause pain and intense fear, which produces high levels of adrenaline in the blood.

Sometimes the adrenalin-rich blood is consumed by the pedovores to get an intense adrenalin rush. The pedovores may enjoy watching the child bleed to death or they may hasten the process of death by dismemberment.

Sometimes babies are burned alive as sacrifices dedicated to Moloch as has been done for more than 3,000 years 


4. Trauma-Based Mind Control Slavery

Extremely sophisticated techniques of physical torture and emotional abuse are used to break the consciousness of children into pieces to create children with multiple personalities.

The most effective programming happens during the first 6 or 7 years of life. Programming sometimes begins in the womb with electroshock abuse. [3]

The programing is designed to create a permanent replacement for the true self. The slave is intended to obey their “handlers” and the needs of their secret organizations. A handler is a person who manages, monitors, and fortifies the mind control process to be sure the programming does not fail. [3, 9]

Compassion, empathy, independent thinking, and love for others is driven far underground so that the lives of the mind-controlled slave will be dominated by greed and lust for power, and obedience to their handlers. 

 Sometimes the goal of mind control programmers is to create a slave with multiple personalities who will have multiple lives, which are intended to be completely disconnected from one another.

These victims are managed by handlers who maintain the programming and establish tasks for the slave to complete. The handlers are able to use the programing to force the slave to switch from one personality (alter) to another and do the bidding of the handler. [9, 10]

The mind control techniques used with children were enhanced after World War II through research done under the CIA’s MK-Ultra program. Former Nazi researchers, such as Josef Mengele, were brought to the United States through Project Paperclip to mastermind and refine these techniques 

Most of us that are aware of the varying degrees of pedophilia are familiar with many of these things, however, for the initiate this should shed some light on exactly what has been going on in elite circles for decades if not centuries. To believe that this is a small or localized problem is to vastly underestimate the depth of this evil... estimates show that 8 million children go missing worldwide each year... I suppose that makes me one of the fortunate ones- I was found.

 The working assumption yet to be proven is that the totality of the children disappearing worldwide is toward 8 million children [annually]. In the United States of America, the acknowledged number, not counting the children being bred without birth certificates and not counting the children being imported without documentation, is between 600,000 and 800,000 a year.

I personally believe that the number that we want to try to document is rising well beyond the official figures and we have yet to learn what the actual number is.

One need only look at our southern border and the push by Democrats and "open borders" advocates such as George Soros who funds much of these movements globally, and ask why. Why are these people so vested in children brought into the US, most often without a parent or guardian? The propaganda says to offer them a better life, but I think we all know better than that... without papers these children are impossible to trace.

This is the part that, coupled with my nightmare, that bothers me...

 It is important to note that even though trauma-based mind control programming involving torture and repeated rape is intended to last for a lifetime, it can fail when unanticipated events trigger the release of memories.

When this happens, memories of trauma, abuse, and activities committed as slaves begin to flow into the consciousness of the true self. Sometimes the process starts with unexplainable nightmares or vivid memory fragments that pop into the mind.

The recollection and assimilation of hidden memories is often a very messy process with intense emotional volatility. A person might think he or she is going insane as horrific memories are re-experienced.

The restoration of a unified consciousness (single personality) can be achieved through the use of various deprogramming techniques and with the assistance of loving helpers.

When my mother died I was immediately taken by two people, an "aunt & uncle," neither of whom I had ever seen before. They kept me a very short time after which the torture and rape began at the hands of Willie, a pedo-sadist. All I have is flashes- memory fragments. My memories about the rest of my life are clear. Willie was in the dream last night along with other people I didn't know. Their faces were distorted, like creatures out of a horror movie and they were killing children by tearing them apart... I can still hear them shrieking. I was trying to hide so they wouldn't find me, then I woke up.


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One way of shaking this evil perpetrated against you off your spirit is to forgive them.. Even if memories are distorted, your happiness doesn't depend on any human - but Christ alone. It is only through Jesus that we can be free. Lay it to the feet of His cross.

Maybe Jesus is telling me that I need to lay off for awhile- I have too much vested emotionally. My dreams are always about Vietnam and my own sins, I haven't had a dream about this since childhood.

As you have repented, take this to heart:

Rom 8:1
There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

I know that my future is secure, but I have to live with the actions of my past... that is my penance.

That's talk right from the pit of hell. Stop it. Do you believe man or God? Once repented, you're in the clear.

Isaiah 53:1
Who has believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?

Isaiah 1:18
Come now, and let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

That's for the next life... you're supposed to be remorseful for your sins and contrite.

Yes, but once you repented, it's done.
How would you like your children to come to you, as their father, and they repent every day, mourning their already forgiven mistakes over and over again, being unhappy? God forgives because He also wants us to be happy and prosper, not dwell on mistakes of the past. Only the devil accuses.

Much love, Rich.

I agree. Pedovore is much more accurate.

I'm not surprised about the dream. That info about the birth certificates and so on I'm sure was triggering. It takes a while to get ya unexpectedly. Not to mention all the posts on this and the CPS subject on here. It is true you may have been programmed to some degree (either in childhood or in the military) and are not aware of it. You may have been or may be in the future activated to some degree by happen stance. This is true of any survivor who lives free in society. Deprogramming is likely not to happen in my opinion. Anyone who who is skilled in this would be part of the problem. How else would they be able to undo it. Nope. I don't trust any of that. Pray. Believe it or not. Pray for protection of mind and spirit. Sounds crazy but I was having nightmares and sleep paralysis again several times a week and I started praying before going to sleep. It stopped. I fall asleep praying most night now.

I pray every night... I try to say a Rosary but usually fall asleep before I'm done. I don't know why they would program me, it's not like I had any aversion to the stuff they wanted me to do.

I don't pray a pre-arranged prayer. I literally just talk to Father and ask for company, comfort, and protection while I sleep. I ask questions, chat about my day, whatever. Like hanging out with a friend.

Sometimes they program people for experimental purposes. To see if background, personality type, past trauma, lack of past trauma and so on effect the process. They need to try out the most modern methods as well. It is of course very possible they didn't in your case. Who knows, you wouldn't remember it. You might...might....remember missing time but that would be it. Your memory in general is pretty intact though for much programming in your life. I am amazed at how much of your life you remember. Alot of details. If you were, it was when you were very very young. Hence the blur of all that.

So glad you are continuing to cover this evil. As you know, most of my posts deal with VOP and their ministry of combating this at the southern border.

One need only look at our southern border and the push by Democrats and "open borders" advocates

A few posts back I uncovered a contract Pima county has with a group called Humane Borders that awarded them 30,000.00 to set up supply stations for the traffickers in the desert.

I saw Lewis confront them down at the border... this is all support for the traffickers and drug mules. Tucson/Pima Cty. is a huge part of the trafficking in Arizona and it's filthy dirty from the mayor down to the police, CPS, the family court... they are all involved, actively I believe! Thank God for VOP down there fighting the good fight!

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