Fait Accompli: The Endgame Of The Elites

in #informationwar7 years ago

Sustainable Development: I has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? It sounds almost noble... except that it's not. Quite the opposite in fact- sustainable development is a one of the pet codewords of the elites. I've written lately about how Planned Parenthood and other elitist eugenics organizations are in the process of depopulating the earth, using vaccines, disease, sterilization, wars, etc., not so that development can be sustained, but so they and not the meek as the Bible says, can inherit the earth. They use catchy solgans such as "quality of life," "sustainable development," "choice," "reproductive rights," when in fact it's the opposite of these things they have in mind. Like George Carlin so eloquently points out- "it's a big club and you ain't in it." I'm sure you won't mind, after all it's for your own good... think of Mother Earth... Think of the children!

To understand the elite's plan, you need look no further than the Georgia Guidestones... it's all there in several languages. Limit the world's population to 500 million and impose a world government overseen by the UN... and in case you forgot, "you ain't in it." Who are the 500 million? The elites and willing slaves that serve them. Think about it- if you have the choice of being killed or a live of voluntary servitude. I know what I'd chose, but I think I'm in the minority. Like my t-shirt says "there are things worse than death."

Our water supply is being poisoned. In addition to industrial pollutants, most metropolitan water supplies are fluoridated. Vaccines cause irreperable harm to children. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been providing "free" vaccines throughout the 3rd world that cause polio, ebola, sterility and a plethora of other ailments. One such vaccine uses tissue from aborted babies. Think about it- what conceivable medical benefit can come from aborted babiy parts? (see link) According to Gates, he's "doing God's work." I, for one, wonder what God? Gates is not alone- the Rockefeller Foundation has been at this for decades. It almost makes the Clinton Foundation look like good guys because they just pocket their donations.

In the following video numerous people speak of the "Regime," a new world order governed by the United Nations whose sole purpose is implementing the eugenics program began by Hitler in the 1930's. Julian Huxley, the first president of UNESCO (United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization) speaks of a single world culture. You may remember Huxley (the brother of Aldus Huxley) from my series on Tavistock Institute.

These elites use catch words and the climate scare to get the useful idiots to embrace their perverted worldview and with it, their own demise. I believe these people have been fooled into thinking that they're in "the club." The UN is working toward world peace- that is their purpose. Like the eugenicists that wish to eliminate poverty by eliminating the poor, the UN wants to promote world peace by eliminating 90% of the population... and that means you!


Excellent post, sir!
I've never thought of it as 'die or live a life of voluntary servitude' and I think it's a very good description. Also, I agree, there are worse things than death (I wish I had a tshirt like that!)
Thank you.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance:Depopulation Programs

There is too much to address in a comment, but It is unfathomable that they would want to reduce the population to 500 million. Really that they would decrease the population at all, because current estimates believe it will plateau below 10 billion....that's even the UN's estimate. That is because developed nations have less children further along in their development. Now, if any body has the means to control the world in that way, it would be through monetary manipulation and suppression. Money is the key because it gives the people the illusion that they can control and have influence in their fate. Killing people would result in violent uprising, but money is subtle slavery.

You're right! I did a post yesterday that shows that the entire population of earth would fit comfortably in a area the size of Texas (in single family homes). These elitists are racists... the 500 million don't include many people of color except people like Obama, Oprah Winfrey, and people like that. It's basically just rich white people and a few subservient slaves.

Well, this is a nice post for awareness but is it already too late to resist on things or is there still time to begin? or what does matter to stop classifying to society as all destroys the nature that is a neccesity to being alive.

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I think that Illuminate can begin depopulation by eliminating themselves ^^

There is no plan to decrease the world population or the world's corporations might get smaller number of customers.

For control.

The willingly servile people who are cowed, mind body and soul.
The biggest fear a narcissist / psychopath has is losing control.

With so many free thinking people, then they start losing control.
When the MSmockingbirdM has its ratings plummet and stupid little start-ups on ThouTube have sky-rocketing ratings, TPTshouldn'tB get scared.

So, what they want is a dumbed down, just smart enough to work the machines, underclass to perform for them. They want everyone chipped, and everyone to live inside packed cities where everything is monitored and controlled.

does the observations fit the hypothesis?
Does Occams' razor shave close?

From the study of narcissism and looking into readings of these mosters (in human clothes), such as Tragedy and Hope, yes, the observations fit close. Way too close for my liking.

Great post and good information.Thanks for sharing.i uovoted and following updets....

The game is that they cause all of this, then remove our liberty through regulations meant to protect the environment supposedly but it's just caging us to their system

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