America's #1 Foreign Enemy

in #informationwar6 years ago

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We typically think that our enemies come from the world of Communism, China, the old USSR, and now Russia, but we've had a more insidious enemy, one that's been trying to take America over almost since its inception- the UK. When you look at the countries of the British Commonwealth such as Canada and Australia their leaders serve at the pleasure of the Queen, any independence is merely an illusion. Since the early part of the 19th century, Britain, still stinging from their defeat, has been trying to get America back into the fold.

When the Napoleonic Wars ended, the Rothschilds held an enormous amount of British bonds. Whether or not it gave them a voting majority is unclear, however, they had enough to affect foreign as well as domestic policy. The War of 1812 was fought over America's refusal to allow a Rothschild owned central bank to control our economy... it took them another hundred years to accomplish that. After the Civil War the attempts began again, had it not been for Russia interceding on our behalf, the Brits may have been successful.

It took until 1913 to achieve their goal, when under the administration of Woodrow Wilson, a feckless academic whose administration was one blunder after another, when Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act- during Christmas Holiday while most of the Senate was at home it should be noted. But their victory wasn't complete- that would take another 20 years. It was under FDR, another feckless individual with absolutely no leadership qualities that the Emergency Banking Act of 1933 was passed. Roosevelt, an acolyte of British "economist" (and I use the term in its loosest possible connotation) John Maynard Keynes used this devastating piece of legislation to cede ownership of America to the Federal Reserve, a private bank owned by the Rothschilds and their diaspora of corrupt European bankers.

The Emergency Banking Act transformed America from a sovereign nation into a corporation. A sovereign nation can't declare bankruptcy but a corporation can you see. Roosevelt, with their permission, dissolved Congress, declared insolvency and sold the debt to the Federal Reserve naming the American taxpayers as guarantors. This gave the Federal Reserve (and the Rothschild's Bank of England) "ownership" of the United States. But it didn't stop there.

During WWII, the American forces started the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the precursor of our CIA. They were very closely aligned with the British MI-5 and MI-6... so close as to be almost indistinguishable.  MI-5 is much like our FBI- working within the UK and MI-6 like our CIA working outside. The relationship is so close that all intelligence gathered is shared between the US and British Commonwealth (FVEY) or Five Eyes- The US, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand... this would become critical in the Trump/Russia collusion hoax. When John F. Kennedy threatened to "smash the CIA into a thousand pieces," that meant that the relationship between the CIA and MI-5 and MI-6 would be revealed.

One further issue- the declassifying of the FISA documents. When President Trump began talking about the declas, the members of FVEY- the UK in particular began to sweat. Teresa May practically begged the president not to declassify... they were up to their eyeballs in the collusion hoax. The Obama administration used MI-6 (GCHQ the computer department, similar to our NSA) to spy on the Trump campaign, so the UK has as much to lose as Hillary, Obama, the CIA, if the documents are declassified. There's a lot more at stake than just using MI-6 to spy... the declas would unveil the British plan to incorporate the US back into the Commonwealth... only this time they're playing for much higher stakes. The globalist plan- the New World Order- is just the reinstatement of the British Empire that at one time practically ruled the world. The NWO would be run out of London (financial) Washington DC (military) and Rome (the Vatican)... but primarily out of London- the headquarters of the Rothschilds.

Whether or not we can take this country back is a matter for conjecture... it will take a lot more than the Trump presidency, the UK has had their tentacles into America for decades- the cultural marxists at the Tavistock Institute have been spewing propaganda and have amassed an army of useful idiots working overtime to destroy America. Like I said, Russia and China are only diversions, out real enemies are much closer to home.


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An incredibly lucid post! Sad that we only gain such wisdom as the result of making horrible mistakes LOL.

Regarding enemies and allies, it has been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt to me that those I trust most are best able to do me harm, as they have penetrated my defenses. It is not the obvious threats that most endanger us - it is our friends and loved ones. This is just as true politically as personally, and sadly so.


I think they never quite got over having their collective asses handed to them by a bunch of untrained farmers!

Queens and Kins of the cesspool that is Europe.

The new self-appointed King in service of the blue-bloods is the uncontested heir of the Third Reich fortune Herr Jean-Claude Juncker, whose family manufactured the airplanes of the German war machine back in the days.

Good going.

I remember reading about The Junkers they were bombers if I remember right!

Mighty little things. Did great till the first jet was in production. Look at that wing design!

Interesting theory you got there. Laughings apart, it is well-known and extensively documented the efforts of the Rostchilds to govern the State's economy in the last two hundred years or so. They are said to be part of the global government some conspiracy theorists claim...

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